battle of ap bac 1967

By 11:50 Company C 3/47th Infantry had swept the area but failed to locate any VC, however Company C, 4/47th Infantry encountered VC positions as they moved west. I was with Echo Company on the day in question and was across the river at the French Fort with the four deuce mortor platoon firing support for you guys. WebOn Sept 10, 1967, the 3rd battalion of the 26th Marines ventured forward to secure Hill 88. Vann, who was flying above the armored formation, demanded that Ba advance immediately. Even though all the enemy in the immediate vicinitymore than 100 of themwere dead, there was no assurance that others might not be around, and prudence demanded being prepared for any eventuality. This UH-1 gunship was one of five helicopters shot down during the Battle of Ap Bac. [1]:1067[2]:37 Artillery and air support could not be used initially due to confusion over the location of the 4/47th Platoons, but from 12:00 helicopter gunship and artillery fire began to supplement the fire from small arms and nearby patrol craft. At that point, South Vietnamese M-113 crews backed off while firing their .50 caliber machine guns aimlessly into the sky. They were partners at that time. Those on the south were believed to harbor Viet Cong, and the southern platoon of Company A would attack through that area. The 1st Company, 261st Battalion and the 1st Company, 514th Battalion, had a total strength of 320 regular soldiers and were positioned in Ap Bac and Ap Tan Thoi respectively, which were separated by a distance of about 1.5 kilometers (Bad rounding hereScript error: No such module "Math". There was some delay caused by problems of coordination between the two battalions, so not until after 1700 did the battalion reach and deploy on the eastern side of the final irrigation ditch. The gradual tightening of the circle around the enemy force had brought the friendly troops in close to each other; so close that the fires of one unit endangered the others. I was a squad leader with Alpha through AIT. In addition, farmhouses were scattered throughout the rice paddy terrain. [46] Late in the afternoon, a flight of C-123 Providers, with about 300 South Vietnamese paratroopers aboard, closed in on their objective and quickly drew machine gun fire from the hamlet. True, our division G2 had indicated that a sizeable enemy force was in the Ap Bac area. Small-scale military actions, which would eventually escalate into the Vietnam War, started in the late 1950s, when South Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem instituted an anti-Communist campaign aimed at rooting out "left behind" Viet Minh forces. He wanted to hit the Viet Cong with 500 rounds of artillery and destroy them as they retreated. I just finished looking through your web site and enjoyed it a lot. [27] However, in the early phases of the Vietnam conflict, command relationships between U.S. military units were not well-established, and American aircrews had developed a tendency to disregard the instructions of advisors, especially Vann, who was perceived to be domineering. away! WebAt Ap Bac, for the first time, the Viet Cong fought at battalion strength and won a decisive victory against Vietnamese troops supported by American helicopters, armored vehicles, and artillery. This placed the battalion in a perfect position to attack the flank of the enemy which was engaging the 3/47th. At around 7:00 am, the first wave of CH-21 helicopters offloaded the first group of South Vietnamese soldiers. WebOn January 2, 1963, regular army and civil guard forces of the Republic of Vietnam engaged a Viet Cong battalion at the village of Ap Bac in Dinh Tuong province, 35 miles southwest of Saigon in the Mekong Delta. They marched south in three separate axes towards their objective. Ammunition was rapidly dwindling, for the effort to maintain fire superiority caused huge expenditures. Sorry for any of the incorrect pronunciations; I'm not Vietnamese. Viet Cong radio operators, using captured U.S.-made communication equipment, followed the movements of the Civil Guards by monitoring the frequencies the government troops were using. [1]:108. [27] Although he could not see any Viet Cong positions, Vann knew there was a well-fortified position at the southern end of the hamlet, due to the impact of the Viet Cong's firepower on the Civil Guards since the very beginning of the battle. Here it is 40 years later, and I find others who only live 10 miles By 1500, Company A had reached the restraining line designated by the brigade commander, and was deployed along it in assault formation with three platoons abreast. It was surprised to encounter an entire NVA regiment, which counterattacked causing a bloody fight in which 3/26 suffered 300 casualties (40% including 37 KIA) and lost several tanks. His U.S. adviser was Lieutenant Colonel John Paul Vann, who orchestrated much of the unit's activity in concert with his planner, Captain Richard Ziegler. [46], Believing it was useless to continue arguing with Cao, Vann climbed back into his L-19 reconnaissance aircraft and left Tan Hiep. Internet research turns up these 112 lost battles of the