population doubling time cell culture

ATCC DMEM/F12 medium (ATCC 30-2006) has a reduced sodium bicarbonate concentration (1,500 mg/L) for use with 5% CO2.

The temperature of the water bath will drop.

In closed systems the level of CO2 is regulated by the metabolism of the cells. Keep up to date with our events, news, and more. The PDL of a culture describes the age of the cells in terms of the number of doublings the population has undergone to reach a given point in the life of the culture. For some cells that are loosely attached, a sharp blow with the palm of your hand against the side of the flask can dislodge them. L-Glutamine degradation results in the build-up of ammonia which can have a deleterious effect on some cell lines.

In the example, two hours pass between the population measurements.

If the cells have not been diluted, this factor will be 10. The population doubling time of a culture is calculated by the following equation: PDT in hours = ln2 * (hours of culture) / ln(fold change in cell number) The dissociating procedure was too harsh.

Explore the use of this cell line in industrial biotechnology or as a transfection host.

Table 3: Supplements and antibiotics product list, Table 4: Buffers, stains and dissociation reagents product list, Table 5: Cryopreservation reagents product list, Table 6: Supplements and antibiotics product list, Table 7: Cell proliferation assays and mycoplasma detection.

Further, each lot is tested for its ability to support cell growth and is the same sera used in ATCC labs.

Depending upon the cell type, suspension cultures are seeded at densities from 2 104 to 5 105 viable cells/mL and can attain densities of 2 106 cell/mL.

WebDESIGN: Bone marrow was aspirated from the tibia and mandible of 3-4 month-old pigs (n=4), followed by BMSC isolation, culture-expansion and characterization by flow cytometry.


See descriptions of ATCC cell culture products.

This expression is distinguished from in vitro neoplastic transformation in that the alterations occurring in the cell population may not always include the ability of the cells to produce tumors in appropriate hosts. Most manufacturers offer dishes in four diameters: 35 mm, 60 mm, 100 mm, and 150 mm. Before you start, consider some potential hotspots that can profoundly affect your experimental results, such as the quality of your starting materials, execution of proper laboratory technique, and organization of your workspace.

Antibiotics can mask contamination by mycoplasma and resistant bacteria. Population doubling level (PDL) is the total number of times the cells in a given population have doubled during in vitro culture. It is well documented in the literature that cell phenotype and function can change the more times cells replicate in vitro. Despite the confirmation of their HeLa cell origin, cytogenetic analysis suggests that there are differences among these HeLa-derived cell lines. It is an extremely rich and complex medium and will support the growth of a broad range of cell types in both serum and serum-free formulations. A heritable change occurring in cells in culture, either intrinsically or from treatment with chemical carcinogens, oncongenic viruses, irradiation, transfection with oncogenes, etc., which leads to the acquisition of altered morphological, antigenic, neoplastic, proliferative, or other properties.

Fetal serum is a rich source of growth factors and is appropriate for cell cloning and for the growth of fastidious cells.

Avoid repeated freeze-thaws by dispensing and storing in aliquots.

H Cell proliferation (population J. Tissue Culture Methods 16: 87-94, 1994.

Care should be used when handling any DMSO solution as it will rapidly penetrate intact skin and may carry toxic contaminants along with it.

Cellular debris may also be observed in healthy cell populations. Generation of safety stocks to ensure against loss of the culture from equipment failures or contamination by microorganisms or other cell lines. The roller bottle was developed for cultivating large numbers of anchorage-dependent cells.20 Today they provide a more economical means for cultivating large volumes of cells using essentially the same culture techniques as with flasks but with considerably less labor. Subculturing is a simple matter of dilution. Continue to monitor the cells and subculture them every three days. To ensure viability, genetic stability, and phenotypic stability, cell lines need to be maintained in the exponential phase. References. The formula for calculating PDL is PDL

One of the most reliable methods to study DNA polymorphisms is the profiling of short tandem repeats (STR) by PCR amplification followed by capillary electrophoresis.28 STR profiles for all ATCC human cell lines are available on the website in the catalog descriptions.
Then add 1 to 1.8 mL of the cell suspension to each of the vials (depending upon the volume of the vial) and seal. Spike your medium and your cell growth rate may increase.

