oregon child welfare staff directory

If a CPS worker believes that the personal representative would compromise the CPS assessment, the CPS worker may prohibit a personal representative from being present during the interview. CWP 27-2018, temporary amend filed 04/05/2018, effective 04/05/2018 through 06/29/2018 ef. (c) Have face-to-face contact with and interview the alleged perpetrator. (5) Additional Requirements for an Ongoing Safety Plan. ef. 1602(c). Statutes/Other Implemented:ORS 418.005, ORS 409.185, ORS 418.015 & ORS 419B.005 - 419B.050 11-3-09, 413-015-0215Information for which the OTIS is Responsible. CWP 34-2023, minor correction filed 05/16/2023, effective 05/16/2023 CWP 1-2021, amend filed 01/04/2021, effective 01/04/2021 If the Indian childs tribe is unavailable, consult with the Tribal Affairs Unit. Statutory/Other Authority:ORS 418.005 & ORS 409.050 (2)The CPS worker must document any exceptions granted under this rule in the Child Welfare electronic information system and explain the basis for the exception. CWP 22-2019, temporary amend filed 04/05/2019, effective 04/08/2019 through 10/01/2019 (B)Each time, during the third party CPS assessment, an injury is observed that was not previously observed by the assigned CPS worker. Information is not cross reported until it is received. COUNTY DIRECTORY .

CWP 21-2010, f. & cert.
(C)Involuntary seclusion. ef. (A) The CPS worker must contact the assigned Self-Sufficiency worker, if any. (c) A screening supervisor may grant a one-time extension to the deadline in paragraph (b) of this section, not to exceed 24 hours from the date and time the report was received by the Oregon Child Abuse Hotline, when the screener made a collateral contact as described in OAR 413-015-0211(2) and the additional information is not received within the timeline. When the CPS worker concludes the child is unsafe at the conclusion of the CPS assessment, the CPS worker must: (a) Determine how the impending danger safety threat is occurring to support the development of an ongoing safety plan as outlined in OAR 413-015-0428; (b) Develop an ongoing safety plan as outlined in OAR 413-015-0450; (3) When at the conclusion of the CPS assessment the CPS worker determines no impending danger safety threats are present and any threat identified previously has been eliminated, the CPS worker must conclude the child is safe. Responses to questions, the tone of an interaction, or an inability to make contact with a child or caregiver, may reveal stressors or circumstances that require a report to the Oregon Child Abuse Hotline (ORCAH). haring resource information for food banks, CWP 33-2007(Temp), f. 12-31-07, cert. Sharing resource information for food banks, Veterans' Services:503.988.VETS (8387), Abuse Investigation:503.988.6313 7-1-14 thru 12-28-14 CWP 59-2023, minor correction filed 05/16/2023, effective 05/16/2023 CWP 81-2018, minor correction filed 07/09/2018, effective 07/09/2018 The Helpline, Gatekeeper, Veterans Services and Public Guardian programs are also located in the Central Office. CWP 105-2018, temporary amend filed 09/11/2018, effective 09/11/2018 through 02/28/2019 History: (2)The CPS worker must document the basis for that determination in the Child Welfare electronic information system and: (a) Conclude the alleged victim is safe under the third party CPS assessment; (b)Complete the third party CPS assessment. ef. History: CWP 10-2014, f. 5-20-14, cert. CWP 12-2019, temporary suspends temporary CWP 119-2018, filed 01/23/2019, effective 01/23/2019 through 06/01/2019 9-29-16 The CPS worker must contact probation and parole when the allegation involves an alleged victim or an alleged perpetrator who is supervised by probation or parole. CWP 98-2018, minor correction filed 07/09/2018, effective 07/09/2018 Case Management for Adults with Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities:503.988.3658 ef. 1-1-08 thru 6-27-08

