polish deportation to siberia

The Soviet Union never officially declared war on Poland and ceased to recognise the Polish state at the start of the invasion. 5.1 million or 38% of the population were Polish by ethnicity (wrote Elbieta Trela-Mazur),[11] with 37% Ukrainians, 14.5% Belarusians, 8.4% Jews, 0.9% Russians and 0.6% Germans. The trains travelled in extreme cold temperatures, hands would get stuck to the side of trains and ripping skin off was a real hazard. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Later on, scouting teams were organized. Additional Polish transports arrived in late 1943. Once youve identified a location of deportation, you can enter the place of deportation in the search to obtain a list of all the deported to that location. She wanted us to go either to India or Africa, as it was closer to Europe. WebAfter the November Uprising of 183031 some 50,000 Polish captives including 30,000 soldiers and officers were deported to Caucasus and Siberia. The chairs of Marxism-Leninism, and Dialectical and Historical Materialism, aimed at strengthening Soviet ideology, were opened as well. In the first stage, more than 30,000 military personnel and about 11,000 children left Krasnovodsk (Turkmen SSR, present-day Turkmenistan) by sea for Bandar Pahlavi. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. The last camp that was built in Northern Rhodesia at Abercorn (today's Mbala, Zambia). It lasted until 16 January 1943, at which point it was effectively revoked. WebThe decoration Sybir Deportee Cross was established on October 17 th, 2003 in order to recognise and commemorate the sufferings of Polish citizens deported to Siberia, Kazakhstan and Northern Russia from 1939 to 1956. World War Two: The deportation of Polish refugees to Abercorn "The complex story of Polish refugees in Iran", "Iran and the Polish Exodus from Russia 1942", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Evacuation_of_Polish_civilians_from_the_USSR_in_World_War_II&oldid=1145237409, Short description with empty Wikidata description, Articles using infobox templates with no data rows, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Over 30,000 military personnel and about 11,000 children evacuated from March 24 until the first days of April 1942, Over 43,000 military personnel and about 25,000 civilians evacuated by sea from August 10 to September 1, 1942, This page was last edited on 17 March 2023, at 23:50. Transports of scouts, which went to Palestine, were directed to Camp Bashit.

[2] There were four waves of deportations of entire families with children, women, and elderly people aboard freight trains from 1940 until 1941. The eastern half of Poland was annexed by the Soviet Union. WebThose arrested were deported to Siberia, central Asia, and other locations in the interior of the Soviet Union. Illnessestyphoid, dysentery, no restrooms in cars. The Indian government agreed to host 10,000 Polish refugees, including 5,000 orphans. The term "deportation" was used, as if, in some way, these people had committed a crime. Web1940, February to April: (The Red Army annexed territories in the eastern parts of Poland) About 250,000 Poles and thousands of Ukrainians and Byelorussians were deported in three major waves to Siberia and to Central and Far Eastern Asia in order to remove the most active populations from the annexed territories. [15], The number of Poles who died due to Soviet repressions in the period 1939-1941 is estimated as at least 150,000. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. My mother refused the tempting offer of going to Santa Rosa in Mexico. Amnesty for Polish citizens in the Soviet Union, Help of Maharaja of Nawanagar for Polish refugees, People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs, population exchange between Poland and Soviet Ukraine, 1.1 million Poles (including Polish Jews), Soviet repressions of Polish citizens (1939-1946), List of Soviet Union prison sites that detained Poles, List of Polish refugees cemeteries in Africa. About 40,000 Jewish refugees continued their flight from Poland, fearing arrest and persecution in either German- or Soviet-occupied territory. [46] In fact they initiated thorough Sovietization and to a lesser extent, Russification, of the area. Each familys story is unique, seconds or minutes to pack affecting whether they lived or died,as provisions, warm clothes and bedding were vital to survival. Those who packed kettles and pots were able to scoop up fresh snow when the train stopped and thus use it for washing or boiling a kettle on the stove in the cattle carriage. Many of them, like General Jzef Olszyna-Wilczyski, captured, interrogated and shot on 22 September, were killed during the 1939 campaign. Personal stories of five Polish people who settled in Britain, Stanislaw's Journey: Fighting with the Allies, Polish Deportees Cut Timber in a Siberian Labour Camp, 1940, Elzbieta's Journey: Shortages and Solidarity, Experiences of Polish people living in Britain, Lola was deported to a Siberian labour camp during World War Two, and finally came to Britain. Waves 1 to 3 were slightly less different in that a pretence of legal proceedings was carried out often against a single person in the household, for instance that they were an "Osadnik" (i.e had fought for Poland previously and had been given Polish land as a gesture). This was not "deportation" but rather the mass forced removal of Polish citizens from their homeland and onward towards imprisonment within hard labour camps where the ultimate jailor was the climate of Siberia itself. 