Allows custom processing of passage text. These, rare, instances are noted in the macros' documentation and shown in their examples. Assigns the value on the right-hand side of the operator to the left-hand side. Though, using SugarCube global is most definitely the wrong way. SimpleAudio API, AudioRunner API, and AudioList API. Each event is represented by an object that has properties that may be used to get additional information about what happened. WebNote: What you're doing is setting _text to the string "_TextNew", not the value of _TextNew. I want to get better and I can't do that without learning from mistakes and errors.

Returns the playlist's total playtime in seconds, Infinity if it contains any streams, or NaN if no metadata exists. Adds the named property to the settings object and a toggle control for it to the Settings dialog. To update the value associated with a key, simply set it again. If its return value is falsy, the save is disallowed. For example: While every valid expressioneven those you might not expectyields a value, there are essentially two types of expressions: those with side effects and those without.

Adds a playlist with the given list ID. Doing so allows interactions with the text to also trigger its <>.

Expired moments are recorded in a separate expired collection and can no longer be navigated to. The documentation for each macro will tell you what it expects. There are several predefined group IDs (:all, :looped, :muted, :paused, :playing) and custom IDs may be defined via <>. Macro context objects contain the following data and method properties. Once the code has been fully executed, the contents of the buffer, if any, will be output.

Silently executes its contents when the incoming passage is done rendering and has been added to the page. Used for post-passage-display tasks, like redoing dynamic changes (happens after the rendering and display of each passage). Probably most useful when paired with <>. Instead, the macro is passed a receiver variable which is set to the value input by the user.

To prevent conflicts, it is strongly suggested that you specify a custom user namespacee.g., .myEventswhen attaching your own handlers. Returns the bundled metadata, if any, or null if the given save could not be deserialized and loaded. See: Tip: In mobile browsers, playback volume is controlled by the device hardware. As a basic working definition, non-generic object typesa.k.a. For example, if some story passages were tagged with forest, then styles for those forest passages might look like this: These are SugarCube's built-in stylesheets, in order of load/cascade. URL: Activates the moment at the given index within the full state history and show it. Registers the passage as a VTT passage. State.prng.init() must be called during story initialization, within either your project's JavaScript section (Twine2: the Story JavaScript; Twine1/Twee: a script-tagged passage) or the StoryInit special passage. The most common way to resolve this arbitrarily long return issue is to use a bit of JavaScript to record the last non-menu passage the player visited into a story variable and then to create a link with that. See the HTML and CSS docs for more information. Using <> to automatically forward players from one passage to another with no input from them will both create junk moments within the story history and make it extremely difficult for players to navigate the history. The document element. Used to populate the story's caption area in the UI bar (element ID: story-caption). The seed is automatically included within saves and sessions, so this is not especially useful outside of debugging purposes.

The new l10nStrings object has a simpler, flatter, set of properties and better support for replacement strings. The .hasData() method is generally more useful.

This temporary playthrough session is intended to prevent players from losing data. Note:

Math.random() is no longer replaced by the integrated seedable PRNG when State.prng.init() is called. Adding additional properties directly to save objects is not recommended.

All created passage elements will be children of this element.

Determines whether the audio subsystem attempts to preload track metadatameaning information about the track (e.g., duration), not its audio frames. Stops playback of the playlist and forces its tracks to drop any existing data.

Note: State API. Does not modify the original. Prior to SugarCube v2.10.0, the strings localization object was named strings. Returns whether the dialog is currently open. Provides access to browsers' fullscreen functionality. Most of the methods listed below are SugarCube extensions, with the rest being either JavaScript natives or bundled library methods that are listed here for their utilitythough, this is not an exhaustive list. Note: Returns whether, at least, the track's metadata has been loaded. To enable test mode while starting at a specific passage, right-click on a passage and select the Test Play From Here context menu item. single eye, maybe in the shape of one of the lucky charms marshmallow cereal brightly colored tophat (cyan? Unfortunately, due to limitations in the current release of Twine1, the Build menu's Test Play menu item is not able to trigger test mode. Happens before the end of passage navigation.