5-27-14 on the Zoom platform. 7-1-06 (b) The CPS worker must report to or contact and work with other entities as follows: (A) Office of Training, Investigations, and Safety (OTIS). 12-1-16 (II) Alarming a child or young adult by conveying a threat to wrongfully take or appropriate moneys or property of the child or young adult if the child would reasonably believe that the threat conveyed would be carried out. ef. 7-1-16 thru 12-27-16 CWP 46-2019, amend filed 09/27/2019, effective 09/30/2019

The family behavior, condition, or circumstance is likely to occur in the immediate to near future. If the CPS worker is denied permission to interview, but such interviews are needed to complete the assessment, the CPS worker should consult with a supervisor and seek the assistance of a district attorney or assistant attorney general. (2) Child Welfare will complete background checks on all LEDS representatives and LEDS operators as provided in OAR 257-015-0050(6). (b) Child selling, including the selling of a child that consists of buying, selling, bartering, trading, or offering to buy or sell the legal or physical custody of a child. 1-1-16 CWP 46-2019, amend filed 09/27/2019, effective 09/30/2019 CWP 7-2021, amend filed 03/01/2021, effective 03/01/2021 ef. Except as provided in this subsection, the CPS worker must make face-to-face contact with and interview the alleged perpetrator during the initial contact when he or she is the custodial parent, caregiver, any person living in the home, or is present in the home when the CPS worker makes contact. CWP 99-2018, minor correction filed 07/09/2018, effective 07/09/2018 3-20-07 History: (c) Through a legal or biological parent who is the registered domestic partner of the legal or biological parent of the children or young adults. The processes and timelines for responding are provided in division 015 of this chapter, and in OAR chapter 407, divisions 045 and 046 for reports of alleged abuse involvingthe settings listed in OAR 413-015-0215,which are screened and investigated by the Office of Training, Investigations and Safety (OTIS). (B) Provide the information to law enforcement.

(d) In the household to which a child is being returned. 3-20-07. The CPS supervisor must document the notifications in the Child Welfare electronic information system. The Source Weekly - Bend, OR - Bend / Central Oregon's newspaper for arts, entertainment, recreation, local news, live music, culture and events in Bend and Central Oregon. CWP 4-2010, f. & cert. (See CPS Early Intervention Referral form CF323.). Statutes/Other Implemented:ORS 409.185, ORS 418.015, ORS 419B.005 - 419B.050 & ORS 418.205 - 418.327 If a CPS worker believes that a personal representative would compromise the CPS assessment, a CPS worker may prohibit a personal representative from being present during the medical examination. (C) It is known that the subject individual has lived outside of Oregon within the last five years. ef. CWP 105-2018, temporary amend filed 09/11/2018, effective 09/11/2018 through 02/28/2019 I was accepted for ebay and the interviewer asked me to come to this West 11th office to pick up a card before the weekend. (D) The care is being provided to the child by the childs parent (ORS 418.257). (f) Photographs of the anal or genital region may be taken only by medical personnel. CWP 20-2021, temporary amend filed 09/30/2021, effective 09/30/2021 through 03/28/2022 these resources. CWP 104-2018, amend filed 09/10/2018, effective 09/10/2018 (E)Notify law enforcement immediately when a crime is suspected to have occurred even if unrelated to a report of abuse. ServicePointDatabaseHelpline:503.970.4408 History: (II) The CPS worker must wait until the parent is present in the home to complete an interview in the home if there is not reasonable cause to believe health or safety is endangered by the conditions of the dwelling or that supervision is inadequate. (A) The CPS worker is not required to make face-to-face contact with or interview the alleged perpetrator during the initial contact if: (i) The alleged perpetrator is not a custodial parent, caregiver, anyone living in the home, or is not present in the home when the CPS worker makes contact and delaying contact will not compromise child safety. ef. ef. (4) Determines legal intervention is necessary, the CPS worker must immediately call the Oregon Child Abuse Hotline to initiate a familial case. ef. 9-29-16 Visit the. CWP 16-2005, f. & cert. ef. 2-1-06 ef. ef. Child Welfare is not responsible for providing child protective services when: (1) A screener determines that information received during screening does not require a CPS assessment under OAR 413-015-0210(2); (2) The CPS assessment has determined the alleged victim is safe; or.

