Halstead was well respected as an expert in marine poisons, also known for conducting meticulous research. Not a very good start, and not helped by lack of paragraphs and punctuation either. Other estimates are far lower. 50) June 11, 2016 We discover that yet another holistic doctor has allegedly committed suicide. That means little to a person (like my mother-in-law) who has been discharged by her allopathic physician, and is willing to try alternative care. Erin of nutbag health also removes any posts pointing to the holes in her story and her unethical excuse for journalism. Jonathan Landsman of Natural Health 365.com, wrote: The sudden death of Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez is still such a shock to me. Which is insanity of another flavor.

Many have failed along the way, either due to toxicity or lack of efficacy, but the search for active phytochemicals and their development for use against cancer continues in laboratories big and small and in nearly every country of the world. We shared the same Christian faith, the same distrust of the mainstream media, and the same desire to spread the truth about cancer. In the same poster, the grifters claim that by using an off-the-shelf ultrasound scanner they can break down the blood-brain barrier and allow their product to reach brain tumours. I used to think that his madness/ stupidity/ inappropriateness was merely an act to court libertarian loonies who might buy his products BUT today I think that he just might believe his own nonsense. When will ORAC speak out against this injustice? A lead in period to determine ability to follow the program would have helped insure that the appropriate patients were enrolled. You want to Crack jokes and call people quacks, take sides to just fit in.

In some stories, it's the legendary "Dr." Leonard (not my real name) Coldwell who claims to have been the German doctor who treated Ronnie.

Updated. Benny Capaul is following the footsteps of his funeral director father and Dr. Nick Capaul is a psychologist who helps people cope with death. I concur with HDB when he suggested that any benefits of the pancreatic enzymes in those unfortunate mice were due to complete pancreatic failure, meaning replacement enzymes improved digestion, which is essentially what the authors of this study concluded: Because treated mice with large tumors showed physical activity and behavior comparable with those of the healthy mice, it was thought that PPE has a beneficial effect on nutrition. You can insist that "The medical world hasnt improved much" but saying it doesn't make it so - point a single discipline of medicine where improvements haven't been made in the past 20 years, for example. Hmm.what happen to Royal Raymond Rife? I really hope you know how horrible it is to rejoice and joke about people dieing.

central nervous system depressants, several of which are addictive") were found in Elvis' dead body; and at 18:10 "The contents of his stomach were pumped out & destroyed, although they are well-known KEY elements to analyze the cause of death!" Or you could look upstream in this thread, where the commenters you are trying to convince have already read and discussed it. "Depression is sometimes an invaluable harbinger of the need to slow down, to drop interiorly into a place that at least allows us to restore and recharge, and at best unfolds into our deepest intuitiveness. Cancer research is a billion dollar 'business'. Given that it took "yall" two-and-a-half months to so much as find the post, this doesn't come off as a particularly compelling communiqu. MA, doug and Dawn -- stop. However, please show me how the alternative is not worse. Although, I am woefully lacking in any kind of scientific background (criminal justice major); I appreciate solid evidence. I have had great success with a 1:1 mixture of bleach and ammonia, in a squirt bottle, pulsed at random intervals (to catch them off guard).

But no, I don't mean Dr Barrett. Was there an agenda? This, of course, would be why the NCI spent $1.4 million to test the Gonzalez protocol. Or maybe that "solo hiking trip" is a cover story for some other activity he wants to keep quiet, like spending quality time with his mistress.

(In case it isn't obvious, that's not what I think, but dollars to donuts somebody out there actually does think this.). His father had been cut and burned by USA doctors first so that by the time he got to the German clinic it was too late for him. Wait, what's that noisegotta go before they find me. Thanks for thelaughs at your publicly announced gullibility. He might even have been facing jail time. If there is another way, its worth exploring, and it looks as though there are many, many people who have found another way. Maybe along the road, they will find a new combination, even more effective.