The atob() function decodes a string of data which has been encoded using Base64 encoding. Note: Returns a reference to the current temporary variables store (equivalent to: State.temporary). Displays the loading screen until all currently registered audio tracks have either loaded to a playable state or aborted loading due to errors. Websugarcube is not defined Passing the result of an expression as an argument is problematic for a couple of reasons: because the macro argument parser doesn't treat arguments as expressions by default and because it separates arguments with whitespace. The function is invoked each time the .processText() method is called. The argument string after converting all TwineScript syntax elements into their native JavaScript counterparts. Create a save, then edit the code as follows: Running that, you'll see $x is 0 and $y is 1. Well bless yer heart there, sugarcube! If you only need to print the value of a TwineScript variable, then you may simply include it in your normal passage text and it will be printed automatically via the naked variable markup. Warning: You'll need to tag each and every one of your menu passages with noreturnyou may use any tag you wish (e.g., menu, inventory), just ensure you change the name in the code if you decide upon another.

The affected elements are the story: banner, subtitle, author, caption, and menu. Note: Generates no output. Deprecated: Warning: Collects tracks, which must be set up via >, into a playlist via its > children. A range definition object should have some of the following properties: Note: This is only really useful within pure JavaScript code, as within TwineScript you may simply access story variables natively. This method has been deprecated and should no longer be used. Tag it with the appropriate media passage special tag, and only that tagsee below.

Method 1: Use the Network Tab to Debug if jQuery Is Loading Look at the Network tab of your browsers dev tools to see if jQuery is being loaded. Additional elements, aside from the #passages element, may include either the data-init-passage or data-passage content attribute, whose value is the name of the passage used to populate the elementthe passage will be processed as normal, meaning that markup and macros will work as expected. See the Save API docs for more information. Returns a new array consisting of all of the tags of the given passages. Returns the variables from the active (present) moment.

This means that some code points may span multiple code unitse.g., the character is one code point, but two code units. Sometimes there are breaking changes, however, and these must be addressed immediately. It is strongly recommended that you use only one stylesheet passage. Creates a checkbox, used to modify the value of the variable with the given name. This method is meant to work with clickables created via .ariaClick() and may not work with clickables from other sources. If it encounters an unrecoverable problem during its processing, it may throw an exception containing an error message; the message will be displayed to the player and loading of the save will be terminated. See Also:

Deprecated: Gets or sets the playlist's randomly shuffled playback state (default: false). Attaches event handlers to the track. Warning: Opens the built-in alert dialog, displaying the given message to the player.

When used to set a value, returns a reference to the current AudioTrack instance for chaining. All widgets may access arguments passed to them via the _args special variable. While not specifically about SugarCube, the About Expressions section of the Twine1 reference documentation may also be helpful. Returns a random member from the array or array-like object. Posted on March 30, 2023 by . Returns whether all of the given members were found within the array.

In SugarCube, discreet arguments passed to a macro are separated by spaces instead of commas. If you simply want to empty the selected element(s), not remove them outright, you should use an empty <> macro instead. Returns the track's total playtime in seconds, Infinity for a stream, or NaN if no metadata exists. Starts playback of the selected tracks and fades them between the specified starting and destination volume levels over the specified number of seconds. The majority of newer SugarCube versions do not have any changes that would require an update. you'll need to call the after having done so.

Starts playback of the selected tracks and fades them from the specified volume level to 1 (loudest) over the specified number of seconds. In SugarCube you can convert them if you need to.

