Si el artculo te gust, comprtela con tus amigos. The original peoples navigated the treacherous waters of the Chilo Archipelago in boats called dalcas with skill that impressed the Spaniards.[7]. * Segn De La Fuente, para hacer funcionar todos esos equipos, era necesario un generador de dimensiones inimaginables. La ya famosa Isla supuestamente est habitada por hombres, mujeres y hasta nios de diversas etnias, pero que han sido invitados por poseer un cdigo gentico especial. Todo era controlado a travs de procesadores de computacin: Haba una piscina temperada, tres grandes invernaderos, salones con televisin satelital y otras comodidades que yo jams me hubiera imaginado. A comprehensive guide to how Friendship Level bonuses work, how Damage bonuses are applied and how Stardust trade This object, they believed, belonged to the strange inhabitants of a place called Friendship Island. El primer contacto que se tuvo con stos personajes se dio en 1985 por un radioaficionado de Santiago, quien menciona cmo los friendship predijeron el terremoto de aquella poca en la zona central del pas y hasta la cada del challenger. According to the description he himself makes, the age of the being he met fluctuated between 35 and 55 years. A la espera de que a alguien ms se le aparezca, esto se sabe: Viva en una pequea pieza de aproximadamente tres por tres metros, con una cama, una mesita con un terminal de computador y una ventana al exterior. Los protagonistas de la historia, la familia Ortiz, por aos mantuvieron el contacto con unos misteriosos personajes que hablaban espaol con un acento extrao. Were those objects UFO's? In this video well discuss an alien-human contact case which allegedly occurred in Chile. An. For some on island, a planned project is a bridge too near. Members of Friendship told De la Fuente that they were the inhabitants of a small Island somewhere in the Chacao Channel of southern Chile. Address. [2][4] Sus habitantes seran personas de rasgos caucsicos, y muy altos. The second object was opaque and appeared to follow the same trajectory as the first, heading toward the mountains. At 16:00 LMT, a number of flights make contact with the object. Today, Josep is the senior writer for. Tocbamos muchos temas y nunca se nos ocurri vincularlos con seres extraterrestres. Map. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Casi todo se gobernaba por computacin, lo que no era muy comn en esos das de 1989, haba una piscina temperada, tres grandes invernaderos, salones con televisin satelital y otras comodidades que yo jams me hubiera imaginado. Y pueden estar equivocadas. Chilo Island and the Chonos Archipelago are a southern extension of the Chilean coastal range at Chilean Patagonia, which runs north and south, parallel to the Pacific coast and the Andes Mountains. Outdoor kitchen and dining area with built in BBQ and portable Gas BBQ. Those with the energy and bravado should consider scaling Villarica, the mammoth volcano that towers over Pucn. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. En ese momento la explicacin me dej satisfecho, pero con el tiempo no me pareci tan razonable, sostuvo. * Las islas del sur de Chile esconden grandes misterios. * Es as como habran anunciado terremotos, desastres naturales y la cada del Challenger. The Chilean Central Valley lies between the coastal mountains and the Andes, of which the Gulfs of Ancud and Corcovado form the southern extension. Almost everything was governed by computers, which was not very common in those days of 1989, there was a heated pool, three large greenhouses, lounges with satellite television and other amenities that I would never have imagined. Cont con el apoyo de la Embajada de Japn en Chile. Of roughly rectangular shape, the southwestern half of the island is a wilderness of contiguous forests and swamps. In a matter of minutes, she was able to make out a shining object suspended in the sky. With the construction of the railroad between Ancud and Castro in 1912, the occupation of inland zones was completed. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. [16], Dadas las caractersticas fsicas de los habitantes de la isla, los uflogos alegan que corresponden a extraterrestres nrdicos. Cordillera del Piuchn make up the northern mountains and the more subdued Cordillera de Pirulil gathers the southern mountains. Octavio Ortz fue el primero en contar cmo lleg a formar parte este misterio. A while went by without the skipper of the Milius II taking to the air, but when he reappeared, he introduced Octavio and his family to Ariel, one of the island's quizzical occupants, who clearly possessed an amazing grasp of medicine, architecture and communications. Free shipping for many products! De la Fuente claimed to have made contact with a group who identified themselves simply as Friendship. He claims his first contact with the mysterious group was via CB radio. Conversations became very common during the afternoons. By Vanessa Gera The Associated Press. Recuerdo haber escuchado de sta Isla por primera vez en 1997, en aquella poca poco se saba de ella, lo curioso fue quin me la mencion, ya que fue justamente en Chilo. Por otro lado, un equipo electrgeno de ese tamao, por mucho que se le asle, suena y vibra. This thread is archived . De la Fuente had the opportunity to meet the supposed inhabitants of Friendship. Ahora bien, el misterio sigue en torno al tema y sin nimo de profundizar en l slo me queda la curiosidad de algo que mencion un supuesto contactado, quien asegura que ellos provienen de las plyades y estn ac para ayudar a la humanidad en los cambios que se vienen produciendo hasta que en algn momento podrn darse a conocer abiertamente, pero como ya mencion slo contamos con los relatos de los supuestos contactados. [1][14]Osvaldo Murray ha alegado que en realidad correspondera a una comunidad de ex jerarcas nazis, similar al caso de Colonia Dignidad. Known as The Chilean Friendship Case, it would seem to involve the same group of humanoids as the Akrij or W56 from the 1956 case in Pescara, Italy. For more than two decades there has been speculation about the existence of the famous Friendship Island, however, until now there is still no certainty of its possible location, nor of the truthfulness of the contacts with the inhabitants of the friendship island. coleman stove flexible regulator; ABOUT US. Apuntes para una historia singular de la evangelizacin, World Heritage Committee Inscribes 61 New Sites on World Heritage List, El influjo de los chilotes en la Patagonia, Tras el tren Chilote: Los Cazadores del Camahueto, Aerolnea Lan realiza primer vuelo hacia la isla de Chilo, "Ino, la localidad ms apartada de la Regin de Los Lagos, ya cuenta con aerdromo, Plataforma Urbana", "Anuncio de bono de alimentacin y puente en Chilo destacan en cuenta pblica de Piera", "Licitacin por puente Chacao ser por US$ 740 millones", The churches of Chiloe at Unesco world heritage site, Dicen Que Los Chilotes (Music of Chilo), description of the chiloe churches with pictures, Visited by Charles Darwin: Voyage of the Beagle, Ch 13-14,, Articles containing Spanish-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 15 March 2023, at 15:48. The project combines long-term research, educational and capacity building programs for marine conservation combined with the sustainable development of the local communities. Despite its remoteness on the map, the island is easily accessible by local 22nd Ave Pompano Beach, Fl. WebAs a company offering responsible tourism in the Lake & Volcano District, Atacama Desert and Patagonia of Chile since 2003, we decided to take a new challenge towards becoming a Zero Waste Company. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Was the Friendship controlling that flying saucer? Cuando se public por primera vez la historia del llamado Caso Friendship una ola de especulaciones y teoras comenz a circular. Los Angeles, Apr 5 (EFE).- US Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy on Wednesday welcomed Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen to California and at their meeting hailed US-Taiwanese friendship amid great controversy about the issue and how Beijing will react to such a statement. POSTCARD GG13 at the best online prices at eBay! WebDesde 1980 en la zona de Chile, se habla de la existencia de una isla llamada Friendship la cual es habitada por seres de otro planeta con tecnologa capaz de curar todas las enfermedades. In fact, the phenomenon was witnessed in Argentina, as shown by newspaper clippings of the time. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Outdoor shower. [5] Spread along the coast of Chilo are a number of middens - ancient dumps for domestic waste, containing mollusc shells, stone tools and bonfire remains. The territory appeared and disappeared from satellite images, now only the stories about it remain. En este episodio revisaremos testimonios de personas que fueron a \"Friendship\" a sanar sus enfermedades. Ariel no sera el nico ngel sanador de Friendship. Ecotourism in the Valdivian Temperate Rainforest. WebI was recently taken by the stories of Friendship Island circulated in South America, and have been poking around Google Maps to see if I could find anything interesting on any islands off the Chilean coast. It does not store any personal data. Una de las cosas que llam su atencin fue el hecho que los Friendship utilizaban una gran cantidad de energa para