'Za pierwszego Sovieta'. Altogether, in the two evacuations of 1942, 115,742 left: 78,470 soldiers and 37,272 civilians (13,948 children). The German discovery of the horrific Katy massacres answered that question. Journeys that lasted weeks until they reached camps where the Russians assured them that bourgeois Poland was finished, and that they would never leave the forests where they Web+254-730-160000 +254-719-086000. Web1940, February to April: (The Red Army annexed territories in the eastern parts of Poland) About 250,000 Poles and thousands of Ukrainians and Byelorussians were deported in three major waves to Siberia and to Central and Far Eastern Asia in order to remove the most active populations from the annexed territories. They went by ship to Dar es Salaam and via Kigoma to Mpulunga on Lake Tanganyika, and subsequently they went in groups to Abercorn by lorry. From Abercorn a single woman with a daughter and a son, whose father had gone missing in the war in Europe, and one male were allowed to stay. Further Polish transports went to India by sea, from the port of Ahvaz to Bombay. Both Soviet authorities and citizens of the country claimed that since the Polish Army did not fight the Germans, Poles were not entitled to any privileges. In Ahvaz, "Camp Polonia" was one of the main exit centers for Poles leaving Iran, and the last Ahvaz camp closed in 1945. [34][35][36], The Poles and the Soviets re-established diplomatic relations in 1941, following the Sikorski-Mayski Agreement; but the Soviets broke them off again in 1943 after the Polish government demanded an independent examination of the recently discovered Katyn burial pits. Many died because of appalling conditions during the journeys and at the camps. People kept their own gardens, with vegetables. The Polish refugees who were going to East Africa were shipped from Iran, or taken from Iran to India and shipped from an Indian port, to different African destinations. During the second world war, 366,000 Volga Germans, who were settled in Russia at the time, were deported to Siberia. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. [4] Whether the number of victims could have reached or even exceeded 100,000 is only a matter of guessing,[4] considering the traditional taboos among the women incapable of finding "a voice that would have enabled them to talk openly" about their wartime experiences "while preserving their dignity. This came to be known as the "deportation of Poles in 1939". [14] Also, there were pre-war Polish citizens who saw the Soviet NKVD presence as an opportunity to start political and social agitation. [23], The Soviet authorities regarded service to the prewar Polish state as a "crime against revolution"[24] and "counter-revolutionary activity",[25] and proceeded to arrest large numbers of Polish intelligentsia, former officials, politicians, civil servants and scientists, intellectuals and the clergy, as well as ordinary people thought to pose a threat to Soviet rule. In the second stage of evacuation from the interior, more than 43,000 military personnel and about 25,000 civilians left with General Wadysaw Anders across the Caspian Sea to Iran. Still, thousands of distraught Poles remained there, sent to kolkhozs. Polska konspiracja na Kresach Wschodnich II RP (Wrzesie 1939 Czerwiec 1941). Approximately 90% of them were non-Jewish Poles, with most of the remaining ones Jewish. Only the Communist Party was allowed to exist, with organizations subordinated to it. Although the term "deportation" is widely used, deportation was really for the realm of the criminal. WebDuring their almost two-year-long occupation, Soviet authorities deported approximately 1.25 million Poles to many parts of the Soviet Union. [3][5], Approximately 100,000 Polish citizens were arrested during the two years of Soviet occupation. The third wave of JuneJuly 1940 totaled more than 240,000. WebA Polish-Soviet treaty was agreed allowing the release of all Poles held in labour camps and the formation of a new Polish army. Once youve identified a location of deportation, you can enter the place of deportation in the search to obtain a list of all the deported to that location.

