However, the names often do not adequately capture the significations of the lot, so please avoid this approach. This is because they were marginalized in European Renaissance astrology and are ill-understood today. The lot is not discussed by Hephaistion (5th century) who instead relies heavily on the Sun for matters concerning the father (Book II). Eros in Capricorn fall easily for people who give off an air of success and have their life together. (G. P. Goold, Trans.). It becomes a contributing cause of friendship and mutual favor. (J. H. Holden, Trans.). (B. N. Dykes, Trans.).
His Marriage-Bringer Lot for women (Lot of the Husband) is from the Moon to Mars. Many of these lots, especially those of the parents, were even more widespread than the lots of Love and Necessity in the Hellenistic period. This combination of using zodiacal releasing together with the Lot of Eros has proved to be extremely effective for studying the topic of relationships in natal astrology. Now if Dorotheus is correct that we dont reverse the Venus-Saturn lot calculation, then it looks like the Venus-Jupiter lot is much more indicative of the relationships that Elizabeth Taylor had. Other than the Lot of Eros and a couple other Lots, Gemini is my 6th house and it's empty. Zodiacal Releasing: An Ancient Timing Technique. A destructive star
A lot assigns a topic to a house (i.e. If you read my post about the symbolism behind the formulas then you may remember me saying that it's important to look at the formula itself, not just the name of a Lot. 9), and second Fortune (Book II, Ch. Today, the lots are often called Arabic Parts. 4). The 1st Place does figure into character and personality, whereas Fortune typically does not. She was married to filmmaker John Carpenter in the early 80s with whom she had a son. The Lot of Eros can signify traits Too many astrologers try to use lots based on their names alone.
Rhetorius (7th century) also didnt define the lot but provided some pointers to its use (Ch. 48). (Valens, Book II, Ch. Like, come on! Maternus, J. F. (2011). Dorotheus does not mention a reversal. He noted it as an indication of slavery (Book I, Ch. As you noted, the Venus-Dsc lot is in Libra, opposed by it ruler also. Dorotheus (1st century) introduced the lot to judge the number of siblings and the benefit or harm associated with them (Book I, Ch. A lot assigns a topic to a house (i.e. It encompasses that feeling of 'oh yes!' This is sort of a misnomer, since they are not Arabic and the term Parts isnt incredibly descriptive at best and um, suggestive and euphemistic at Necessitys significations are most strongly connected to more negative associations of the 7th Place to challengers and open enemies, as well as to the 12th Places associations with enemies. Table of Contents show What is an Eros in astrology? Which is how we get to the idea of ambassadors being a 5th house topic. Shortly after Hammers 27th birthday (1989) he signed a multi-record deal that was to make him millions over the next few years. Mars rules not only her 5th house but also her 10th house and MC which are associated with career. Four lots were considered so important to Vettius Valens that they marked out effective houses in the chart. Firmicus Maternus (4th century) also reversed the lot by night but explored its delineation in more depth (Book VI, Ch. 32 of the Mathesis is particularly important on account of the numerous lots (called part or house) discussed. of all the signs which are from the Sun up to Saturn, and when you have made the complete sum of the number, then beginning from the degree of the ASC, you will divide that number, which was obtained, among all the signs, assigning thirty degrees to the individual signs; and in that sign in which the last degree has fallen, that same sign shows you the House of the Father. The place of the lot is generally indicative of the good or bad from children (6th and 12th are worst). The asteroid Eros in Aries influence on someones natal chart indicates that they will be a passionate and sexual individual, with a strong appetite for both. Our best early sources for exploring Spirit are Valens, Maternus, and Paulus who all linked it with the mind and character. It becomes a contributing cause of friendship and mutual favor." The Lot itself will be equivalent to the Ascendant and will mean Life; the tenth place from it will be equivalent to MC and will mean Rank; the seventh will be the Descendant; the fourth IC. It is the most widespread lot. These are the primary associations of Fortune which persisted throughout the Hellenistic and Medieval periods. 23). Lot of Eros Day: Take the distance from Spirit to Venus, count the same from the Ascendant Night: Take the distance from Venus to Spirit, count the same from the Ascendant Eros signifies the appetites and the voluntative desires. These uses reflect Fortunes other primary significations of wealth and personal property. The Dorothean lot is complicated. The meanings assigned to the places relative to Fortune in Manilius are given in Book III of the Astronomicon. The places assign topics to the signs, the houses of the planets, based on their order of rising after birth.
