The Districts five high schools are highly ranked in the region, state and nation.
Please turn on JavaScript and try again. ), Nicasio School District (No dashboard. Even with protocols in place to mitigate the transmission of COVID-19, the presence of an individual who has tested positive of COVID-19 on a K-12 public or private school campus is an emergency that poses a risk to health or safety of students and employees present on the campus. Vaccines at TRC. Find your school here. CUPERTINO (KPIX 5) -- A group of parents gathered at the Cupertino Union School District offices Tuesday to request a distance learning option as COVID cases continue to surge. Visitors need to bring their own containers or bags to carry out compost. WebThe COVID-19 District Report Card dashboard provides daily updates on the reopening status and COVID testing results for the staff and students participating in-person instruction on our campuses. Instituting necessary case investigation and contact tracing; Focusing public health resources to effectively provide comprehensive support to the affected schools related to further investigation, mitigation strategies, and operational plans; Assessing and monitoring the practices and activities that may have led to the infection or transmission of COVID-19; Taking appropriate measures to protect the health of both the school community and population-at-large; and. / CBS San Francisco. 124 0 obj <> endobj It is part of the California Department of Health's guidance on COVID-19 case reporting by schools. City Compost Site to Reopen on Friday, May 29 at 8:00 a.m. 10300 Torre Avenue The sharing of identified case information data with public health professionals is therefore necessary to ensure that state and local public health experts can respond to confirmed cases of COVID-19 who have been present at a school site, to track and understand the extent of disease transmission within the state, and to support communities with appropriate prevention strategies and support. These essential services include responding to 311 requests and maintaining the Citys infrastructure, among others. In Newport-Mesa Unified School District, there are over 500 students and staff with COVID, according to their dashboard with around 20,000 staff and students in
All Rights Reserved. WebC.B. Cupertino Union School District: Most children living in Cupertino attend elementary and middle school in the Cupertino Union School District, the largest elementary school district in northern California and one of the premier districts in the state. Teachers will balance the demands of concurrent teaching, which is an entirely new way of teaching for staff. Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. Ask anyone in Silicon Valley what Cupertino is known for, and the answer likely will be, great schools. Cupertinos residents long have made education a priority from kindergarten through college and beyond. (408) 777-3106
Face coverings will be provided to students who do not bring them.Like last year, these policies could change at any time or following guidance from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. ), Shoreline Unified School District (Dashboard pending). The City understands that residents are excited to have access to this service again after such a late start. Children do not need to be present for parents to pick up their meals. Heading into the upcoming school year, some dates are subject to change as the coronavirus pandemic nears its year-and-a-half point. Setting the Standard in Quality Education. An elementary school in Cupertino, Californiaa Silicon Valley community with a median home price of $2.3 millionrecently forced a class of third-graders to deconstruct their racial identities, then rank themselves according to their power and privilege.. section 2508) also requires anyone in charge of a K-12 public or private school kindergarten to report at once to the local health officer the presence or suspected presence of any of the communicable disease, which includes COVID-19. Starting in fall 2017, you can get school performance info at the California School Dashboard. Senior Adults Legal Assistance (SALA) provides free legal services to Santa Clara County residents 60 or older, usually during appointments at the Cupertino Senior Center. Web10255 N. Portal Ave., Cupertino, CA 95014. Our online publication has been Coronado's trusted news source for over 20 years. Today, we enter into Phase 3 of our CUSD reopening plan and enthusiastically welcome new cohorts of students back on campus at both CMS and CHS. Cupertino Union School District is a highly rated, public school district located in SUNNYVALE, CA. Serving approximately 1,900 students, Wilcox ranks highly among schools in Santa Clara County with similar demographics. Due to COVID 19, SALAs appointments will not be available at the Cupertino Senior Center until the Senior Center restores its regular programs. 156 0 obj
<>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<1F95C23C841D0044AF33432CA16D74D1>]/Index[124 57]/Info 123 0 R/Length 139/Prev 231565/Root 125 0 R/Size 181/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream
We must be purposeful in designing on campus experiences that are capable of providing the same rigor and quality of instruction. CUPERTINO (KPIX 5) -- A group of parents gathered at the Cupertino Union School District offices Tuesday to request a distance learning option as COVID cases continue to surge. Following an eagerly anticipated April 5, 2021 reopening, the District will expand from a model where students are on campus for two days, to a model where students are on campus four days a week. During these difficult times, Californians come together to help each other. Part of the new COVID-19 guidance coming out for schools includes what is being dubbed "modified quarantine." (1-833-422-4255). WebCupertino Union School District 1309 S. Mary Avenue Suites 150 & 250 Sunnyvale, CA 94087 (408) 252-3000. Starting in fall 2017, you can get school performance info at the California School Dashboard. Click "Read More" to access. Senior Adults Legal Assistance (SALA)
But it's still unclear what will be recommended for people who received the Johnson & Johnson shot. A number of schools and programs in Cupertino for children and adults focus on culture and language, including Chinese, Hindi, Japanese and Korean.