Vietnam war: 1. The company commander reported that his unit was in a state of chaos and he was extremely pessimistic about its ability to attack. WebLearn about the Battle of Ap Bac, a major battle fought in Vietnam on January 2, 1963. It was fought in Dinh Tuong Province (now part of Tin Giang Province ), South Vietnam. - William Shakespeare, Henry V, Navy Cross recipients, Distinguished Service Cross recipients, and Medal of Honor recipients from the Navy Mobile Riverine Force and Army 9th Infantry Division. The infantry units would be supported by artillery, M-113 armored personnel carriers and helicopters. Men spoke in high-pitched, excited voices as though still trying to make themselves heard over the roar of gunfire. Mobile Riverine Force in conjunction with the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) from 1921 June 1967 against the Viet Cong (VC). Company B, 3/60th, occupied its assigned blocking position without enemy contact and, in doing so, indicated the limits of the enemys position. A stalemate of sorts followed, as South Vietnamese forces took so long to reach these areas that the guerilla fighters were able to retreat with little difficulty. Most were shot down as the troops of Company A, seizing the break they had been waiting for, quickly overran the position. As the second group, under the platoon sergeant, began moving down the dike, the lead man, a squad leader, was killed by fire form a foxhole along the dike. Quickly dividing his platoon, the platoon leader directed his men to start crawling along the sides of the two dikes under cover of the supporting fire of Company A, 3/47th, from the southern side of the stream. Situated near Ap Bac Village in the Long An Province of Vietnam, the soldiers of Alpha Company, 4th Battalion, 47th Infantry were slogging through a couple hundred yards of open rice paddies when they stumbled into chaos. Instead of following Vann's instructions, the command pilot decided to lead his helicopters over southern Ap Tan Thoi and along the creek to Ap Bac. Web2 May 1967: Battle of Ap Bac, not riverine, but most significant battle fought to date by 2nd Brigade. 21 May 1967: 4th Bn 47th Infantry relieved RSSZ mission, proceeds to Dong Tam and OnCon 2nd Brigade. Although Vann was suspicious, he decided it was a better landing zone because the area was tranquil despite the heavy fighting elsewhere. As the shadows lengthened over the dry rice fields and dense foliage, the roar of machine-gun fire and exploding grenades slowly died away. [47], The Viet Cong were able to pick off one South Vietnamese paratrooper after another, some as they descended and others when their parachutes became stuck in the trees. WebOn January 2, 1963, regular army and civil guard forces of the Republic of Vietnam engaged a Viet Cong battalion at the village of Ap Bac in Dinh Tuong province, 35 miles southwest of Saigon in the Mekong Delta. ft) of the Viet Cong position to fire the western tree line. Clusters of coconut trees abounded and mangrove clumps generally straddled one of the many waterways that traversed the area. Anything and everything that couldn't fit in any of the other categories. When reporter Neil Sheehan asked Brigadier-General Robert York what had happened, the general replied, "What the hell's it look like happened, boy. They captured a youth riding a water buffalo who admitted that he belonged to the Viet Congs 514th Battalion (a provincial main force unit of excellent reputation), and had been sent to observe the Americans approaching from the west. WebLearn about the Battle of Ap Bac, a major battle fought in Vietnam on January 2, 1963. The MRFA is launching our Historical Data Project (HDP), featuring as much MRF TF-117 data as possible. It was fought in Dinh Tuong Province (now part of Tin Giang Province ), South Vietnam. Two Viet Cong soldiers received North Vietnams highest military-exploit medal for winning this battle. Here it is 40 years later, and I find others who only live 10 miles Originally, our 2nd Brigade, 9th Infantry Division, had been promised two helicopter companies for the operation; however, late on the day before the operation began, one of these was withdrawn. On the south, Company A was exchanging fire with most of the enemy defenders. mi). It could prevent disaster, if necessary, but its chances of successfully attacking south along the stream were slim, since semi-darkness was already covering the area. One was the commander of the Communist forces. The two leading M-113s were able to pull up beside the downed helicopters, but one driver was killed while driving with his head outside of the hatch, and Ba was knocked unconscious inside his carrier. In the background could be heard the steady beat of helicopter blades as the choppers brought in supplies and took out casualties. In short, the Viet Cong enjoyed a great advantage over any attacking force. The flamethrower had a range of up to 200 meters (Bad rounding hereScript error: No such module "Math". While these operations were being carried out, the gunship, which has been constantly circling the area, reported a Viet Cong force of company size moving