(Valens,Book IV, Ch. It shows the fatherland in an easy way. Generate the chart & it's labeled "Eros". Interestingly, Dorotheus also used it in synastry, wherehaving Spirit in the same sign across charts is seen as an indication of harmony and suitability (Book II, Ch. (btw so are real estate brokers or anyone selling something on your behalf). Eros is all about the erotic things you want in life. Eros was the god of passionate and physical desire, and similarly, represents these things in an astrological chart. The gives of children referred to by Valens are Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury when unafflicted (according to Petosiris per Valens). nurse jumps off hospital roof good samaritan hospital.
10, Pingree trans., p. 29), Therefore, it is necessary to examine the houseruler of this Lot of Children, which is found as follows: for male nativities, this Lot is found by determining the distance from Jupiter to Mercury (for female, from Jupiter to Venus), then counting this distance from the Ascendant. It is also linked with Mercury. Lots help to get more details out of narrower lines of inquiry regarding topics, and it is interesting when you have multiple lots for relationships that reflect different aspects of that. Just thinking about the Lord of Eros, the Lord of the 7th house, and Jupiter together, this really sounds like true love. Though these places are called lots by Manilius and have meanings unique to him. Eros: relationships, marriage, love. Influence is stronger from the right side (i.e. The Lots, Trumps 2nd Impeachment: Timed to Mars Antiscia, Give Yourself the Gift of Traditional Astrological Texts: HOROI Project, The Trump Eclipse: The Timing of Trumps Election Loss, The Anachronism of Hellenistic Detriment: What the Astrology Podcast Left Out, Hellenistic Astrologers on the Lot of Fortune, Hellenistic Astrologers on the Lot of Spirit, Hellenistic Astrologers on the Lot of Love, Hellenistic Astrologers on the Lot of Necessity, Hellenistic Astrologers on the Lot of Affliction, Hellenistic Astrologers on the Lot of the Mother, Hellenistic Astrologers on the Meaning of the Lot of the Father, Siblings: From Saturn to Jupiter (not reversed), Hellenistic Astrologers on the Meaning of the Lot of Siblings, Children: From Jupiter to Saturn (not reversed) + Additional Variants, Hellenistic Astrologers on the Meaning of the Lot of Children, Marriage: Saturn to Venus for Men, Venus to Saturn for Women (not reversed) + Many Variants, Hellenistic Astrologers on the Meaning of the Lot of Marriage, charts of equinoxes, solstices, and lunations, The Theoretical Rationale Underlying the Seven Hermetic Lots, my article on the four principal lots of Valens, 4 lots which Valens considered most effective,,, Twelve Easy Lessons for Beginners | 3. In the section on the Lot of the Mother, he noted that these indications apply to that lot in the same way. American Federation of Astrologers. 16, Riley trans., p. 30). Eros and Scorpio No-one understands the depths of passion more than Scorpio. The ruler of Marriage causes the first marriage, the benefics in harmony with the Marriage-bringer or its ruler also cause marriages, especially if the signs of the stars in aspect or of the Marriage-bringer itself are bicorporeal. Harry has the moon exalted in Taurus. The lot is not discussed by Hephaistion (5th century) who instead relies heavily on the Moon for matters concerning the mother (Book II). However, I wonder if it does make sense to reverse the Lot in which case Venus-Saturn lot would also be in Pisces. It's pure attraction rather than true compatibility. The delineation of marriage is complex, especially given the great number of marriage lots available. WebThe Lot or Part of Fortune, Lot of Spirit, Lot of Eros - Astrology online calculator . Without the lots, we miss seeing the more personalized and fine-tuned topical assignments. Hellenistic and Persian astrologers used lots in mundane astrology. 4; Ch. The most important of those is from Saturn to Venus for male marriage (Lot of the Wife) and Venus to Saturn for female marriages (Lot of the Husband), neither of which are supposed to be reversed by night. 23 Dykes trans., Ch. 14. I dont address the use of most of these lots in this article because they are not as significant. Eros can sometimes be a little reckless in pursuit of its desires. It's a possibility for any child-bearing person with Nemesis in the 5th house, but not always. Retrieved from With Eros, the desire for something can come on suddenly and overwhelmingly. WebTag - Lot of Eros. One of the seven Hemetic lots [or Parts]. The only texts that seem to lack its mention are some that are fragments and some focused on a specific special topic. The 4th house also signifies land in general and the homeland. 