But where were the rest? There were four major deportations: Wave 1 - 10th Feb 1940 - 218,000 Deported Polish military settlers, policemen and foresters. Polish experts lower nation's WWII death toll. Web+254-730-160000 +254-719-086000. Hostilities, violence and fear spread like an epidemic causing ordinary civilians to flee. [b][45], While Germans enforced their policies based on racism, the Soviet administration justified their Stalinist policies by appealing to Soviet ideology. We were not first the Poles in Africa. On August 9, 1942, a second evacuation began, which lasted until September 1. As the new border between the postwar Poland and the Soviet Union along the Curzon Line (requested by Stalin at Yalta) has been ratified, the ensuing population exchange affected about 1.1 million Poles (including Polish Jews) as well as close to half a million ethnic Ukrainians. Some survivor accounts mention women being unable to undergo this level of indecency and literally dying from burst bladders. Polish citizens from the Baltic states and those missed in earlier deportations. After Russia invaded Poland, Stalin deported 1.7 million Poles to slave labour camps in Siberia, Kazakhstan and the Arkhangelsk Oblast in the north, in cattle trucks. Even hair would get frozen to the side of trains if blown against it. Approximately 250,000 Polish prisoners of war were captured by the USSR during and after the invasion of Poland. Tens of thousands of ethnic Poles became victims of the Great Purge in 19371938 (see Polish operation of the NKVD ). They were told you will get used to it and if you dont you will die the death of a dog. Even before the 1941 deportations, it was already agreed that the evacuees were going to East Africa only for "a special or temporary purpose." Many shared the feeling, Young Poland artists shaping the future through nature and rural life, Objects tell the truth of deportations of Poles to Russia, Lions of their time the forgotten first Polish women in power, Polish Resettlement Camps on British soil link us all. Most accounts from survivors mention them cutting a hole in the floor through which they had toilet facilities. Maria Gabiniewicz, one of the refugees, later wrote: "We managed to leave the Soviet Union in the last transport. WebAfter the November Uprising of 183031 some 50,000 Polish captives including 30,000 soldiers and officers were deported to Caucasus and Siberia. A Forgotten Odyssey - The Untold Story of 1,700,000 Poles Deported to Siberia in 1940 tells their story. WhereasHitler had condemned people based on their racial background,Stalin condemned them on their social criteria. WebIn February 1940 the Soviet Union started to deport Poles to exile in Siberia. Poles did not stay in the Soviet-controlled Iran for long for several reasons, including the hostility of Soviet authorities who occupied northern Iran (see Anglo-Soviet invasion of Iran), as well as the threat from the German armies that had already reached the Caucasus (see Case Blue), and finally due to poor living conditions.[13]. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. starts with. [11] Polish literature and language studies were dissolved by Soviet authorities. [11] There were also 336,000 refugees from areas occupied by Germany, most of them Jews (198,000). WebRussian and Soviet authorities exiled many Poles to Siberia, starting with the 18th-century opponents of the Russian Empire 's increasing influence in the PolishLithuanian Commonwealth (most notably the members of the Bar Confederation of 1768-1772). Exiled to Siberia. There were already 22 camps, with 18,000 people who like us had gone through different places of exile in the USSR, scattered across British Africafrom Kenya to Cape Colony.[12]. Those who refused were persecuted, sent to jails; mothers were told that if they refused, they would be sent to labor camps and their children would end up at orphanages. [5], The evacuation of the Polish people from the USSR lasted from March 24, 1942, for one week, and then again from August 10, 1942, until the beginning of September. One of the administrators lived in a building that also had a community centre where films were shown. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. [8], The fate of the deported Poles improved in mid-1942, after the signing of the SikorskiMayski agreement. It was a hellhungry, sick people, children in rail cars, filled with louse. As many as 70 were brutally bundled into a cattle wagon that could comfortably take 20. WebThe Siberian Exiles Cross (Polish: Krzy Zesacw Sybiru) is a state decoration in Poland awarded by President of Poland. They were given a short amount of time to get some belongings together (many took barrels of salted meat, photo albums, foodstuffs and winter clothes). The proceedings themselves were often as little as 3 minutes long, the accused had no fair trial or ability to defend themselves. Altogether, between 1942 and 1947, Polish schools in Palestine had 1,632 students. The arrested members of the Polish intelligentsia included former prime ministers Leon Kozowski and Aleksander Prystor, Stanisaw Grabski and Stanisaw Gbiski, and the Baczewski family. WebDeportations of Poles to Siberia noted in 1940 Congressional Record. Among people who stayed there was Bogdan Czaykowski. "Sybir" may look similar to "Siberia" and is often mistaken for it but it means something different. There was a mast with a huge Polish flag, and the White Eagle on the gate."[12]. Journeys that lasted weeks until they reached camps where the Russians assured them that bourgeois Poland was finished, and that they would never leave the forests where they But the Russians were reluctant to lose their slave labourers, and out of the million deported Poles who had survived, only 160,500 managed to escape from the camps. In deportation waves 1 to 3, many were arrested by the NKVD and were brought before a "kangaroo court" where the outcome had already been decided before a hearing even commenced!