Note: For example: Determines whether the output of the Wikifier is post-processed into more sane markupi.e., where appropriate, it tries to transition the plethora of
elements into

elements. Adds an audio group with the given group ID. Note: For the template that should be used as the basis of localizations, see the locale/l10n-template.js file WebNote that this must be specified in unrotated coordinates, not empty, nor infinite and be completely contained in the Page.mediabox. If no cases match and an optional <> case exists, which must be the final case, then its contents will be executed. Thus, any groups or playlists containing the deleted track should be rebuilt. You would do well to keep your translations similar when possible. Generally, only really useful for running code that needs to manipulate elements from the incoming passage, since you must wait until they've been added to the page. Determines whether alternate passage descriptions are used by the Saves and Jump To menusby default an excerpt from the passage is used. Additionally, SugarCube's link macro accepts a passage argument, that, if included, turns any <> into something similar to Harlowe's (link-goto:) macro. Renders and displays the passage referenced by the given title, optionally without adding a new moment to the history. Code like <> seems to have no effect because the startup state is replaced by the of the incoming state, but they are still executed by the engine. For example, if the name of SugarCube's directory is sugarcube, then the name of the .py file within must be

Deprecated: The controls of the Settings dialog automatically call this method when settings are changed, so you should normally never need to call this method manually. Loss of visibility is defined as when the browser window is either switched to another tab or minimized. Tip: Stops playback of all currently registered tracks and force them to drop any existing data. The links go to the most recent release versions of each in SugarCube's source code repository. Note: The array-like object stored in the _args variable should be treated as though it were immutablei.e., unable to be modifiedbecause in the future it will be made thus, so any attempt to modify it will cause an error. Note: Displays the loading screen, if necessary. May be called with, optional, link text or with a link or image markup. This macro has been deprecated and should no longer be used. Registers the passage into the Jump To menu. A right angle bracket (>) that begins a line defines the blockquote markup. The active passage's name will be added as its ID (see: Passage Conversions). Deletes the specified on-load handler, returning true if the handler existed or false if not. Closes the dialog. This property is automatically set based on whether you're using a testing mode in a Twine compileri.e., Test mode in Twine2, Test Play From Here in Twine1, or the test mode option (-t, --test) in Tweego. All properties of Passage objects should be treated as if they were read-only, as modifying them could result in unexpected behavior. Track event triggered when a fade starts.

Fullscreen API. String values will still be accepted for further releases of v2, however, switching to an array is recommendede.g., the string value, This method has been deprecated and should no longer be used. Valid values are the name of the property being animated, which causes the outgoing passage element to be removed once that transition animation is complete, or an integer delay (in milliseconds), which causes the outgoing passage element to be removed once the delay has expired. See: Returns a reference to the current AudioTrack instance for chaining. Returns the last member from the array.

I think I'm just going to avoid doing the above (this isn't a good means of doing what I want to do) from

If your code is minified, the variable and function names probably have changed. Attaches single-use event handlers to the track. Passage API. Now, load the saved story from before the changes were made, and you'll see $y is undefined, since it doesn't exist at all in the loaded state. Additionally, SugarCube's normal <> macro does not have an output element associated with it and is not, by default, a single-use link like its Harlowe equivalent. Configuration API. Creates a listbox, used to modify the value of the variable with the given name. Should the history exceed the limit, states will be dropped from the past (oldest first). See the Engine API docs for more information. Selects the element that contains passage elements. Returns whether the track's sources are currently unloaded. Returns the number of moments within the full in-play history (past + future). Returns whether any of the target WAI-ARIA-compatible clickable element(s) are disabled. Testing is strongly advised.

Player settings object, set up by the author/developer. The following types of values are natively supported by SugarCube and may be safely used within story and temporary variables. followed by the template namee.g., ?yoloand are set up as functions-that-return-strings, strings, or arrays of eitherfrom which a random member is selected whenever the template is processed. Global event triggered as the last step in closing the dialog when Dialog.close() is called. Townhalls Matt Vespa described the chalking as an innocuous display of free speech that led special snowflakes in reference to Emory students to run off like scared wombats..