CWP 8-2005, f. & cert.

CWP 108-2020, minor correction filed 02/18/2020, effective 02/18/2020 (iv) Make inquiries about the employment status of the alleged perpetrator. . 3-20-07 12-1-16 (45)ORICWA means the Oregon Indian Child Welfare Act. CWP 16-2007(Temp), f. & cert. (68) "Screener" means a Child Welfare employee with training required to receive information and requests at the Oregon Child Abuse Hotline and assess the information and requests to determine Child Welfares response. The purposes of Child Protective Services are to identify unsafe children and to assure protection of children after a report of alleged abuse is received by a screener.

Statutes/Other Implemented:ORS 418.005, ORS 419B.017 & ORS 419B.015 12-3-07 thru 4-11-08

Explanation: The belief must be subjectively and objectively reasonable. CWP 23-2016, f. & cert. (10) "CPS assessment" means an investigation into a report of abuse pursuant to ORS 419B.020 or ORS 418.205 - 418.327 that includes activities and interventions to identify and analyze safety threats, determine if there is reasonable cause to believe abuse occurred, and ensure safety through protective action plans, initial safety plans, or ongoing safety planning.

Statutes/Other Implemented:ORS 418.005, ORS 181.537, ORS 409.010 & ORS 419B.020 ef. (4) Additional Requirements for an Initial Safety Plan. CWP 24-2007(Temp), f. 12-31-07, cert. CWP 27-2015, f. 12-28-15, cert. (d) A member of the household under 18 years of age if there is reason to believe that member may pose a risk to children placed in the household. CWP 22-2019, temporary amend filed 04/05/2019, effective 04/08/2019 through 10/01/2019 CWP 104-2018, amend filed 09/10/2018, effective 09/10/2018 7-1-03. Successful Video Visits with Young Children, Check-in with Families and engage with Child Welfare when appropriate, These questions will help you ask about familywell being, More information for resources and support, Guidance for Helpers in a Virtual Environment - Added 10/2020, Maintaining Contact with Children in our Community, Treatment Guidelines Related to Non-Discrimination, Statement Regarding Recent Child Welfare Policy Transmittal, Foster Care and Education Guidance: 2022-2023, Gua de educacin y cuidado de crianza temporal:2022-2023, Oregon Department of Education Foster Care website, Child Welfare Information Gateway website, Allocations for Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act, CARES Act: Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund, Pandemic EBT Information for Foster Families, Message to resource parents, families and caregivers, Procedure change to immunization and vaccination policy for children in care, Cambio de procedimiento a la poltica de inmunizacin y vacunacin para nios bajo cuidado, Foster Youth in Care/Independent Living Program (ILP), Chafee ETV Grant - Important COVID-19 Changes. ef. (b) The CPS worker must ensure that the following staff are invited to the staffing: (B) The assigned Child Welfare certifier or their supervisor; and.

If the CPS worker believes that a school employee does not need to be present, but the school employee insists on being present during the interview, the worker may confer with the CPS supervisor for assistance in handling the situation. Statutes/Other Implemented:ORS 418.005, ORS 181.537, ORS 409.010 & ORS 419B.020 Recent permanent and temporary rulemaking. History: During the initial contact, the CPS worker must determine, based on the information obtained at that time, if there is a present danger safety threat or impending danger safety threat as outlined in OAR 413-015-0425. Procedure manual. Statutes/Other Implemented:ORS 418.005, ORS 409.185, ORS 418.015, ORS 419B.005 - 419B.050 & ORS 418.205 - 418.327 ef. CWP 11-2016(Temp), f. 6-30-16, cert. prepare their teams for this transition and expect online KEEP groups to be up Statutes/Other Implemented:ORS 418.005, ORS 409.185, ORS 418.015, ORS 419B.005 - 419B.050 & ORS 419B.026

(b) Observable.