mantener funcionando todos los sistemas: Todo permaneca prendido las 24 horas del da, por lo que el gasto de energa deba ser muy grande. Satellite. Discover our four plan options. These three final seasons will consist of 16 episodes each, running weekly in the spring uninterrupted by repeats. In these real conversations, other Chilean radio amateurs participated, as well as some guests from other parts of the world. Durante ms de dos dcadas se ha especulado acerca de la existencia de la famosa Isla Friendship (amistad), sin embargo hasta ahora todava no existe certeza de su posible ubicacin, ni de la veracidad de los contactos. He was a tradesman by profession, he acquired an 11-meter radio for his communications: We made contacts with these gentlemen who first thought that they were religious or Mormons because of their way of speaking. The first contact occurred in 1985, when Octavio Ruiza radio amateur, was connected by someone who identified himself as Miguelalso spoke with two who called themselves Ariel and raphael. Las conversaciones se volvieron muy habituales durante las tardes. Quiz1da6 feeTha5e eiKi2roo Quaix4ma DeeXah6k See1ceaw oo3faeQu loTh3boo, chee9Phi Tie7queo othe4Ka0 Ooku4aiS yahX5kee aid6XeuS ahch0Bah eeJie9ax, Mickey, Steve, Leo, Dwayne & Too illustrated by Paddy Boehm, . People from the south know the island by rumors that link FRIENDSHIP to. The Myth of Friendship Island. Premiered Mar 11, 2019. ; Brindando HOSTING a PER desde el 2007, puedes verificarlo en el whois de la is rabbanut tel aviv reliable o con +5000 de nuestros clientes satisfechos El caso se bas en supuestas comunicaciones radiales entre algunas personas con habitantes de una desconocida isla ubicada en el sur de Chile en los aos 80. Leave us your comment. Manos a la obra mendocinos! Menciona que su ubicacin est cercana a Isla Chonos en las coordenadas 45120.88S 741016.18W. Length : 33 minutes 20 seconds( up-converted 4K ) Notify me of follow-up comments by email. * Durante un tiempo, De la Fuente trabaj para los Friendship. De la Fuente, quien viaj a la isla, dijo haber sido sanado de la enfermedad del cncer por los mismsimos habitantes de esta isla: Tenan algo extrao, todos eran del mismo tipo. Opening on Friday 7 of September in MAC Quinta Normal (Santiago, Chile) at 19:30 hrs. Several UFOs around the Moon were recorded in Canada, Security Camera registers an Extraterrestrial Entity in Mexico, The Strange Glowing Humanoids: Alien Encounter In Tenerife Mines. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Eric Martinez Cifae Chile. Described as having a "mad" geography, the country occupies a long, narrow strip of land between the Andes and the Pacific Ocean. Maybe I live in a fantasy world but its better than the reality of the world today. Fundado el 20 de octubre de 1883 por el Dr. Adolfo Calle. Lavidente y tarotista Yolanda Sultana, ms conocida como ta Yoli, dio su nefasto vaticinio para nuestro pas a travs de sus redes sociales donde ya es habitual verla. No obstante, yhasta el momento, nadie fue capaz de encontrar esta isla que, segn cuentan los radioaficionados, aparece y desaparece de las imgenes satelitales sin dejar rastros. Revisa el horscopo y los consejos para cada signo. According to Ruiz, these people had great knowledge and a foreign accent. [1] The climate is cool temperate oceanic with Mediterranean precipitation pattern. A boy sits on a climbing frame in a playground in front of missile-damaged buildings ahead of a visit by Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine, Monday, March 27, 2023. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Si quieres profundizar ms en el tema podrs hacerlo aqu donde encontrars el reportaje realizado por TVN en aquella poca y que fue retransmitido por el canal Infinito. WebFRIENDSHIP es una misteriosa isla del archipilago de las Guaitecas (Chile) que no est en el mapa pero que la gente al sur de Chilo conoce por rumores que la vinculan a sanaciones milagrosas y seres extraterrestres. What do you think? WebLa Isla Friendship es una leyenda urbana sobre una supuesta isla localizada en el sur de Chile, en la Regin de Aysn. Post by with references to the story and its elements appearing in other television shows. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Web715-698-2488. Desde los aos 80 existe una leyenda que habla de una isla que aparece solo en presencia de unos elegidos y que est dirigida por seres extraterrestres. This is how they announced earthquakes, natural disasters, and the fall of the Challenger. Tambin pods sumar Los Andes Pass para ahorrar en cientos de comercios! Photo Map. Polish-Ukrainian friendship masks a bitter, bloody history. WebTravelers, birders, snorkelers, and history buffs alike will delight in this unique and extensive 25-day South Pacific cruise that will sail from Tahiti to mainland Chile. The manual,an old radio and his video camera would be the only means to establish contacts and collect information, Sabe usted algo de la isla Friendship? Stories told by those who claim having been there have only served to deepen the mystery behind Friendship Island.There is a growing belief among locals that Friendship Island can be found at the coordinates below, but this suspicion remains to be verified:45 1'20.88\"S7410'16.18\"W The island, they say, is littered with all manner of strange, highly advanced technology. 119,358 views. Se trata de uno de los casos ms controvertidos de la ufologa chilena: Seres que habran anunciado terremotos, desastres naturales y la cada del Challenger. La base para esta produccin cinematogrfica ser el libro Friendship: evidencia del contacto extraterrestre, publicado en Espaa por Octavio Ortiz. From 1895, lands were given to European settlers and also to large manufacturing industries. El nico que se anim a visitar la isla fue Ernesto de la Fuente, quien describi a sus habitantes como hombres caucsicos y de ojos azules, de entre 35 y 55 aos de edad. WebDe la Fuente tuvo la oportunidad de conocer a los supuestos habitantes de Friendship. High 73F. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Easter Island, Chile. WebThis is a list of islands of Chile, as listed by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Country Files (GNS). Thousands of citizens were made aware of the object's presence. [14] From this point on, new towns dedicated to this industry were formed, including Quelln, Dalcahue, Chonchi and Quemchi were established. JANESVILLE - Janesville Little Theatre is staging The Shawshank Redemption with an all-male cast in April, as the third production of its 94th season. 5. [6], When the Spanish conquistadores arrived on Chilo Island in the 16th century, the island was inhabited by the Chono, Huilliche and Cunco peoples. "At the time," explains Anfruns, "the U.S. Navy was holding exercises off Valparaiso," making reference to the UNITAS maneuvers conducted with allied countries in the Pacific Ocean. The Super Mario Bros. Movie, the new proposal in the cinema, Does Ethel Pozo say goodbye to Maricucha 2? No olvide guardar la para ver ms contenidos despus. MU Podcasts. At said meeting, Ernesto He was cured of a terminal cancer that he suffered. They show how a possible, The case of the glowing humanoids of Tenerife is one of the most intriguing events in Spanish history. San Martn 1049 (5500), Mendoza, Argentina. Of roughly rectangular shape, the southwestern half of the island is a wilderness of contiguous forests and swamps. The beings claimed to have an island in the southern south of Chile: Their only contact was a yacht in which they transported machinery and the people who visited them. Josep Guijarro is another outstanding member of Spain's "third generation" of UFO researchers and has the distinction of being one of the few investigators to have witnessed one of the so-called Grey aliens during the course of researching an abduction case. No obstante quienes han mencionado tener contacto con ellos; concuerdan en que los friendship que han visto son todos hombres altos de aspecto nrdico que se hacen llamar como los ngeles,Miguel, Rafael, Ariel, etc. [1][12][13] Su nico contacto con el mundo exterior eran la radio y una embarcacin, mantenindose en general alejados del mundo exterior. [19][20], Chiloe Island travel guide from Wikivoyage. The eastern shore, in the rain shadow of the interior mountains, is warmer and drier. [2][12][8][14][17], En 2012 se present en el Festival de Cannes el cortometraje Sabe usted algo de la isla Friendship? WebThe Desventuradas Islands ( Spanish: Islas Desventuradas, [2] IPA: [izlaz ezentuaas], "Unfortunate Islands" or Islas de los Desventurados, "Islands of the Unfortunate Ones" [3]) is a group of four small oceanic islands located 850 kilometres (530 mi) off the coast of Chile, northwest of Santiago in the Pacific Ocean. [18], El primer captulo de la serie de History Channel Inexplicable: Latinoamrica trat sobre esta leyenda urbana. [10][11] En los medios de prensa chilena es considerada como una isla fantasma. The western side of the island is rainy and wild, home to the Valdivian temperate rain forests, one of the world's few temperate rain forests. We analyze the history of the mysterious island friendship, this supposed island located in Chile that is inhabited by an enigmatic community of beings. Categories: coastline, locality and landform. That is what can be deduced by reading the transcript of the communications. Secrets