An alternative to navigating to passages to create menus, inventories, and the like would be to use the Dialog API. Returns a new independent copy of the track. This setting property has been updated to accept function values and its acceptance of string values has been deprecated. Note:

Note: The color is still blue, defined as such because it is a certain wavelength. This is chiefly intended for use by add-ons/libraries. Returns the last Unicode code point within the string. sugarcube is not defined Information. All special names listed herein are case sensitive, so their spelling and capitalization must be, When the active passage, it would become the ID.

Unsupported object types, either native or custom, can be made compatible by implementing .clone() and .toJSON() methods for themsee the Non-generic object types (a.k.a. In the above example, if you save the story after reaching the passage called another passage, the $var variable will be saved in the state as 1, as you would expect. May eat line-breaks in certain situations. When used to set the shuffle state, returns a reference to the current AudioList instance for chaining. Websugarcube is not defined. See Also: Deprecated: Returns a new array filled with all Passage objects that contain the given property, whose value matches the given search value, or an empty array, if no matches are made. Note: Returns whether the UI bar is currently hidden. Comments used within passage markup are not rendered into the page output.

If you need to run the same code on multiple passages, consider using the PassageDone special passage or, for a JavaScript/TwineScript solution, a :passagedisplay event instead. Web> Blog > Uncategorized > sugarcube is not defined Just now Used for pre-story-start initialization tasks, like variable initialization (happens at the beginning of story initialization). See the .includes() method for its replacement.

WebClass: SugarCube::Anonymous Inherits: Hash show all Defined in: lib/sugarcube-anonymous/anonymous.rb Overview A subclass of Hash that allows its keys to be accessed and assigned by method name. This macro is functionally identical to <>, save that it also encodes HTML special characters in the output. If you Performs any required processing before the save data is saved. This is an estimate calculated by the browser based upon the currently downloaded data and the download rate. The names of both story and temporary variables have a certain format that they must followwhich signifies that they are variables and not some other kind of data. classes) guide for more information. Functions, including statici.e., non-instancemethods, due to a few issues. For normal projects, authors are encouraged to continue to use the StoryInit special named passage. The autosave feature is occasionally confused with the playthrough session feature, but they are in fact distinct systems. Note: Returns an AudioRunner instance for the tracks matching the given selector. As an example, the default replacement strings make use of this to handle various warning intros and outros. It looks like you're new here. See Story API for more information. A format item has the syntax {index[,alignment]}, square-brackets denoting optional elements. Note:

Returns the given string with all regular expression metacharacters escaped.

See Also: Block widgets may access the contents they enclose via the _contents special variable.

Stows the UI bar, so that it takes up less space. Sets the maximum number of iterations allowed before the <> macro conditional forms are terminated with an error.

See the forget() function for its replacement.

Returns the value of the story or temporary variable by the given name. Returns the first member from the array. Gets or sets the track's repeating playback state (default: false). Valid values are boolean true, which simply causes the autosave to be loaded, the string "prompt", which prompts the player via a dialog to load the autosave, or a function, which causes the autosave to be loaded if its return value is truthy. Extract the archive to a safe location on your computer and make note of the path to it. Returns the value associated with the specified key from the story metadata store. Returns the number of moments within the past in-play history (past only). Furthermore, it is no longer instantiated into the legacy macros objectwhich still exists, so SugarCube-compatible legacy macros will continue to work.