Don't look at the dead and dying, you can't tell anything about a treatment because of those who died, only go talk to the ones that lived, even if by chance they are the ones that would have lived anway, no matter what treatment, or who lived because the surgery got it all, only they reveal the truth of a treatment. I'm taking that as a challenge to my capacity to be colder and more heartless than Sciencemom. You better check your sources again, because they aren't saying what you think you want them to say. Also, Joseph, there are thousands of car accidents happen every year. How very disingenuous of you. Good times. I didn't realize she was Mercola's wife. Perhaps because its the responsibility of the person whos making an extraordinary claim to provide evidence in its support, and not the responsibility of those hes presenting it to to hunt for evidence which might argue the claim is accurate? @Marie: Preying on the uneducated and gullible is very lucrative. Mrs. Grimble - Funny, innit, how the tinfoil hat brigade is convinced that Big Cancer is suppressing treatments like Gonzlez' because it would cut into their profits. Thus, not being obvious targets is indeed targetting them. Sadly, nothing.

Well Denice, wrong again.

What is his platform? Surely it is more likely that the agents of Big Needle used hypnotism to force Lisa Riley into the marriage, and then triggered the husband to kill her when the time was right.

They promised nothing they couldn't keep - gave the likelihoods of various outcomes, answered questions and detailed what the treatments were like. Who are you to tell these people that they are stupid, dumb or even conspiracy theorists?

You owe every single one of the deceased you mention an apology. -btw-

He's put up another post including an interview with Gonzalez. There is so much just percolating below which probably serves as a dogwhistle to conservatives.. I don't think he knows what the word actually means.

It drives me crazy to see that every time! What success rates did they have and how did they compare to the current standard of care for the same diseases? The problem is that these authorities who refer to reputable alternative professionals as quacks are UNWILLING to allow any kind of testing of these alternative medicinals because they already know what the results will show. They treat symptoms, period. Lord Draconis bought the government years ago. Also, is there some correlation between being a woo apologist and not understanding the very well defined and widely published concept of informed consent? I happen to know a VERY conscientious individual at the shop where I work, who succinctly stated that his daughter (who is now 16) became autistic immediately after having been vaccinated. I mourn the loss of the prematurely dead. I should have waited and asked Janet about it. He was being set up- Black Ops interfered with his career, deals fell through mysteriously. But the average PC doctor is just making educated guesses and doling out the poison put forth by Big Pharma (and most likely getting a kickback). Sometime today the site will go into read-only mode. Comedian Nick Nemeroff died suddenly Monday at age 32, his family announced. WebGonzalez died of a suspected heart attack on July 21, 2015, at age 67. Both goals were entirely laudable and ahead of their time. That is all very well, but remember this from Herb a few years ago: [Gonzalez'] integrity is exactly the point which you miss.

It surprises me how you (meaning most people above) are blindly following mainstream medical 'science' but never raise any questions when cancer researchers rake in billions a year, while the number of cancer patients only increase every year. If you thought that Mikey could not ever top his article on Gonzalez, you would have thought wrongly.. It is "having your MIL's bank account drained to pay a mountebank for treatment that has not been demonstrated will improve her chances one iota.". I would sit in awe, my jaw literally agape, in his office reviewing his charts of cure after cure after cure. Seriously. I personally was saved from a terminal disease through alternative care and never took a medication for it. @JoeHe's mocking the conspiracy loons, you dolt. My personal favorite and the source of some of the most effective treatments to date is plant-derived substances. Another MMS / GcMAF Alternative Cancer healer fears for her safety from (a) Big Pharma wet-teams, and (b) angry Dominicans.http://dominicanewsonline.com/news/homepage/news/general/british-woman-, http://eusa-riddled.blogspot.com/2015/08/what-fresh-hell-is-this-farnha. Rats receiving the enzymes were compared to rats that did not receive the enzymes. The coffee enemas are added because they are believed to improve the livers ability to remove toxins from the body.". http://edgytruth.com/2015/07/15/another-holistic-doctor-found-murdered/#. In the umbilical cord of a baby are over 200 toxins found. What diseases responded better to pre-modern medicine than modern? Dr. Gonzalez was one of a small number of doctors whose success in treating cancer exceeds that of mainstream oncology by a wide margin. I'll never forget the many rows of shelves displaying large bottles of dried herbal medicines interspersed with preserved marine animals. But I personally believe those with cancer deserve honesty about their options - and that means verifiable evidence. The African Journal of Infectious Diseases is a pay-to-print vanity publisher ($300 for a 10-page PDF), AND they try to sell subscriptions. THERE IS MORE THAN ONE MARIE POSTING ON THIS THREAD.