Students attending in-person classes at Cupertino Middle School must follow Cupertino Union School District policies. Below is a dashboard that shares testing data, including how many tests have been completed, the number of positive tests, and the rate of positive tests. The views expressed here are the author's own. Categoras. The first day of school for students in Cupertino is August 16. Serving approximately 1,900 students, Wilcox ranks highly among schools in Santa Clara County with similar demographics. ), San Jose Unified School District (No dashboard), Bellevue Union School District (Waiting to hear back from district), Bennett Valley Union School District (Waiting to hear back from district), Cloverdale Unified School District (Waiting to hear back from district), Dunham (Waiting to hear back from district), Forestville Union (Waiting to hear back from district), Geyserville Unified School District (Waiting to hear back from district), Harmony Union (Waiting to hear back from district), Horicon (Waiting to hear back from district), Kenwood (Waiting to hear back from district), Liberty (Waiting to hear back from district), Mark West Union (Waiting to hear back from district), Monte Rio Union (Waiting to hear back from district), Montgomery Elementary (Waiting to hear back from district), Oak Grove Union (Waiting to hear back from district), Old Adobe Union (Waiting to hear back from district), Petaluma City Elementary (Waiting to hear back from district), Petaluma Joint Union High (Waiting to hear back from district), Piner-Olivet Union (Waiting to hear back from district), Sebastapol Union (Waiting to hear back from district), Sonoma Valley Unified (Waiting to hear back from district), Twin Hills Union (Waiting to hear back from district), Waugh (Waiting to hear back from district), Wilmar Union (Waiting to hear back from district), Windsor Unified School District (Waiting to hear back from district), Wright (Waiting to hear back from district), Benicia Unified School District (Waiting to hear back from district), Dixon Unified School District (Waiting to hear back from district), Travis Unified School District (Waiting to hear back from district), Vallejo City Unified School District (No dashboard available), Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District (Waiting to hear back from district). After a year when many parents around the country were demanding a return to the classroom, these parents want to now keep their kids home. Be cautious around elderly or immunocompromised individuals and consider COVID-19 testing before such interactions. Browse our district and school profiles to find the right fit for you. Wearing medical grade masks and adjusting masks so they fit tightly are important. Burlingame School District (Dashboard will be available when schools reopen), Hillsborough City School District (No dashboard available), Jefferson Elementary School District (No dashboard available), Las Lomitas Elementary School District (No dashboard available), Millbrae School District (No dashboard available), Pacifica School District (No dashboard available), Ravenswood City School District (No dashboard available), Redwood City School District (Dashboard pending), San Bruno Park School District (No dashboard available), San Carlos School District (Dashboard pending), Woodside Elementary School District (Dashboard pending), Jefferson Union High School District (Dashboard pending), San Mateo Union High School District (No dashboard available), Sequoia Union High School District (Dashboard pending), Cabrillo Unified School District (No dashboard available), La Honda-Pescadero Unified School District (No dashboard available), South San Francisco Unified School District (Dashboard pending), East Side Union High School District (Dashboard pending), Fremont Union High School District (Dashboard pending), Gilroy Unified School District (Requested information. Assistance is available through two different programs: Meriwest Credit Union and the City of Cupertino have partnered to provide income qualified Cupertino residents with low interest loans to make past due or current rental payments. A mix of in-person, virtual and hybrid learning is still possible in Cupertino, though Gov. Cupertino, CA 95014-3202, 2023 City of Cupertino. WebData regarding school-age COVID-19 cases can be found on the K-12 Aged ISD Reporting dashboard and COVID-19 outbreak numbers can be found on the Outbreak Reporting webpage . Cupertino Union School District is a highly rated, public school district located in SUNNYVALE, CA. Many other City services are available online or by phone. Classroom (s) Closed Although everyone is wearing a mask, some parents are growing more nervous about having their kids back in school. The District is nestled in the heart of Silicon The Golden State will require masks indoors in K-12 schools, child care facilities and other settings with children. Several private schools offer elementary, middle and high school curricula in Cupertino and the surrounding area. We have created a CUSD Dashboard to provide our community and staff with a transparent summary of on-site active COVID-19 cases. COVID Requirements: Summer 2022 Classes at Cupertino Middle School