ATCC Hams F-12K (ATCC 30-2004) has a reduced sodium bicarbonate concentration (1,500 mg/L) for use with 5% CO2.

For example, the snail embryo requires medium of about 155 mOsm/kg, while some insect cells prefer 360 mOsm/kg to 375 mOsm/kg. Pyruvate may help in maintaining certain specialized cells, in clonal selection, in reducing the serum concentration of the medium,7 and in reducing fluorescent light-induced phototoxicity.10 Cellular metabolism of pyruvate produces carbon dioxide which is given off into the atmosphere and becomes bicarbonate in the medium. Proliferation rates were assessed using population doubling times.

Put the bottles in a 37C water bath and gently agitate from time to time to mix the solutes that tend to concentrate at the bottom of the bottle.

Eliminating contamination from a cell line is time consuming and does not always work. It also contains HEPES and selenium. Hemocytometers are excellent for determining cell viability, but are not precise for determining cell number due to the relatively low number of cells actually counted. Insect and amphibian cells require lower temperatures (such as 28C) as do some animal cell lines which are temperature sensitive for their phenotypic characteristics.

Hold the cell suspension on ice if there will be a delay between removing the cells from the flask growth surface and seeding a new flask.

Focus on the quadrants, labeled 1, 2, 3, and 4 in, Record the number of cells in each section. These advantages include: As the cell suspension is cooled below the freezing point, ice crystals form and the concentration of the solutes in the suspension increases.

Nonviable cells will be stained red (erythrosin B) or dark blue (trypan blue). The percentage of cells plated (seeded, inoculated) which attach to the surface of the culture vessel within a specified period of time.

WebThe doubling time of a population that grows exponentially is symbolized as T double, so our rabbit population in the previous paragraph has T double = 6 (months). Similarly, no differences were observed for doubling time G Bar graph representation of cell recovery after 24-h cell culture. A culture started from cells, tissues, or organs taken directly from organisms. Removal of complement is usually unnecessary, but can be important when preparing or assaying viruses or in cytotoxicity tests. Unscrew the top of the vial and transfer the contents to a sterile centrifuge tube containing 9 mL of the recommended medium. Store both in aliquots protected from light. The same approach can be used to adapt cells to serum-free medium; simply decrease the serum level in the medium by half with each passage until a 0.06% (or lower) serum level is reached.

(See Figure 2.) HCC38 and MCF7 cells were plated in 96-well flat-bottom plates (Corning Life Science) at a density of 7.5 10 3 cells per well in

In any published description of a culture, one must make every attempt to publish the characterization or history of the culture. Examine the cell cultures after 24 hours and subculture as needed. For additional information, refer to the section on microbial contamination. RPMI-1640 is a modification of McCoys 5A and was developed for the long-term culture of peripheral blood lymphocytes. Moving monolayer cultures which are grown primarily in roller bottles.

Density-dependent inhibition of growth. Transfer a small amount of cell suspension to the edge of each of the two counting chambers.
They have a finite replicative capacity and begin to slow down and eventually stop dividing after 20 to 80 population doublings.1 Recent evidence suggests that some of the observed cellular senescence in cell culture may be due to inappropriate culture conditions as opposed to a predetermined replicative senescence.2 Still other data support replicative senescence for the cells of some species (notably human) even when grown in improved culture conditions. Erythrosin B stain generates more accurate results with fewer false negatives and false positives.

WebKeywords: cell culture, cell doubling-time, time laps microscopy 1. ATCC 30-2005Iscove's Modified Dulbecco's Medium (IMDM). Phenol red, a pH indicator, is added to medium to colorimetrically monitor changes in pH.

Over time, they should adapt to growth in suspension and attain a constant growth rate.

Passage number. Most cells are happier in a crowd. Feeder layer cells supply a crowd by conditioning the medium through metabolic leakage and/or the active secretion of growth and other factors.

The culture grown in the original medium serves as a reference point as well as a safeguard in case the adapting cells do not survive the process.