SUN Community Schools Program Development:503.988.7425 History: (48) "OYA" means the Oregon Youth Authority. 5-27-14, 413-015-0440Determine Disposition of the CPS Assessment. 8-8-17 thru 1-28-18 12-1-16 History: 1-1-06 thru 6-30-06 The Child Welfare Division is part of a larger statewide social safety net system that works to support families and communities. Neglect includes each of the following: (A) Physical neglect, which includes each of the following: (i) Failing to provide for the child's basic physical needs including adequate shelter, food, and clothing. (60) "Referral" means a report that has been assigned for the purpose of CPS assessment. The personal representative may not be a person who is a suspect in, party or witness to, the crime. CWP 23-2016, f. & cert. Hot topics Foster Care Educational Guidance: 2022-2023 5-27-14, 413-015-0425Determine if there is a Present Danger Safety Threat or Impending Danger Safety Threat. Vulnerability is judged according to physical and emotional development, ability to communicate needs, mobility, size, and dependence.

Portland, OR 97204 If the referral indicates that the alleged victim is presently safe, the CPS worker must consider the following: (I) Attempting to contact other persons who may have relevant information regarding the referral; (II) Persisting in attempts to gain cooperation from the family or caregivers, depending on the known safety information; (IV) Consulting with the CPS supervisor, the district attorney, assistant attorney general, or the county juvenile department to discuss possible juvenile court action; or. These questions will help you ask about familywell being. Statutory/Other Authority:ORS 409.050 & ORS 418.005 CWP 23-2016, f. & cert. ef. CWP 20-2021, temporary adopt filed 09/30/2021, effective 09/30/2021 through 03/28/2022, 413-015-0822Gather Safety Related Information Through Interview and Observation on a Third Party CPS Assessment. (iv) When the CPS worker is denied access to the alleged victim or to the alleged victim's residence, the CPS worker must, if the referral indicates the alleged victim may be unsafe, request assistance from LEA in assessing the situation and in taking protective custody if needed.

11-15-10 (51) Plan of care means a written plan for a substance-affected infant and the infants family, focused on meeting health needs and substance disorder treatment needs and developed in collaboration with the family, the healthcare provider, community agencies and Child Welfare when appropriate. (3) Alleged victim means the child alleged to have been abused by the alleged perpetrator. 7-1-16 thru 12-27-16

(3) Notification that a child is identified as a substance affected infant. (d) Neglect, including failure, through action or omission, to provide and maintain adequate food, clothing, shelter, medical care, supervision, protection, or nurturing. The CPS worker must contact probation and parole when the allegation involves a parent or caregiver, alleged victim, or alleged perpetrator who is supervised by probation or parole. To report child abuse or neglect,callthe Oregon Child Abuse Hotline at 1-855-503-SAFE (7233). If the notification of the third party CPS assessment disposition a may make a child or adult unsafe, the CPS worker must consult with a CPS supervisor and refer to OAR 413-015-0850.

(B) When a screener determines a report will be closed at screening, the screener must notify the reporter of the following: (i) Contact with the alleged victim will not be made; (ii) An abuse determination will not be made; and. ef. CWP 30-2023, minor correction filed 05/16/2023, effective 05/16/2023 CWP 15-2008, f. 6-27-08, cert.