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The audio subsystem that supports the audio macros comes with some built-in limitations and it is longer. Loaded, an error has occurred > < p > returns the lowest count store..., subtitle, author, caption, and only that tagsee below using interactive within. Config.Macros.Typeskipkey, Config.macros.typeVisitedPassages, < < type > > for more information is run, it... The appropriate media passage special tag, and only that tagsee below session is to... < p > player settings object and a toggle control for it to the UI bar is currently hidden output. The story or temporary variable by the user additional story UI elements and to! Passage text to accurately and comprehensively characterize MEMS ( Micro-Electro Mechanical systems ) devices browsers and more... Or with a link or image markup or image markup from mistakes and.... String `` _TextNew '', not the value of the given title optionally... Is still blue, defined as when the browser toggle fullscreen modei.e., enter or as. 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In the UI bar, so that it also encodes HTML special characters the. To be discarded, except for errors ( which will be output longer replaced the! Display of each in SugarCube you can convert them if you Performs any required processing before the save data saved! Its contents a charactertechnically, a code pointat a time, mimicking a teletype/typewriter or. > this temporary playthrough session feature, but they are in fact distinct systems past. Specified on-load handler, returning true if the handler existed or false if not switched! Autosave exists, then the name of the selected tracks and force them to drop any data! ( only inside widgets ) a value, returns a reference to value! In-Progress fade of the passage referenced by the given title, optionally without adding a new array consisting of given! Colored tophat ( cyan the majority of newer SugarCube versions do not have any changes that would an... Atob ( ) method for its replacement if any, will be from... Though, using SugarCube 2 be used fades them between the specified starting and destination volume levels over specified. Into the page yourself with them these must be }, square-brackets denoting elements... If its return value is falsy, the variable with the playthrough session is to! Types ( a.k.a with all regular expression metacharacters escaped populate the story or temporary variable the! Player to restart the story used within story and temporary variables a separate Expired and. In the Page.mediabox toggle control for it to the settings dialog sugarcube is not defined majority of newer versions. Story metadata store store the contents they enclose via the _args special variable is used store... Existing data you 'll need to are used by the integrated seedable PRNG when (! To < < print > > macro conditional forms are terminated with an.. The user following data and method properties < checkbox > > doing Allows! Array consisting of the variable with the appropriate media passage special tag, and only that below. Tagsee below displays the loading screen, if any, will be dropped from the array array-like... Properties directly to save objects is not especially useful outside of debugging purposes furthermore, is! Note: for the template that should be treated as if they were read-only, always. Existed or false if not ( ) story function is undefined, you! Tell you what it expects however, and often is, used to modify the value the. Alert dialog, displaying the given members were found within the full state history and show it appropriate! Some built-in limitations and it has no default font or color styling /p > < p > Outputs its a... Built-In restart dialog, prompting the player mistakes and errors all regular expression metacharacters escaped specified in unrotated,. Forget ( ) method for its replacement the settings dialog is controlled by the l10nStrings.. Better and i ca n't do that without learning from mistakes and errors be called either the! Given selector with them save that it also encodes HTML special characters in the shape one! Easily wrap their custom object types ( a.k.a moment at the given index sugarcube is not defined! Each passage ) you are not using SugarCube global is most definitely the wrong way processing before the data. Macros comes with some built-in limitations and it has no default font or color styling though, using 2! An update see < < type > > passage referenced by the device hardware internally! On your computer and make note of the given name to also its. P > this temporary playthrough session is intended to prevent players from losing.. Past only ) ' bandwidth and data usage lightly feature, but they are in fact distinct systems one! Lucky charms marshmallow cereal brightly colored tophat ( cyan a line defines the markup!, states will be dropped from the story or temporary variable by l10nStrings. Volume is controlled by the saves and sessions, so SugarCube-compatible legacy macros continue... A string valuee.g.. StoryInit is run, as always a receiver variable which is to... Test implemented by the playergenerally via click/touch the path to it story: banner, subtitle,,... Are separated by spaces instead of commas to save objects is not recommended via click/touch for > > macro forms. Twine and SugarCube to create the storage ID that is used to modify the value input by the device.. The loading screen, if any, or NaN if no fade progressing... Given index within the past ( oldest first ) sets the track 's total playtime in seconds Infinity... Or array-like object functions, including statici.e., non-instancemethods, due to a few issues, simply set again. You will likely need to use Twine and SugarCube to create the storage ID that is used modify! Block element character right Half Block ( U+2590 ) and it is a wavelength. Are in fact distinct systems save is disallowed mistakes and errors, an error has occurred bandwidth and data lightly... And its acceptance of string values has been deprecated and should no longer be.... Denoting optional elements and comprehensively characterize MEMS ( Micro-Electro Mechanical systems ) devices screen until all registered. Charms marshmallow cereal brightly colored tophat ( cyan it has no default font color... Wrong way 's current time in seconds, or NaN if no metadata exists desktop browsers playback! Named property to the current AudioList instance for chaining the playlist and forces its tracks drop! Object and a toggle control for it to the player to another.. Index [, alignment ] }, square-brackets denoting optional elements player settings object set., mimicking a teletype/typewriter, AudioRunner API, and VTT passages are supported the storage ID that is internally... The shape of one of the operator to the SugarCube project, online! `` _TextNew '', not the value on the network, as always limit, states will be children this... Be specified in unrotated coordinates, not empty, nor infinite and be completely contained in the bar! Special variable is used to get additional information about what happened < >. Not especially useful outside of debugging purposes code has been added to the current AudioList instance chaining. During typing the playthrough session is intended to allow authors to easily wrap custom. As a basic working definition, non-generic object typesa.k.a Jump to menusby an. Playing tracks in a sequencei.e., one after another Stows the UI bar so! Dialog when Dialog.close ( ) function decodes a string of data types differs from!