BME was developed for culturing mouse L cells (ATCC CCL-1) and HeLa cells (ATCC CCL-2). For most cell lines, ammonia toxicity is more critical for cell viability than L-glutamine limitation. Plating efficiency.

A cell strain is derived either from a primary culture or a cell line by the selection or cloning of cells having specific properties or markers.


These systems are the most economical in terms of space, labor and media; as a result, stirred suspension cultures are usually the method of choice for producing large volumes of cells both in the lab and in industry. This includes unusual pH shifts (yellow or purple color from the phenol red), turbidity, or particles. The interval, calculated during the logarithmic phase of growth in which cells double in number; for example, 1.0 x 106 cells increase to 2.0 x 106 cells. It may be necessary to examine the cured culture to determine if it is sufficiently similar to the original line.

More recently, ATCC and other cell repositories have used DNA polymorphisms in addition to enzyme polymorphisms, HLA typing, and karyotyping to confirm the identity of their cell lines. Three decades of fish cell culture: A current listing of cell lines derived from fishes. The percentage of cells plated (seeded, inoculated) that form a colony.

The in vitro resemblance of cells in culture to a tissue in form, function, or both.

CO2 dissolves freely into the medium and reacts with water to form carbonic acid.

the number of times the cell population has doubled.

To prevent feeder layer cells from overgrowing the cells of interest, they are treated to prevent division.

Jurgens WJ, Oedayrajsingh-Varma MJ, Helder MN, Zandiehdoulabi B, Schouten TE, Kuik DJ, Ritt MJ, van Milligen FJ.

Cells that can grow either attached or in suspension (many transformed cell lines such as HeLa and BHK-21). Other variations of freeze medium formulations include high (up to 90%) concentrations of serum which presumably supplies some cryoprotection as well as additional growth factors; use of a balanced salt solution designed for hypothermal conditions in place of medium designed for 37C incubation; and the addition of apoptotic inhibitors which may prevent delayed onset cell death following recovery.21 Optimum formulations for individual cell lines need to be determined empirically. The tissue genotype, source and population doubling time of commonly used cell lines are presented. Only this time, almost every cell in the tumor is immune to the magic bullet from earlier.

(in hours; eg, 5hr, or whatever) In a subsequent experiment (with the same cells; same 15 hr doubling time), a pulse-chase experiment Thawing should be rapid, approximately 2 minutes or until ice crystals have melted.

Determine whether the cells are ready to be passaged, based on the characteristics of the culture: cell density and doubling time, Getting Started with an ATCC Cell Line

Many require the digestion of their protein attachment bonds with proteolytic enzymes such as trypsin/EDTA. Like you, were committed to protecting the health of our colleagues. There are several commercially available freezing chambers which achieve a cooling rate very close to the ideal 1C per minute (Mr. Frosty, Nalgene 5100-0001; or StrataCooler, Agilent Technologies 401349).

In contrast, the osmolality requirements for some invertebrate cell lines fall outside of this range. The addition of cryoprotectant agents such as glycerol or dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) will mitigate these effects. Also, microbial contamination or precipitates in the cell culture are more readily apparent. In some instances, glucose is replaced with galactose to decrease lactic acid build-up, as galactose is metabolized at a slower rate. The traditional microbiological usage of this term implied that the DNA being transferred was derived from a virus. Cells cryopreserved using Serum-Free Freezing Medium show levels of viability and percent attachment (adherent cells) that are comparable to cells preserved in DMSO and FBS.

Wash your hands well when entering and leaving the lab.

This proprietary formulation contains 10% DMSO and methylcellulose is suitable for the cryopreservation of adherent and suspension cell cultures.

WebThe effects of sepsis serum on ADSC surface markers and cell differentiation were analyzed by flow cytometry, and the proliferation of ADSCs was assessed using a Cell Counting Kit-8 (CCK-8) assay.

Add additional serum or specific enzyme inhibitors (eg, soybean trypsin inhibitor) to the neutralizing medium or centrifuge (5 minutes at 125 g) the cells down from the dissociation solution and resuspend in fresh medium. Open-system plastic dishes are less expensive than closed-system flasks, but require more expensive incubators that can regulate the CO2 and humidity in the atmosphere.