across the fields to the northeast. [58] Militarily, the morale and confidence of Viet Cong commanders and soldiers, who had experienced serious setbacks during the previous year, were significantly boosted. A great way to spend Veterans Day and The battle was a significant milestone for the Viet Cong as a fighting force. As they held their cigarettes their hands shook from the terrific nervous tensions they had been under. I too have a connection to that date.I was in training at Fort Riley in 1966 also but I was in Occasionally the throaty whine of an armored personnel carrier would rend the eerie darkness momentarily as the carrier jockeyed on the battlefield. I have always been proud to have been there and I have always been proud of you, Alan, Larry, Rick, Bob and Ted. By 20:00 darkness and enemy fire stopped the assault with Companies B and C, 3/47th Infantry, still some 600 meters west of the ambush site. [6], However, South Vietnamese officers were often reluctant to absorb heavy casualties. Politically, the Viet Cong 261st and 514th Battalions were able to exercise greater influence in their areas of operations because of the prestige of defeating the soldiers of Diem's unpopular regime. WebOperation Concordia was an operation conducted by the U.S. [4] The lightly armed Viet Cong had no weaponry capable of stopping the armored carriers and inevitably were forced to flee, taking heavy casualties. However, Cao argued that a surrounded and well-entrenched enemy would fight more fiercely than a retreating one, so he wanted the Viet Cong units inside the hamlets of Ap Bac and Ap Tan Thoi to expose themselves by retreating through the eastern side of the battlefield, where he could destroy them with artillery and airpower. Company C, 3/47th Infantry was deployed by helicopters south of the reported VC location while Company C, 4/47th Infantry was moved by patrol craft northeast of the location. Harkins' evaluation of the battle's success were based on U.S. military doctrine from World War II, in which two armies fought a conventional combined arms battle with the goal to control territory. Leading up to this battle, the North Vietnamese Army was reported to have moved back into the area northeast of Con Thien, so A and B Companies of the 1st Battalion 9th Marines "The Leading up to this battle, the North Vietnamese Army was reported to have moved back into the area northeast of Con Thien, so A and B Companies of the 1st Battalion 9th Marines "The Roy, U R Tha Man! "We few, we happy few, we band of brothers, For he today that sheds his blood with me, shall be my brother." [1]:107, With nightfall the casualties of Company A, 4/47th Infantry were able to be evacuated, while most of the VC were able to escape through gaps in the U.S. positions. He did not object to Cao's plan because it was consistent with President Diem's objective to save Vietnamese lives through the Rural Revolutionary Development and Chieu Hoi Programs, which encouraged Viet Cong fighters to join the South Vietnamese military. Background [ edit] Cn Giuc District in Long An Province was a VC stronghold in the Mekong Delta. I also lost my best friend from Alpha Company, SP4 Noel T. West who was a combat medic. Ziegler's plan, codenamed Operation Duc Thang I,[16] called for the South Vietnamese to assault Ap Tan Thoi from three different directions; three rifle companies from the 11th Infantry Regiment, 7th Infantry Division, to move from the north; the Dinh Tuong Civil Guards Regiment[note 1] to march northward from the south in separate columns; and a company of 13 M-113 armored personnel carriers with an infantry company on board from the southwest. At the brigade commanders suggestion, it was decided to lay a heavy volume of smoke on the area, using a battery of 155-mm. WebBattle Of Ap Bac January 2, 1963 Overview Historical Debates Resources Elements of the South Vietnamese 7th Infantry Division engage a smaller Viet Cong force outside the village of Ap Bac, 40 miles southwest of Saigon, in the Mekong Delta. To have met the enemy on his own terms after so many fruitless months of seeking him, suffering daily casualties from mines and booby traps until frustrations reached a crescendo that seared the mind and bloodied the heart; to have met the enemy and destroyed him completely, provided a joy and a sense of accomplishment that caused their hearts to glow and animated each man. Perhaps more significantly, no mines or booby traps had been encountered, usually a good sign that you are in an area highly frequented by the Viet Cong. Situated near Ap Bac Village in the Long An Province of Vietnam, the soldiers of Alpha Company, 4th Battalion, 47th Infantry were slogging through a couple hundred yards of open rice paddies when they stumbled into chaos. [54] According to Moyar (2008), in blaming the South Vietnamese, Vann wanted to conceal the American's flawed intelligence and poor leadership. Following this operation the aircraft would pass to the 3/47th for a similar operation. These tactics, combined with the use of armored personnel carriers, took a heavy toll on various fledgling Viet Cong units. An argument broke out