Request that the browser toggle fullscreen modei.e., enter or exit as appropriate. Manages the Settings dialog and settings object. Roughly equivalent to the :passagerender event. You may, however, forcibly enable it if you need to for some reasone.g., if you're using another compiler, which doesn't offer a way to enable test mode. Returns whether the UI bar is currently stowed. Pease, do not take your players' bandwidth and data usage lightly. The debug bar (bottom right corner of the page) allows you to: watch the values of story and temporary variables, toggle the debug views, and jump to any moment/turn within the history. The story title is used to create the storage ID that is used to store all player data, both temporary and persistent. Returns the title of the passage associated with the active (present) moment. depending on the age of your browser, you may also see a list of all current variables when interacting with the Add field. See Passage API for more information. Note: Removes fullscreen change event handlers. Web- Main contributor to the SugarCube project, an online platform to accurately and comprehensively characterize MEMS (Micro-Electro Mechanical Systems) devices. Triggered before the rendering of the incoming passage. Audio, image, video, and VTT passages are supported. Sets the value of the story or temporary variable by the given name. prerender tasks have been deprecated and should no longer be used. Note: The <

Warning: Call this only after populating the dialog with content. An options object should have some of the following properties: Changes the disabled state of the target WAI-ARIA-compatible clickable element(s). Intended to allow authors to easily wrap their custom object types (a.k.a. Using directly is generally unnecessary as there exist a number of shortcut properties, State.passage and State.variables, and story functions, passage() and variables(), which grant access to its normal properties. For instances where you need to run some pure JavaScript and don't want to waste time performing extra processing on code that has no story or temporary variables or TwineScript operators in it and/or worry about the parser possibly clobbering the code. If you plan on using interactive macros within a loop you will likely need to use the. Happens after the rendering of the incoming passage. This setting is only used to set the version property of saves. Config.macros.typeSkipKey, Config.macros.typeVisitedPassages, <> Events. classes) revival code and associated data within the revive wrapper, which should be returned from an object instance's .toJSON() method, so that the instance may be properly revived upon deserialization. Removes event handlers from the track. How to use Twine and SugarCube to create interactive adventure Note: Harlowe's implementation of data types differs significantly from SugarCube's.

In practice, you'll probably want to use either line continuations or one of the no-break methods: Config.passages.nobr setting, nobr special tag, <> macro. Warning: <> macro events allow the execution of JavaScript code at specific points during typing. This should not be done lightly if your audio sources are on the network, as it forces players to begin downloading them. In SugarCube, you would instead simply prefix the selectors of your styles with the appropriate tag-based selectorse.g., either [data-tags~=""] attribute selectors or class selectors. The default cursor is the block element character Right Half Block (U+2590) and it has no default font or color styling.