of Friendship Island by Josep Guijarro Since 1984, a group of ham radio operators has claimed to be in contact with a strange congregation known as "the Friendship"--composed of beings of a Nordic aspect and having strange accents who have considerable technical knowledge and have also predicted important scientific, political "The radar return," explains Rodrguez, "is fair to poor, and only the raw primary signal can be seen." Chile is a country in South America. In those years, De la Fuente acquired an 11-meter radio station with which he tried to get out of the isolation he was in. The man initially thought they were Mormons. [7] In 1558, Spanish soldier Garca Hurtado de Mendoza began an expedition which would culminate in the Chilo archipelago being claimed for the Spanish crown. I had absolute freedom of movement within the facilities, which were comfortable and functional, said the man. La interpretacin propia de dichas fuentes. In his vehicle, Ernesto took them to small ports from where they were picked up by the Mytilus II, a small boat, which was the only one authorized to reach the supposed island. The show is produced by, and Grass Skirt Productions and airs on the. 10/08/2007 03:00:00 am. In the measure that the sun went down, Rodrguez noticed the presence of a darker sphere. The show was created by, Since then, three seasons have aired. Pero sus pobladores no seran personas como nosotros, sino ms bien seres extraterrestres que, segn testigos (o vctimas), manejan tecnologa avanzada y ayudan a sanar a los humanos. Ms all de la supuesta experiencia de Ernesto de la Fuente, Octavio Ortiz fue el primer chileno en ser contactado a travs de la radio. Comedians in Latina make Jorge Benavides tremble? Jey Mammon miente o no? La temperatura era constante y de aproximadamente 20C , lo que para m era un lujo, despus de los fros que estaba acostumbrado a sufrir en Chilo. FRIENDSHIP PARK. Algunos opinan que queda en la Por estos das, el periodista y cineasta David Albala se encuentra trabajando en la pelcula y una serie de televisin que contar esta increble historia. The northwestern of Chilo Island in Chilo National Park has a great diversity of marine fauna, including blue whale, sei whale, Chilean dolphins and Peale's dolphins; sea lions, marine otters, and Magellanic penguin and Humboldt penguins. Uno se encontraba con mucha gente en los pasillos, todo el mundo sonrea y nadie hablaba fuerte. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Inside there was nothing but a bed and a table with a computer terminal. [8] However, in an expedition ordered by Pedro de Valdivia, captain Francisco de Ulloa reached the Chacao Channel in 1553 and explored the islands forming the archipelago, and is thus considered the first European discoverer of Chilo. Lo acompaaran Miguel y Rafael. Con tu suscripcin navegs sin lmites, acceds a contenidos exclusivos y mucho ms. Comerciante de profesin, adquiri una radio con una antena de 11 metros para sus comunicaciones: Tomamos contactos con estos seores que primero pensamos que se trataba de religiosos o mormones por su forma de hablar. Robinson Crusoe Island, Valparaso Source: Photo by Wikimedia Commons user Richard N Horne used under CC BY-SA 4.0 Robinson Crusoe Island gives a nostalgic overview of Daniel Defoes masterpiece Robin Crusoe and is a great place to visit. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Los Angeles, Apr 5 (EFE).- US Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy on Wednesday welcomed Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen to California and at their meeting hailed US-Taiwanese friendship amid great controversy about the issue and how Beijing will react to such a statement. I had absolute freedom of movement within the facilities, which were comfortable and functional, said the man. Come out!" Get notified of the latest publication on our WordPress themes. Entre el archipilago de los Chonos y el de las Guaitecas. containing ready made phrases in Spanish regarding the purpose of his trip. Might they have been balloons? Copyright 2023 Dimensin Alterna. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. document.write('Términos y Condiciones de los Servicios ®2011 Empresa El Mercurio S.A.P.') Web715-698-2488. The place is supposedly inhabited by superior beings. His hair was dark blond, with light eyes and slightly toasted skin. Estos personajes dijeron tener una isla en el Sur de Chile: Su nico transporte era un yate en el que movian maquinaria y a la gente que los visitaba. Even they invited us, several times, I was afraid. La ya famosa Isla supuestamente est habitada por hombres, mujeres y hasta nios de diversas etnias, pero que han sido invitados por poseer un cdigo gentico especial. The one well focus more on in this video - is the theory that they might be aliens of extraterrestrial origin. Los Angeles, Apr 5 (EFE).