18, Riley trans., 2010, p. 34). 66-67). Basis is examined with Fortune and Spirit, and another lot, the Lot of Exaltation. Valens (2nd century) considered Daimon to be one of the 4 lots which are powerful enough to make a sign an effective sign of the chart (see Book IV, Ch. 5). A lot assigns a topic to a house (i.e. Dorotheus of Sidon, & al-Tabari, U. 32, #27-32). Think newspapers vs. books. There are many approaches to those years in his life. Mundane prediction can involve using lots specific to particular weather patterns, commodities, and political activities in charts of equinoxes, solstices, and lunations. She has the ruler of her 7th house (partners/spouse), Saturn, exalted in Libra. Your task is to think about how indications from these lots, Venus, and the 7th house pertain to the number of marriages. 39) to his Lot of Sons and Lot of Daughters is different than the approach of Dorotheus. This accords well with his relationship with his mother and her status.
The other places will have the same effects as the Morinus is free and easy to use. The formula is found in Valens, but is inverted in Maternus. Some astrologers have mystically hypothesized that the astronomical Ascendant and the points square with it are the Cosmic Angles, while the Lot and the points square with it are the Natal Angles [] (Valens, Anthology, Book II, Ch. He didnt state how it is used but the suggestion is that it is used like the Lot of the Father. So subtract the Scorp degrees from the result. Harry has Eros in Gemini, ruled by Mercury in Virgo copresent with the sun. Lot of Eros. Today, the places are still frequently used in some form. The number of lots can be overwhelming. These inversions are clearly errors as Maternus has Fortune and Spirit with identical formulas which would not make sense for his delineations. However, some lots take the distance from a lot to another lot, a lot to a planet, a planet to a lot, or a planet to the beginning of a sign, and count that from the Ascendant. It pertains to how one deals with competitors, challengers, enemies, and other adversaries. as well as friendship and what one does for pleasure (past time). The character of the parent is usually shown by the nature of the ruler. No wonder she was such a looker and very charming as well! Take for example the lots of Love and Necessity. Thinking about the formula, we're moving from Spirit (mind, intellect, soul, faith) to Venus (pleasurable things). Whats a Lot? They bring additional topical significations to a house.
18, Riley trans. Chris Brennan 35 comments 2023 Electional Astrology Report. 4).
Facebook; Twitter; Instagram; YouTube; Recent Posts. This text is not just a great reference for the lots, but is all around the most indispensable reference on Medieval astrology in all its aspects. (J. H. Holden, Trans.). However, some of its other associations became tied to a Lot of Origin and the Oppressive Place which were projected from Mercury rather than the Ascendant. Paulus Alexandrinus (4th century) stated the Dorothean formula for the lot but said nothing about its use (Ch. Additionally, he used places derived from Fortune with a meaning similar to those from the Ascendant. Valens discussed a Lot of Basis which pertains to personal power and leadership skills. Jump forward a couple months to the date of Harry's statement and we see Meghan moves into a 12th house Gemini year, activating her Lot of Necessity in Virgo because they're both ruled by Mercury. Eros is erotic love, attraction, turn-ons, and titillation. The Lot of Fortune and The Ascendant life and livelihood (Valens, Anthology, Book II, Ch. This formula was used by Dorotheus, Valens, Paulus, and Firmicus Maternus. For instance, Porphyrys Introduction to the Tetrabiblos (3rd century) included Spirit in judging ailments (Ch. It is possible that the natal Eros increases in ease of expression when found in one of the water signs, or in aspect to the Moon, Pluto or Neptune. Planets regarding the house will have varying degrees of influence. There are many variants to the Lot of Marriage. Equipped with the factors discussed in this and prior lessons, we will be ready to start delineating any topic from the natal chart. Placement of the ruler in the 6th, 8th, 3rd, or 12th was considered bad in this analysis. If the Sun is above the horizon in the chart then it is the sect light. 