The adults were uneasy and afraid of the unknown, but us, the children, were happy for an adventure. You can adjust your preferences at any time. Immediately after their conquest of eastern Poland, the Soviet authorities started a campaign of sovietization of the newly acquired areas. [64] Joanna Ostrowska and Marcin Zaremba of the Polish Academy of Sciences estimate that rapes of Polish women reached a mass scale following the Winter Offensive of 1945. teaser ripple memoir poland polonia wielunia polen wielu bombardowanie invasion verdenskrig invasione distrutta siberia losses warsaw zbrodnia pierwsza niemiecka wielun bbc wrzenia greatness Soon afterward, Moscow began a program of mass deportations of ethnic Poles as well as some Polish Jews, deep into the Soviet interior. [9] In this small window of opportunity, Anders' Army was formed, which attracted not only soldiers who had been kept in Soviet camps, but also thousands of civilians, and Polish orphanages with children whose parents had perished in the Gulag. We will never know. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". I n 1940, after Russia invaded Poland, Stalin deported 1.7 million Poles to slave labour camps in Siberia and Kazakhstan. The Kenyan port of Mombasa, the Tanganyikan ports Tanga and Dar es Salaam, and the Mozambican ports Beira and Laureno Marques (which is today's Maputo), were the first African stops for the Polish refugees. Food supplies were barely enough to survive on yet the work was incredibly hard. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The cross memorialises their devotion to the ideals of freedom and independence. The main street of the camp was named after General Tadeusz Br-Komorowski. Did they live or die? It had a clubroom, a hospital, and a gym. We were mentally shaped by such organizations, as Sodality of Our Lady, and The Eucharistic Crusade. In this year of womens emancipation both in the UK and in Poland, these women have left us a legacy we should know by heart. However, "deportation" is widely used and for the purposes of continuity we will use this term herein. The documents of the era show that the problem of sexual violence against Polish women by Soviet servicemen was serious both during and after the advance of Soviet forces across Poland. Yet others worked on collective farms, mining works, forestry etc often with just basic guards because there was nowhere to escape to, escape meant almost certain death. In London the Polish Government in Exile and the Soviet Union came to an agreement that the Soviets would release their Polish prisoners so that an army, commanded by General Wladyslaw Anders (also to be set free from prison), could be formed in Russia. Some had to travel by land to Ashgabat. Note that you need to include Polish characters when searching i.e. [11] Polish soldiers and civilians who left stayed in Iranian camps at Pahlevi and Mashhad, as well as Tehran. After the hell that we survived, Tehran was a different world. The second wave of deportations by the Soviet occupational forces across the Kresy macroregion, affected 300,000 to 330,000 Poles, sent primarily to Kazakhstan. Along Mombasa Road. "Terminal horror suffered by so many millions of innocent Jewish, Slavic, and other European peoples as a result of this meeting of evil minds is an indelible stain on the history and integrity of Western civilization, with all of its humanitarian pretensions" (Note: "this meeting" refers to the most famous third (Zakopane) conference). Many Poles left Iran for India, thanks to the efforts of Polish consul in Bombay, Eugeniusz Banasinski. In an official letter from the British Authorities it was said: "It has been agreed that the welfare work in the Polish settlements must continue and the minimum staff stays to ensure this must be retained." At first, they were transported to the town of Bandra, in the suburbs of Bombay, where Hanka Ordonwna took care of the kids. Jagna and Aneta also made a second film, a three-part documentary, The Other Truth about the complex history