Students attending in-person classes at Cupertino Middle School must follow Cupertino The District serves approximately 18,000 students in 19 elementary schools, one K-8 school and five middle schools throughout the City of Cupertino and parts of five other cities. The college serves approximately 23,000 students. Concurrently with this directive, CDPH issued updated, consolidated guidance for K-12 schools (including public, private, and charter) to support school re-openings and safe implementation of in-person instruction for students and staff. "We are very scared of the increasing cases around. Ask anyone in Silicon Valley what Cupertino is known for, and the answer likely will be, great schools. Cupertinos residents long have made education a priority from kindergarten through college and beyond. Webcan you have fire aspect and knockback. 2021 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. Coronado School of the Arts (CoSA) Foundation Brings in More than $75,000 at the 25th Anniversary Gala! WebOur COVID-19 Case Data Dashboard shows details of all the reported COVID-19 cases from January 2020 to present. Watch videos of discussions from the World Health Organization, updates from Governor Newsom, informational videos from the CDC, and more. Coronado\'s Local Newspaper & Community Website, Council Accepts Grant Funds, Budget Forecast and Establishes Subcommittee on Cross Border Water Pollution, Court Rules in Favor of Coronado in ADU Lawsuit; Nonprofit Files Appeal, Remember the Ladies! by Taylor Baldwin Kiland, Coronado Crime Report: DUIs, Possession of Controlled Substances (3/25-3/31), CHS Model United Nations Team Back in Action, Naval Special Warfare Operators Demonstrate Safety, Teamwork and Fitness to Coronado Students, 55+ Softball League Looking for Players (Plays at Tidelands Park), Laila Romero Selected as San Diego Tennis Pro of the Year by USTA. The district served 18,003 students during the 2017-2018 school year. Recent information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also indicates that even fully vaccinated individuals can in some cases spread the Delta variant to others, and so indoor use of face coverings provides an important added layer of protection. The compost site will be open on Fridays and Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. to noon from May 29 to mid-November. Find your school here. CUPERTINO (KPIX 5) -- A group of parents gathered at the Cupertino Union School District offices Tuesday to request a distance learning option as COVID cases The District Re-Opening plan and other required documents are updated readily and found on the Districts website at Locate open businesses close to you--including grocery stores, supermarkets, coffee shops, restaurants, and more--with the Service Finder application, which is now being updated with open businesses: User Name: Password: More Options. Gavin Newsom reaffirmed Monday his desire to see students back in the classroom so they can receive the social and emotional benefits that come with full-time, in-person learning. Santa Clara County Office of Education 1290 Ridder Park Drive Nonetheless, the Delta variant is infecting a small percentage of the vaccinated in the Bay Area who still remain strongly protected against severe illness, hospitalization, and death. The Cupertino Union School District (CUSD), will reopen on April 5, 2021, for Hybrid Instruction on all 25 school campuses. This rating has improved by 2% over the last 12 months. CUSD COVID-19 Dashboard now available for parents August 17, 2021, 5:20 PM The district's COVID-19 dashboard already showed 36 people tested positive in August. Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option, 2016 Economic Development Strategic Plan (EDSP), Waiver of Business License Tax (Non-Profits), City Code, Permits, Inspections & Licenses, McClellan Road Separated Bike Lanes Project, Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Biographies, Parks and Recreation Commission Biographies, Technology, Information & Communication Commission, Santa Clara/Santa Cruz Community Roundtable, San Jose Airport Ad Hoc Advisory Committee, Interactive Financial Transparency Portal (OpenGov), Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Program FAQ. Health officials are very concerned by the substantial levels of community transmission now found across the Bay Area, especially among unvaccinated people. Starting in fall 2017, you can get school performance info at the California School Dashboard. New health protocols have been put in place and include: Reminder: There are no containers or bags offered at the site. Effective immediately, every local educational agency (school district, county office of education, and charter school) and private school in California shall notify its local health officer of any known case of COVID-19 among any student or employee who was present on a K-12 public or private school campus within the 10 days preceding a positive test for COVID-19. Espaol, - Reporting to the local health officer the presence of a positive case of COVID-19 in an individual who is or has been present on a K-12 public or private school campus is necessary to protect the health and safety of students and