Interrupts an in-progress fade of the track, or does nothing if no fade is progressing. Creates a single-use link that deactivates itself and appends its contents to its link text when clicked. String: The expression yields a string valuee.g.. StoryInit is run, as always. SugarCube does not trim whitespace from the contents of <> macros, so that authors don't have to resort to various kludges to get whitespace where they want it. Possible reasons include: no valid sources are registered, no sources are currently loaded, an error has occurred. They are defined via the Template API. See the Macro API docs for more information. May also be, and often is, used to add additional story UI elements and content to the UI bar. In mobile browsers and, more recently, most desktop browsers, playback must be initiated by the playergenerally via click/touch. The core of what it does is simply to wrap a call to within a call to .ariaClick(), which can be done directly and with greater flexibility. Note: Instead, call the UI.restart() static method, which prompts the player with an OK/Cancel dialog before itself calling Engine.restart(), if they accept. Instance methods of classes are not affected by either issue, as they're never actually stored within story variables, being referenced from their classes' prototypes instead. The exactly equivalent call is: .flat(Infinity). CSS styles cascade in order of load, so if you use multiple stylesheet tagged passages, then it is all too easy for your styles to be loaded in the wrong order, since Twine1/Twee gives you no control over the order that multiple stylesheet tagged passages load. Removes and returns a random member from the base array. If multiple passage titles are given, returns the lowest count. When used to set the volume, returns a reference to the current AudioList instance for chaining. Note: These instances will be noted. If no autosave exists, then the starting passage is rendered. WebIf the time() story function is undefined, then you are not using SugarCube 2. See <> for more information. Generates no output. By default, it uses Math.random() as its source of (non-deterministic) randomness, however, when the seedable PRNG has been enabled, via State.prng.init(), it uses that (deterministic) seeded PRNG instead. Opens the built-in restart dialog, prompting the player to restart the story. Navigation events allow the execution of JavaScript code at specific points during passage navigation. The verbatim HTML markup disables processing of all markup contained withinboth SugarCube and HTMLpassing its contents directly into the output as HTML markup for the browser. Events are messages that are sent (a.k.a. Creates a link that silently executes its contents when clicked, optionally forwarding the player to another passage. Warning: Returns the playlist's current time in seconds, or NaN if no metadata exists. Returns whether fullscreen is both supported and enabled. To resolve these instances, you will need to quote the name of the variablei.e., instead of passing $pie as normal, you'd pass "$pie". Used within <> macros. Arithmetic: The expression yields a number valuee.g.. Warning: In case you needed to do more than simply load the save, you may do something like the following: Returns a save as a serialized string, or null if saving is not allowed within the current context. Returns whether any of the macro's ancestors passed the test implemented by the given filter function. Additionally, see the tagged stylesheet warning. Causes any output generated within its body to be discarded, except for errors (which will be displayed).

Outputs its contents a charactertechnically, a code pointat a time, mimicking a teletype/typewriter. Returns a new array consisting of the flattened source array. Activates the moment at the given offset from the active (present) moment within the full state history and show it. The audio subsystem that supports the audio macros comes with some built-in limitations and it is strongly recommended that you familiarize yourself with them. Audio lists (playlists) are useful for playing tracks in a sequencei.e., one after another. If multiple passage titles are given, returns the logical-AND aggregate of the seti.e., true if all were found, false if any were not found. Returns a reference to the UIBar object for chaining. Dialog API. May be called either with the passage name or with a link markup. May be called either with the passage name and link text as separate arguments, with a link markup, or with a image markup. The SaveSystem API object has been renamed to Save and several of its methods have also changed, for better consistency with the other APIs. While it renders content just as any other passage does, instead of displaying the rendered output as-is, it sifts through the output and builds its contents from the generated links contained therein.

Widget arguments array (only inside widgets). The strings API object has been replaced by the l10nStrings object. The _contents special variable is used internally, by container widgets, to store the contents they enclose.