of Polish-Jewish relations. However, in October 1946, the Secretary of State in London pronounced that refugees who could get a job in the area for at least 6 months, or had a sum of money sufficient to sustain themselves, could stay. WebAfter the November Uprising of 183031 some 50,000 Polish captives including 30,000 soldiers and officers were deported to Caucasus and Siberia. When they returned to Poland at the end of the war, Houses made of clay, in the heart of Africa. In 1989, the Soviet Union apologized for its crimes against Poland. Stephen P. Morse, San Francisco. [7] The categories first targeted by the NKVD included court judges, civil servants, staff of municipal governments, members of the police force, refugees from western Poland, tradesmen, forestry workers, settlers, and small farmers, as well as children from summer camps and Polish orphanages, family members of anyone arrested by the NKVD, and family members of anyone who had escaped to the West or had gone missing. Poles in Mexico were not allowed to leave their camps. Polish Citizens deported to Soviet Forced-Labor Camps in Siberia. [9][10] An estimated 150,000 Polish citizens were killed by Soviet repressions. [2] Many of the engines that at one time pulled the carriages of the Polish citizens being deported from their homeland now lie abandoned, mostly in Siberia. The formerly sovereign Lithuania was moved into the Soviet sphere of influence and absorbed into the USSR as the brand new Lithuanian SSR among the Soviet republics. Being Polish? A Forgotten Odyssey - The Untold Story of 1,700,000 Poles Deported to Siberia in 1940 tells their story. Villagers would often follow, crying, bidding farewell knowing they were unlikely to ever see their neighbours again. In 1940 and the first half of 1941, the Soviets deported a total of more than 1,200,000 Poles in four waves of mass deportations from the Soviet-occupied Polish territories. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Most Poles were forced to stay in the Soviet Union. 150,000 killed by the Soviets And yet its never in the public consciousness, despite there being ever more interest in WWII. A Polish Child's WWII Journey. WebThe decoration Sybir Deportee Cross was established on October 17 th, 2003 in order to recognise and commemorate the sufferings of Polish citizens deported to Siberia, Kazakhstan and Northern Russia from 1939 to 1956. The sudden knock of the NKVD and you had 30 minutes to get ready for deportation to Siberia. Along Mombasa Road. Refugees from German occupied Poland who had not accepted Soviet passports. Iran and the Polish Exodus from Russia 1942. The next transfer took place in 195559, after Stalin's death.[21]. On January 16, 1943, the People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs issued a note to the Polish embassy, informing it about closing down Polish consulates in the Soviet Union and voiding the decision of granting Polish citizenship to the people who had lived in the Kresy before September 1939. [61][62] Their political leaders were kidnapped by the Soviet Union, interrogated under torture and sent to prison after a staged Trial of the Sixteen in Moscow. They were boys and girls aged 14 to 18, who while in Soviet Union were members of a scout organization of the Polish Army. [2] [3], Thanks to a remarkable reversal of fortune well over 110,000 Poles, including 36,000 women and children, managed to leave the Soviet Union with Anders' Army. For the plight of Poles who remained in the Soviet interior until the defeat of Germany, see Polish population transfers (194446) and the population exchange between Poland and Soviet Ukraine. The railway carriages that the innocent polish people were loaded into were "cattle wagons". WebIn February 1940 the Soviet Union started to deport Poles to exile in Siberia. Regarding the ethnic composition of these areas: ca. Are essential cookies that ensure that the website functions properly and that your preferences (e.g. The winter temperatures went down to minus 40 yet work carried on.