employees present on the campus. You do not need to be a Senior Center member to receive these services. Private Elementary, Middle and High Schools. Web18,003 students Three seats on the Cupertino Union School District school board in California were up for general election on November 8, 2022. Policies & Disclaimer. The new Health Orders require wearing a well-fitting mask indoors in public settings. Below you will find a list of school districts broken down by county, with links to any available COVID dashboard they have posted online. Please contact West Valley Community Services for an application: or 408-366-6092. You can find more informationhere. Private Elementary, Middle and High Schools. %%EOF Click here for more information ! Franklin McKinley Elementary School District, Los Gatos Saratoga Union High School District, Mountain View Whisman Elementary School District, Mountain View Los Altos Union High School District, Cotati-Rohnert Park Unified School District, Emeryville Unified School District (no dashboard available), Mountain House Elementary School District (no dashboard available), New Haven Unified School District (Union City - District is in process of creating a dashboard), Newark Unified School District (no dashboard available), Piedmont Unified School District (no dashboard available), San Leandro Unified School District (update from district to come), Antioch Unified School District (Dashboard pending), Byron Union School District (Dashboard pending), Canyon Union School District (No dashboard), John Swett Unified School District (No dashboard), Martinez Unified School District (Dashboard pending), Orinda Union School District (Dashboard pending), Walnut Creek Unified School District (No dashboard), Bolinas-Stinson Union (No dashboard. Find your school here. De Anza Community College: Some of Cupertinos high school graduates continue their education at the acclaimed De Anza Community College in Cupertino. Closed Saturday and Sunday. The district's COVID-19 dashboard already showed 36 people tested positive in August. The successful rollout of the vaccines, the diminishing transmission rates in our county, and the ability to now serve more students in school are all outstanding landmarks on our road to recovery and getting back to better. Board President Jerry Liu remarked, Cupertino Union School District students, teachers, and families are taking a big step forward on April 5 with our return to campus, and we will remain vigilant in providing a safe learning environment for our learners and staff. XII, Issue III - High School News - WebInstead, he taught theology in Bologna, Italy; and at Montpellier, Toulouse, and Puy-en-Velay in southern France. Berkeley, San Francisco and Santa Cruz campuses. For any additional questions, please contact your school or local health department. We are locally owned and operated and are committed to quality coverage of our Coronado community. Starting in fall 2017, you can get school performance info at the California School Dashboard, which replaces the states discontinued Academic Performance Index. Health Order- August 2, 2021 There is plenty of compost at the site, so it is not anticipated to run out. Residents are urged to be patient as there may be a long waiting period first thing in the morning. Esther Kwon A confirmed case indicates that a student or staff member participating in on-site activities has tested positive for an active COVID-19 infection. De Anza Community College: Some of Cupertinos high school graduates continue their education at the acclaimed De Anza Community College in Cupertino. Learn more about services, vaccinations, testing, and more. Pope Valley Union Elementary School District and Howell Mountain Elementary School District do not post publicly, but inform parents and staff as needed. what happened to harajuku lovers bags, is wyatt cooper anderson's biological child, do legolas and frodo ever talk, where to buy blue bell happy tracks, christopher gray obituary, what line of code will import matplotlib, casas en renta tijuana Small Town Scene, Big Time Dancing: CoSAsFootlooseRocks the Stage at the Coronado Performing Arts Center, CHS Tiki Flicks Digital Photography Show Opens April 6th, San Diego Symphony Presents Exciting Summer Season at The Rady Shell at Jacobs Park, Easter Fun is Springing up at Loews Coronado Bay Resort (April 9th), Coronado Islander Track Team Competes at the University City Classic, Kelly Purvis Receives Coronado Rotarys Bob Watson Service Above Self Award, CMS Garden Blooms Again Thanks to Emerald Keepers and the Coronado Public Library, CUSD Governing Board Closed Session: Settlement in One Lawsuit, Initiates Participation Another, Coronado High Student Jasmine Lo Receives Distinguished Young Women Scholarship, CUSD Update on Teacher and Staff Vaccinations, CUSD Update on Reopening, Safety, Testing, Summer School, Update on Return to On-Campus Learning from CUSD Superintendent Mueller, CUSD Update from Superintendent Mueller Jan. 8, 2021, Coronado USD Message from Superintendent Mueller as Holiday Break Begins, CUSD Update: Message from Superintendent Mueller, Get Rates for Email & Website Advertising.
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