Decaf coffee is meant to be poured quietly down the sink. Born in Ridgway, Pennsylvania,[1] Nichopoulos moved to Anniston, Alabama, during his infancy where his father, a Greek immigrant, opened a restaurant called Gus' Sanitary Cafe. Thanks. Under Dr Gonzolez he was able to live a further 5 years of high quality life.

If you google scienceblogs.com you find it is run by a company called Seed Scientific. Splashing chemicals around is frowned upon and requires getting too close, so let's forget that.

Ive got a doctorate in chiropractic and a degree in nutrition. A fortune was made from its sale, but no cancer remissions were ever reported in the medical literature. Imagine if he had been prolix while spouting his gibberish! It would be interesting to know if the 25 Gonzalez patients who died during the first 10 months followed the protocol "properly" or not. Do you have a following? Deanna sounds like a dangerous person to be around. She says she's not; she is only REPORTING.)http://www.healthnutnews.com/holistic-fit-dentist-41-dies-suddenly-of-m.

So, maybe this person did die, probably of natural causes, during his most recent solo hike, or maybe he'll show up tomorrow and be astonished that anyone was worried. And while I'm asking, what combination of the following political/religious traits is Obama claimed to have this week: Fascist, Communist, Muslim, atheist? You also need to take into account the fact that the vast majority of deaths from prescription drugs are in people who would undoubtedly have died without treatment. Anyway, he'll never find you now that you're back in Sherbrooke ;). author of the article, i truly hope a great tragedy befalls you soon, where you will be forced to make a much needed mental transformation, from a putrid low-life cunt who badmouths (deceased) people that were willing to risk public humiliation to help others, to something more. There were so many fatal flaws in that trial that the results are meaningless. 3) He was involved in a successful study involving humans with pancreatic cancer treated with his therapy.selection bias most probably but still impressive. Saying something is not scientific is not being scientific. I can only hope that some day he pokes a toe over the line and one of his victims/customers sues the pants off him. While I didn't check to see when Gonzalez made the statement, it conveniently overlooks the sources of chemotherapeutics in current use; some of the most important and first-line agents being plant-derived chemicals (e.g., paclitaxol derivatives from Taxus species, such as the Pacific yew tree).

The CIA is using them on truth tellers everywhere. I find this article really quite disrespectful. This hasn't stopped me from supporting anti-public smoking ordinances and other initiatives to get people to stop smoking (or never take up the habit). What, if anything, does it mean that the (alleged) sterility to USP and Ph Eur sterility standards is "performed externally"? Dinner jacket. A pioneer in holistic cancer treatment Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez died suddenly and unexpectedly from an apparent heart attack at his home in New York. In 2011, after his Dateline appearance went wrong, Gonzalez explained that his would-be independent witness Hyman is "a strong supporter, defender, and close friend".http://blog.suzannesomers.com/?p=66 The patients on the Gonzales protocol didn't do better than they would have with no treatment at all.

Those doctors are not quacks! "The results of this laboratory animal study suggest that to show effective inhibition of metastatic dissemination of the R13762 tumor by PPP, lower doses of PPP and larger numbers of animals, to account for the high variability in the model, will be required." WebDeath. Geez. The Simpsons looked to have killed Dr. Nick in the 2007 movie, but couldn't resist bringing the inept physician back to the TV show. the world is a safer place with Gonzalez gone, And the woo memorials for him are starting to pour in, "And no, Nick didnt just treat cancer. @114 Dangerous BaconSo by your logic bone marrow transplants, chemotherapy, and virtually all other mainstream treatments are 'failed' treatments as they are dramatically more onerous and unpleasant than swallowing supplements and eating a healthy organic diet - which is the essence of the Gonzalez program. If you Banksied it from somewhere, kudos anyway, but can you cite the source, so I'll know who might be annoyed when I attribute it to you.