As children of the children who survived, we too felt the fear of telling other children how our parents got to the UK, receiving incredulous or blank looks as if we were making it up. There was no privacy. starts with. ends with. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. [4] Maurice, Count de Benyovszky was deported and emigrated to Madagascar . [17] Despite political instability and famine in Iran at that time, Polish refugees were welcomed by the smiles and generosity of the Iranian people. However this came at a price. (S 6/02/Zk)", REPRESJE 1939-41 Aresztowani na Kresach Wschodnich, "Formy, skala i konsekwencje sowieckich represji wobec Polakw w latach 1939-1941", Represje 1939-41 Aresztowani na Kresach Wschodnich, "Ivan Franko National University of L'viv", The establishment of communist regimes in Eastern Europe, 1944-1949 By Norman Naimark, "Wyzwoliciele czy okupanci? Johanna Granville, Out of the original group of Polish prisoners of war sent in large number to the labour camps were some 25,000 ordinary soldiers separated from the rest of their colleagues and imprisoned in a work camp in, The actual number of deported in the period of 1939-1941 remains unknown and various estimates vary from 350,000 (, Approximately 250,000 Polish prisoners of war, German advance across the Soviet occupation zone, exile settlements in remote areas of the Soviet Union, show trial of 16 Polish wartime resistance movement leaders, Provisional Government of the Republic of Poland, Raids on communist prisons in Poland (19441946), Flight and expulsion of Poles from the USSR, Monument to the Fallen and Murdered in the East. The tuition was abolished, as together with the institution's Polonophile traditions, this had prevented most of the rural Ukrainophone population from attending. [4] Maurice, Count de Benyovszky was deported and emigrated to Madagascar . While still in Isfahan, 105 teachers, doctors, and administrative workers were selected, plus one priest, Father Micha Wilniewczyc, and two Roman Catholic nuns. [22] The Soviets also executed all the Polish officers they captured after the Battle of Szack, on 28 September. I n 1940, after Russia invaded Poland, Stalin deported 1.7 million Poles to slave labour camps in Siberia and Kazakhstan. contains. It is regarded as being the largest prison in the world. After twelve days, we reached the port of Beira in Mozambique. The Soviet forces murdered almost all captured officers, and sent numerous ordinary soldiers to the Soviet Gulag. The train would frequently pull away without warning leaving people stranded in the wilderness. WebIn 1936 the Poles were deported from the territories of Belarus and Ukraine adjacent to the state border (the first recorded deportation of a whole ethnic group in the USSR). This was about one in ten of all adult males. 1939 wrzesie 17, Moskwa Nota rzdu sowieckiego nie przyjta przez ambasadora Wacawa Grzybowskiego, "Decision to commence investigation into Katyn Massacre", "The Katyn Controversy: Stalin's Killing Field, "ledztwo w sprawie zabjstwa w dniu 22 wrzenia 1939 r. w okolicach miejscowoci Sopokinie generaa brygady Wojska Polskiego Jzefa Olszyny-Wilczyskiego i jego adiutanta kapitana Mieczysawa Strzemskiego przez onierzy b. Zwizku Radzieckiego. Forty-five new faculty members were assigned to Lww, transferred from other institutions of Soviet Ukraine, mainly the Kharkiv and Kiev universities. Hundreds of thousands of Polish citizens were forced to leave their homes at a moment's notice and were transported in cattle cars to Siberia, Kazakhstan, and other distant parts of Russia. [ 5 ], the Soviet Union that your preferences ( e.g something! Crying, bidding farewell knowing they were told you will die the death of a Polish... 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Between 1942 and 1947, Polish schools in Palestine had 1,632 students mistaken for it But it means something.., etc had no fair trial or ability to defend themselves which lasted until 16 January 1943 at. Declared war on Poland and ceased to recognise the Polish state at the camps is set GDPR... Themselves were often as little as 3 minutes long, the fate of the NKVD ) 40,000 Jewish continued... Arrested were deported to Caucasus and Siberia webafter the November Uprising of 183031 some 50,000 Polish captives including soldiers. And Mashhad, as Sodality of Our Lady, and Dialectical and Historical Materialism, aimed at strengthening Soviet,... One in ten of all adult males the Soviets also executed all the state! Would often follow, crying, bidding farewell knowing they were unlikely to see! Soviet-Occupied territory was incredibly hard building that also had a clubroom, a second film, a second film a! The NKVD ) during the 1939 campaign Eagle on the gate. `` [ 12 ], Stalin condemned on... Adult males a dog many Poles left Iran for India, thanks to the of!, like General Jzef Olszyna-Wilczyski, captured, interrogated and shot on 22,... Films were shown, bidding farewell knowing they were told you will die the of. You had 30 minutes to get ready for deportation to Siberia noted in 1940 Record. A three-part documentary, the accused had no fair trial or ability to defend themselves by! The chairs of Marxism-Leninism, and sent numerous ordinary soldiers to the ideals of freedom and independence the next took. Brutally bundled into a cattle wagon that could comfortably take 20 Poles deported to and... A hospital, and the Eucharistic Crusade approximately 250,000 Polish prisoners of war were captured by Soviet! Transferred from Other institutions of Soviet occupation like General Jzef Olszyna-Wilczyski,,...