between Vann and Ba. the front page story in The Signal about your trip back to Vietnam and your memories of the battle on June 19, 1967. Losses in the 3/47th were more severe. The two platoons in the rice until they could gain fire superiority, then moving again. Thanks for the memories on this Veterans Day, 2007. ft) west of Ap Bac, where they were hit multiple times by Viet Cong machine gun and small arms fire. If we were going to win, the enemy must soon begin to break and run. Mobile Riverine Force in conjunction with the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) from 1921 June 1967 against the Viet Cong (VC). Suddenly, a concealed automatic weapon opened fire at a range of 50 meters, completely enfilading the line of troops. It was fought in Dinh Tuong Province (now part of Tin Giang Province ), South Vietnam. Sorry for any of the incorrect pronunciations; I'm not Vietnamese. We welcome content contributions! Thirteen men had died in the little pasture and many more had been wounded. [27], Dam asked Vann, who was circling the battlefield aboard an L-19 reconnaissance aircraft, to reconnoiter possible landing zones on the east and west sides of Ap Bac, where additional reinforcements could be inserted to launch their attacks. He was in my class. While they crawled, they replenished their dwindling ammunition supply from the fallen. Several personnel carriers were hit and several troops killed and wounded. The battalion commander of the 3/60th Infantry intended to move his unit forward by stages before making the final assault. 19th Battle): Here's my ole pal, Roy and me showing our support. The enemy has demonstrated time and again that merely killing his troops does us little or no good, for he is able to quickly recruit more. The rest of the troops would move to their jump-off positions by vehicles with the 3/60th departing first because it had the longest distance to travel. A different day and a different time, when young men knew their duty and performed it well. What a pleasant surprise to sit down for breakfast on this Veterans Day, 2007, and see Meanwhile, the two companies already on the line of departure would begin the operation by advancing to a series of objectives to the north. However, in contrast to previous engagements, Viet Cong commander Hoang had ordered the soldiers of the 261st and 514th Battalions to throw everything they had at the South Vietnamese, as retreat through the muddy rice fields would result in certain death.[35]. After discussing the pros and cons with the commander of the 3rd Battalion, 60th Infantry, the brigade commander decided to continue the operation, even though the loss of the blocking force did not augur well for success. To further complicate matters, the area was honeycombed with small fighting positions typical of the Delta region. Memorials and museums dedicated to the Mobile Riverine Force. Without further delay, the commanding officer of the 3/60th ordered the attack to go in without the artillery. Naval Forces Vietnam Monthly Historical Supplement June 1967",, Battles and operations of the Vietnam War in 1967, Battles and operations of the Vietnam War, Wikipedia articles incorporating text from the United States Army Center of Military History, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 1 August 2022, at 01:43. [5], The most successful South Vietnamese force had been the 7th Infantry Division, then under the command of Colonel Huynh Van Cao. But experience had shown that at best this was an educated guess, one that all too often had proved false. [32] The Viet Cong fired on the exposed soldiers and killed several. Of the fifteen American helicopters sent to support the operation, only one escaped undamaged, and five were either downed or destroyed. [44] Vann accused Cao of wanting to let the Viet Cong escape in order to avoid further South Vietnamese casualties. Darkness finally came to the rice paddies of Dien Thoung Province in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam, but it came slowly. Such is the aftermath of violent combat. Ultimately, their presence made little difference as the FNL stood their ground and killed more than a dozen South Vietnamese M-113 crews in the process. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new

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The enemy must battle of ap bac 1967 begin to break and run concerned, all his chips were in the background be. The choppers brought in supplies and took out casualties along the stream, it at... Stream, it arrived at a position just short of the many battle of ap bac 1967 that traversed the area the units... ], However, South Vietnam the effort to maintain fire superiority, then moving.! Fighting elsewhere everything that could n't fit in any of the 26th Marines ventured forward to secure Hill 88 15... Off while firing their.50 caliber machine guns aimlessly into the sky Project ( HDP ), South Vietnamese were.

airborne direction finding goes ap bac war ec47 Then, without pausing, they ran along the entire length of the dike, which had foxholes every five meters or so, to take out the enemy positions one by one.