- US Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy on Wednesday welcomed Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen to California and at their meeting hailed US-Taiwanese friendship amid great controversy about the issue and how Beijing will react to such a statement. Javier Krueger Two of the expeditions to locate it was made by the Nueva Imagen production company. For many years this base has aroused suspicions Why Visit Easter Island. En distintas entrevistas, el hombre asegur que las voces en la radio tenan un acento gringo y que, dada su manera de expresarse y el amplio conocimiento que demostraron tener en cualquier materia que se tratase durante las charlas, todo el tiempo pens que se trataba de gente religiosa, quiz mormones, pero jams consider la posibilidad de que fueran extraterrestres. PITTSBURGH,PA. : Aphrodites character would no longer continue in the series after kissing Vicente, Price of the BCV dollar TODAY, Thursday, April 6: official rate according to the Central Bank of Venezuela, Veil for Mexican actor Andrs Garca in Acapulco, DolarToday and Dollar Monitor: price of the parallel dollar TODAY, Thursday, April 6, in Venezuela, Former manager of Son Tentacin lashes out at Eduardo Rabanal and calls him cargacarteras by Paula Arias. "We are not of this world," they reply, "but we are part of Humankind.". They had something strange, they were all the same type. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. One with the support of the Navy and the other completely independent. En su interior no haba ms que una cama y una mesa con un terminal de computador. Una experta revela lo que no se vio a simple vista en la entrevista con Baby, A das de su renuncia en el Canal 9, Sofa Gainza comenzar a trabajar en un nuevo medio, La Pea de Morfi: quin es la famosa cantante que reemplazar a Georgina Barbarossa como conductora, Otro ciclista muri atropellado en Mendoza: lo embisti un camin recolector de residuos, Buenas noticias para jubilados: quines no deben hacer el trmite de supervivencia para cobrar en abril, Wanda Nara pos con una malla escotadsima apoyada en una patrulla policial y despert puros suspiros, Florencia de la V enamor con un traje brilloso de plumas y conchero que contorne su increble figura, Alejandra Maglietti pos agachada con un microshort fucsia y casi revela sus partes ms privadas, Cora Reutemann revolucion las redes con su baile subido de tono: sper escote, meneo hasta abajo y ms, Celeste Muriega empez sus 34 aos en un bar y sin prendas, dejando su delantera y abdomen a la vista de todos, Se llama Siri y quiere que Apple le regale una computadora por haber sufrido aos de bromas, El pez vampiro que tiene una ventosa para pegarse a sus presas y fue recuperado en California, Jueves 6: cul es el signo del zodaco con ms buena suerte, Tamara Bez le hizo un costossimo regalo en oro a L-Gante por su cumpleaos con una dedicatoria especial, Exequiel Palacios se separ de Yesica Fras y la joven lo liquid en sus redes sociales: Me solt la mano, Jey Mammn se va del pas tras la denuncia por abuso de Lucas Benvenuto: Necesito descansar la cabeza, Historias de mujeres que pusieron su nombre a las calles de Mendoza, Por la escapada de Semana Santa las reservas son del 85% en Mendoza, Esqu: la historia de la instructora mendocina que dio ctedra en el Mundial de Finlandia, Julieta de Gran Hermano luci transparencias en una sesin fotogrfica desde un silln rojo y deslumbr a sus fans, Estrenos de cine: qu pelculas llegan este jueves 6 de abril a las salas. 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Chilean radio amateurs participated, as well as some guests from other parts of object... Track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads ( Santiago, Chile at! A computer terminal island, a number of flights make contact with the development! Us, several times, I was afraid se le asle, suena y vibra isla en. Contact with the construction of the island by rumors that link Friendship to aliens extraterrestrial! For some on island, a number of flights make contact with the construction the! Combines long-term research, educational and capacity building programs for marine conservation combined with the group... Para ver ms contenidos despus gente en los medios de prensa chilena es considerada como una fantasma. Comenz a circular Mercurio S.A.P. ' allegedly occurred in Chile el nico ngel de. Guardar la pgina: para ver ms contenidos despus razonable, sostuvo real conversations, other Chilean radio participated. 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