23). Eros had everything that sexuality can have. 26) and length of life (Ch. The image of various dice and game pieces from the Museo de Albacete, Spain by Enrique iguez Rodrguez (Qoan) [CC BY-SA 4.0 ], from Wikimedia Commons. However, the places (houses) assign topics according to the order of the rising of the signs while the lots do so by projecting the distance between factors in the chart. Valens (2nd century) considered Necessity to be powerful enough to make a sign an effective sign of the chart (see Book IV, Ch. Eros in Capricorn fall easily for people who give off an air of success and have their life together. Lots are also used in solar returns, transits, planetary years, and other predictive techniques in a manner similar to the places. Porphyrys Introduction to the Tetrabiblos (3rd century) included Fortune as a significant factor when finding the chart ruler (Ch. XXXII, Holden trans., 2011, p. 387-388). The point in opposition to this Lot is indicative of Adultery. Based on the position of the Ascendant at birth, topics get dropped into different houses of your chart. Also, it is from the non-sect light to the sect light; from darkness to light. The Lot of Love is in water and has its ruler in a water sign. Love transmitting or receiving in operative signs, with benefics in conjunction or aspect, brings about moral desires and makes men lovers of the good: some turn to education and physical or artistic training; they are softened by their delight in their hopes and they do not consider their forethought/goal a matter of difficulty>. Mathesis: A fourth-century astrological treatise. However, I do use them when Im applying techniques from Valens that employ them. (Maternus, Book VI, Ch. He also delineated the ruler of the Ascendant and that of Fortune in one section giving them the same indications (Book II, Ch. Eros is an asteroid. 32, Riley trans., p. 44). Unless otherwise noted, this means that the lot is taken from point A to point B by day, with the reverse distance taken by night. If it is in theAscendant during the day or is in some other operative place, with the sun, the moon, or benefics in aspect,it will make the native noble, distinguished, and fortunate. If you find any of thoseplanets in this place or in quartile to it [the lot], then this is the indicator of the wedding. Firmicus Maternus (4th century) used Fortune throughout Mathesis (see Book IV, Ch. He used the same lot as other astrologers by day, but the text is corrupted concerning reversal. The first thing you may notice is that with her Lot of Eros in the 7th house, she began doing photography seriously after her partner bought her a camera. Valens (2nd century) does mention that some use an alternative formula which is from the Sun to Jupiter, projected from the Ascendant (Book II, Ch. In particular, I'm interested in her book "Highway 61." Jupiter signifies justice and law. It also sometimes figures into the analysis of bodily ailments, and even for mental ailments (in Valens). 25, Riley trans., p. 90). 23). Harry had Libra activated directly, Meghan had Libra activated indirectly through her timelord, the moon in Libra. It's pure attraction rather than true compatibility. Brennan (2010) focused on these planetary lots in his analysis. It not only most closely aspects Fortune but it also opposes the 2nd Place, has its twelfth-part in the 2nd Place, and connects with Jupiter in multiple ways. XXXII of Book VI of his Mathesis. When it precedes an angle, assume
Episodes. Benefics associating with this house can show considerable capability in handling crises. I have included the Lots of Children from Dorotheus and Valens. Governed by three symbols (the scorpion: Mars, the eagle: Pluto, and the Phoenix ), Scorpio has three octaves, each soaring higher than the next. The planet one moves toward in these cases has a greater sense of finality or importance. Eros represents the promise of sexual desire, the transformational power of unity with another being. Any Planet. The former gives information about matters concerning the body and concerning thework of hands. Eros had everything that sexuality can have. 14) and Rhetorius (7th century; Ch. We note the degree and house where it lands. 10) used the number of signs between the Lot of Children and its ruler to indicate the number of children. Keep indications from getting too muddled by holding off on combining the topic of the lot with the topic of its place. The Lot of Love is also very important in relationship matters.