One enemy soldier was beaten to death by a soldier who used his steel helmet, and another was stabbed to death, thus indicating the ferocity of the assault. Two men had died, another 15 had been wounded, but none of these men died and only six were classed as seriously wounded. It resulted in a US/ARVN victory. The C-123 pilots changed course to avoid the ground fire, but either the South Vietnamese jumpmaster or the American flight leader did not compensate for the change. They had scored the biggest successes of the pacification campaigns of 1962, killing thousands of Viet Cong fighters and leaving thousands of others cut off from supplies. WebThe Battle of July Two was a short engagement of the Vietnam War that took place along Route 561 between Gia Binh and An Kha, during Operation Buffalo. Jump-off was scheduled for 0800. Despite massive support from the US military, the ARVN lost the Battle of Ap Bac. I too have a connection to that date. It resulted in a US/ARVN victory. What the heck. [41] At around 2:30 pm, defeated and with their morale broken, the 4th Mechanized Rifle Squadron disengaged from the fight and withdrew. It soon became apparent that the craft would be delayed, and after a wait of more than an hour, the battalion was notified that the helicopters would not arrive because of a tactical emergency elsewhere. Advancing without halting under cover of the terrific fire they were putting down, they rapidly closed up to the wooded area. Ap Bac Revisited - June 19, 2007 Bill Reynolds, What a pleasant surprise to sit down for breakfast on this Veterans Day, 2007, and see the front page story in The Signal about your trip back to Vietnam and your memories of the battle on June 19, 1967. Contact Us. This time, darkness would provide no convenient cover for their escape. Nearly wipes out 514th Main Force Viet Cong Battalion 15 May 1967: 1st CAM SON riverine operation, using TF-117 boats. The U.S. military had every advantage, yet mistakes were made and battles lost. At that time, North Vietnam was hoping for an election, promised under the Geneva Accords of 1954, that would unite North and South Vietnam. When Vann threatened to have Ba shot, he reluctantly continued to advance, although very slowly, toward the entrenched Viet Cong. WebBattle Of Ap Bac January 2, 1963 Overview Historical Debates Resources Elements of the South Vietnamese 7th Infantry Division engage a smaller Viet Cong force outside the village of Ap Bac, 40 miles southwest of Saigon, in the Mekong Delta. North Vietnam remained worried about U.S. involvement and refused any sort of military support, forcing the remaining Viet Minh to retreat into inaccessible areas in the hills and river estuaries. WebFor the VC, the Battle of Ap Bac marked the first time they stood and fought a large South Vietnamese formationdespite being outnumbered by more than five to one. [33], Ba asserted that he would not take orders from Americans. WebA brief lecture on the 1963 Battle of Ap Bac. The last battle for which two living service members received the Medal of Honor was the 1967 Battle of Ap Bac in Vietnam, a spokeswoman for the Congressional Medal of Honor Society said. Vann then radioed Captain James B. Scanlonsenior adviser to the ARVN 2nd Armored Cavalry Regimentand told him that four U.S. helicopters had either been destroyed or immobilized about 1,500 meters (Bad rounding hereScript error: No such module "Math". [22] The Viet Cong also took full advantage of the local terrain by taking up positions in Ap Tan Thoi in the north, along a tree-lined creek in the southeast, and Ap Bac in the south. After fighting its way through the houses along the stream, it arrived at a position just short of the enemys main defense line. [50] The 1st Company, 261st Battalion, led the column, followed by litter carriers carrying the dead and wounded. Shortly afterwards, three companies of the 11th Infantry Regiment were committed into battle in northern Ap Tan Thoi, but they too could not overcome the FNL soldiers who had entrenched themselves in the area. God bless!John W. Gerbing - MRFA Member, From Tim Johnson's sister (Tim gave the ultimate sacrifice during the June WebBattle Of Ap Bac January 2, 1963 Overview Historical Debates Resources Elements of the South Vietnamese 7th Infantry Division engage a smaller Viet Cong force outside the village of Ap Bac, 40 miles southwest of Saigon, in the Mekong Delta. Even though the general location of the enemy was known, the excellent camouflage and small holes customarily used by the Viet Cong made it impossible to spot exact fire positions until very close to them. [3] The arrival of helicopters changed the nature of the battle considerably; it enabled South Vietnamese soldiers to quickly fly to almost any point in the country, leaving little time for a retreat. [19] At 1:30 pm, Ba's M-113 formation finally closed in on the downed helicopters on the western side of Ap Bac. [38] When Ba recovered, his company launched a frontal assault on the Viet Cong's foxhole line. So far as the battalion commander of the 3/60th was concerned, all his chips were in the pot. The personnel carriers of Company C, 5/60th, having a longer distance to travel, and having two fairly deep streams to cross, did not close Company As position until approximately 1530. Some rice had been found, more proof that Viet Cong had been in the area. NOTE: This video is part of a lesson plan titled The Battle of Ap Bac. ft) southeast of the regiment's position. The last battle for which two living service members received the Medal of Honor was the 1967 Battle of Ap Bac in Vietnam, a spokeswoman for the Congressional Medal of Honor Society said.