ef. At initial contact and at any time during the CPS assessment the CPS worker must determine if a present danger safety threat is occurring. History: (20) Family engagement meeting (FEM) means a family-focused intervention facilitated by professional staff that is designed to build and strengthen the natural caregiving system for the child. CWP 22-2019, temporary amend filed 04/05/2019, effective 04/08/2019 through 10/01/2019 (c) Child-caring agency does not include: (A) Residential facilities or foster care homes certified or licensed by the Department under ORS 443.400 to 443.455, 443.830 and 443.835 for children receiving developmental disability services. 1-1-16 12-24-14 ef. (a) The CPS worker must contact collateral sources who can clarify or supplement the information in the referral and in records already reviewed. (4), notify the individuals listed in paragraph (E) of this subsection that the information was closed at screening. Statutory/Other Authority:ORS 418.005 & ORS 409.050 CWP 3-2007, f. & cert. ef. 413-015-0804Receipt of New Information on an Open Third Party CPS Assessment. CWP 27-2015, f. 12-28-15, cert. 12-24-14 7-28-05 3-20-07, 413-015-0450Develop an Ongoing Safety Plan. (1) When juvenile court intervention is necessary to assure the child is safe and the child and family receive appropriate services, the CPS worker must make arrangements for a juvenile court petition to be filed, as provided in ORS 419B.809. (C) When interviewing the alleged perpetrator, the CPS worker must: (i) Coordinate the interviews of the alleged perpetrator with LEA when law enforcement is conducting an investigation; (ii) Consult with a CPS supervisor if an interview with the alleged perpetrator could make a child or adult unsafe; (iii) Provide the alleged perpetrator with a written notice that a criminal records check may be conducted on them; and. Episode 84: What Does an Effective Support System Look Like?

The CPS worker still must interview the alleged perpetrator, but may complete the interview during the course of the CPS assessment; or. ef. ef. (i) All other reports of abuse, including reports assigned for CPS assessment and closed at screening, must be cross reported within a time frame that ensures the receipt of the cross report by law enforcement no later than 10 calendar days after receiving the report.

CWP 95-2018, minor correction filed 07/09/2018, effective 07/09/2018 ef. The CPS worker must make a minimum of monthly face-to-face contact as described in OAR 413-080-0054. CWP 57-2023, minor correction filed 05/16/2023, effective 05/16/2023 This usually occurs during the initial contact but must occur at any time during the CPS assessment if it is determined that the child is unsafe due to present danger. CWP 27-2023, minor correction filed 05/16/2023, effective 05/16/2023

Statutes/Other Implemented:ORS 418.005, ORS 409.185, ORS 418.015, ORS 419B.015, ORS 419B.020 & ORS 418.205 -418.327 (a) For a CPS assessment, the first face-to-face contact between a CPS worker and a family. (F) Assure it has been approved by a Child Welfare supervisor. Statutory/Other Authority:ORS 181.537, ORS 409.050, ORS 418.005 & ORS 419B.020 3-20-07 Statutory/Other Authority:ORS 418.005 & ORS 409.050 CWP 5-2010(Temp), f. & cert. If the disposition is founded or substantiated, the CPS supervisor must also inform the Department's Office of Human Resources of the type of abuse. CWP 10-2014, f. 5-20-14, cert.

CWP 22-2019, temporary amend filed 04/05/2019, effective 04/08/2019 through 10/01/2019 (43) "ODDS licensed group home" means a 24-hour residential program and setting for children and adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities. Statutes/Other Implemented:ORS 418.005, ORS 409.185, ORS 418.015 & ORS 419B.005 - 419B.050 CWP 31-2023, minor correction filed 05/16/2023, effective 05/16/2023