It sounds so elegant and insidious like "illuminati".

A lead-in period would have resulted in only 9 patients in the experimental arm, too few to give meaningful results. The Simpsons has killed off a few characters over the years, including Dr. Nick, the world's worst physician, but the writers soon brought him back.

She related to me just how huge the dug business had expanded. the effects of pancreatic enzymes on survival rates and tumor growth in rats with pancreatic cancer. They sent themselves to him, same as his paying patients.). Perhaps you could explain how specifically that clinical trial was so badly flawed that patients on chemotherapy lived three times longer and had a better quality of life than those on the Gonzalez protocol.

"No", said the health choice advocate who agreed instead to talk around the corner where a police station was located. The Simpsons looked to have killed Dr. Nick in the 2007 movie, but couldn't resist bringing the inept physician back to the TV show. To deny this is simply to mark yourself as confused on basic knowledge of cancer. That's already the case for adults with cancer. The body presented [by the government] didnt look anything like my boy.The Hernandez family joined about 50 doctors and nurses at the July 2 demonstration, braving the desert heat. They are not about to give any of it up So that's where the real corruption begins.

It must be terrible to have seen so many acquaintances (at least 200 by your statement) die from cancer. Comedian Nick Nemeroff died Monday, his family said in a statement mourning his "sudden passing." What I see in the comments is frustration over some who repeat the same failed arguments, and who also bring up the same flawed "studies.". Only a few treated mice at the late stage presented these abnormalities and in a less severe degree. Making a conclusion based on speculation as to why a test failed is extremely bad practice. I should add that Colin A. Ross, M.D primarily specialises in Satanic Child Abuse -- hence the Colin A. Ross Institute for Psychological Trauma -- but he has interesting theories on CIA Mind Control, "brainwaves emitted through the eye", and the non-fictional nature of the Manchurian Candidate. I suppose she might work in or near a cancer ward somewhere. The news last week shocked me, as it did undoubtedly many of you: Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, Americas foremost integrative cancer pioneer, had died suddenly. A hearty congrats to you. Oh, and has anyone heard from Ted in the past few days? When you look at large numbers with a conspiratorial eye, you can always find small series individual cases of people belonging to a group (alternative medicine practitioners, for instance) who appear to share some trait in common if that trait is defined vaguely enough. He was found unconscious in the bathroom of his home and was rushed to the hospital where doctors attempted to revive him. I agree with The Questioner below. But sadly, most people promoting "natural" or alternative treatments and "cures" are doing just that. My own interest is not by way of payment from the pharmaceutical industry, but the fact that more than a few effective treatments used to this day in chemotherapy began from studies on the antitumor activities of plants and their active "phytochemicals". In the 1960s in South America and the 1980s in North America, it was "pau d'arco" the inner bark of tropical American hardwoods, Handroanthus impetiginosus and H. heptaphyllus; syn. I wouldn't think corpse disposal would be the major issue (it will take care of itself in a couple of years, after all).

IIRC, all the parties involved in the Columbia study were enthusiastic believers in Gonzalez' treatment. O'Herb, at least, doesn't even seem to be familiar with Gonzalez's own ouvre: But to dismiss the trophoblastic theory of cancer without the slightest analysis, to ridicule his methods. SRSLY? In 1993, Nichopoulos had his license permanently revoked by the Tennessee Board of Medical Examiners, and was branded a Doctor Feelgood in the press, after it was revealed that he had been overprescribing to numerous patients for years. Ix-nay on the apers-pay until Sox ponies up and puts an ante on the table.

Certainly, the jury is still out on the overall effectiveness of their treatments.

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