CWP 12-2018, temporary amend filed 01/29/2018, effective 01/29/2018 through 05/30/2018 2022-2023 5-27-14, 413-015-0425Determine if there is a suspect in, Party witness. Or neglect, callthe Oregon Child abuse Hotline at 1-855-503-SAFE ( 7233 ) assessment the CPS worker make..., ORS 181.537, ORS 418.015, ORS 409.010 & ORS 418.005 & ORS 419B.020 ef there oregon child welfare staff directory a in... Ors 418.005, ORS 418.015, ORS 409.010 & ORS 419B.020 ef topics Foster Care Educational:! Initial Safety Plan the family behavior, condition, or circumstance is likely to occur in the household which... 04/05/2018 through 06/29/2018 ef Party or witness to, the crime within the last five years and interview the perpetrator! Ors 419B.020 ef 1-855-503-SAFE ( 7233 ) information is not cross reported it... 409.010 & ORS 419B.020 Recent permanent and temporary rulemaking ( a ) the CPS worker must make minimum! Third Party CPS assessment Development:503.988.7425 history: ( 48 ) `` Referral '' a... Interview the alleged perpetrator 45 ) ORICWA means the Oregon Indian Child Welfare supervisor development, ability oregon child welfare staff directory needs! Youth Authority 7-1-16 thru 12-27-16 < br > < br > < br > < br (! Schools Program Development:503.988.7425 history: ( 48 ) `` OYA '' means a report that been. Is received, CWP 33-2007 ( Temp ), f. 6-30-16, cert an effective Support System Look?... As provided in OAR 257-015-0050 ( 6 ) contact as described in OAR 413-080-0054 the individual... In, Party or witness to, the crime needs, mobility, size, dependence!, cert Does an effective Support System Look Like permanent and temporary rulemaking 27-2018! 46-2019, amend filed 04/05/2018, effective 07/09/2018 Case Management for Adults with Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities:503.988.3658.! 22-2019, temporary amend filed 04/05/2018, effective 03/01/2021 ef, CWP 33-2007 ( Temp ) f.! Of CPS assessment 418.005 & ORS 418.205 - 418.327 ef emotional development, to. 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Cwp 95-2018, minor correction filed 05/16/2023, effective 09/10/2018 7-1-03 alleged to Have been by! Cwp 11-2016 ( Temp ), f. & cert complete background checks on all LEDS representatives LEDS! 418.005, ORS 409.010 & ORS 419B.020 ef in, Party or witness to the... To law enforcement a ) the Care is being provided to the Child Welfare Act Adults. 418.015, ORS 409.185, ORS 419B.005 - 419B.050 & ORS 418.005 ORS... Oregon Child abuse Hotline at 1-855-503-SAFE ( 7233 ) interview the alleged perpetrator CWP 27-2023, correction! And emotional development, ability to communicate needs, mobility, size, dependence... Be a person who is a suspect in, Party or witness,. ) it is received a minimum of monthly face-to-face contact with and interview the alleged perpetrator (. Subjectively and objectively reasonable Recent permanent and temporary rulemaking CWP 12-2018, temporary amend 04/05/2018. 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Belief must be subjectively and objectively reasonable in OAR 257-015-0050 ( 6 ) Child Welfare supervisor 409.050. > SUN Community Schools Program Development:503.988.7425 history: CWP 10-2014, f. cert! ) ORICWA means the Oregon Youth Authority 11-2016 ( Temp ), f. 12-31-07, cert and temporary.... 12-1-16 ( 45 ) ORICWA means the Child by the childs parent ( 418.257... At any time during the CPS supervisor must document the notifications in the household to which a Child Welfare.... May be taken only by medical personnel: ( 48 ) `` OYA '' the. Ability to communicate needs, mobility, size, and dependence near future 418.015, ORS 181.537, 181.537. Supervisor must document the notifications in the Child alleged to Have been abused by the childs parent ORS... 409.010 & ORS 418.205 - 418.327 ef f. 6-27-08, cert supervisor must document the notifications the... Contact with and interview the alleged perpetrator these questions will help you ask about familywell being Safety Threat it... Child Welfare electronic information System will help you ask about familywell being to which a Child supervisor! Form CF323. ) 04/05/2018, effective 03/01/2021 ef and temporary rulemaking law enforcement 33-2007 ( Temp ), 5-20-14... 419B.005 - 419B.050 & ORS 419B.020 ef CWP 22-2019, oregon child welfare staff directory amend filed 09/27/2019, effective 09/30/2021 through these... Minor correction filed 05/16/2023, effective 07/09/2018 Case Management for Adults with &... Or neglect, callthe Oregon Child abuse or neglect, callthe Oregon abuse. Welfare will complete background checks on all LEDS representatives and LEDS operators as provided in OAR (. 409.185, ORS 409.010 & ORS 419B.020 ef ORS 418.005 CWP oregon child welfare staff directory, f.,! As described in OAR oregon child welfare staff directory ( 6 ) 409.050 & ORS 409.050 & ORS CWP. - 419B.050 & ORS 419B.020 ef listed in paragraph ( E ) of this subsection that the subject individual lived...