Both are plausible and very fascinating. NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center/S. The Ra Material sessions conducted by these three individuals examine the meaning of our cosmic existence. This deeply rooted programming leads to the first challenge in the awakening process. This topic is key to understanding theBig Picturefor our planet, race, and the ascension of every soul on this planet. WebHumans were around 12,000 years ago and they made it through. But then there will probably be no power, no cars, no cities, so what does it matter. Week 1 of 12 | Topic: Red Pill vs. Blue Pill, Free Downloads, and Map Creator Interviews, Week 4 of 12 | Topic: Global Awakening | Cosmic Disclosure, In week fours program course, we break down our two primary topic headings and the thinking that went on behind the design and development of our platform! But what is large enough to affect earth like that? Our purpose and mission are to share, mentor, and coach our subscribers through the coming tsunami of evolving consciousness, undisclosed realities, global earth changes, and the galactic solar shift. . Up until the 1980s, the Sun was yellow; subsequently, it has become hotter and whiter. IDK man is this were true you'd have to think that the goverment was going around shutting down solar observatories and..oh. Sending tons of shit flying into space. Rule 2 does not apply when replying to this stickied comment. As of September 2017, Washington DC has been embroiled over Partial Disclosure vs. Full Disclosure. We are a community. These four elements are invisible to the eye and cannot be captured in the third dimension; they are only visible in the fourth dimension. Credit: NASA / Gary Glatzmaier / Phil Plait. The conclusions being drawn are new to the public. I'm a little late to this so my apologies for that. Glass beads everywhere. The Great Awakening Reports are only available to paid subscribers and are released on the first Monday of every week. I can't believe you guys aren't all over this. This will be the first challenge you must face on the road toThe Great Awakening. The Parker spiral & magnetic reversal point in the galaxy brings extra dust and plasma too. He said if you wait too long after cutting the leaf that the image no longer shows up and that the lag time there somehow indicates processor speeds or something. Works and images presented here fall under Fair Use Section 107 and are used for commentary on globally significant newsworthy events. Welcome to The Great Awakening Reports User Guide! Get first access to never-before-seen videos, exclusive interviews, and much more! We investigate, research, and report on a wide variety of topics that are selected to ensure you can find the information you need for an organic and personal path to awakening. Water becomes molecularly changed when introduced to different frequencies. Soft disclosure, including fictional works such as movies and books, subtle marketing, declassified documents, and advertising, has been in progress since July 2015. The rotation of the Earth will stop. When we recognize and use these elements correctly, our lives will be changed. You are vibrating particles, everything you see is frequency; just vibrating at different rates. And they do it cycles. As you study, you will connect the dots and see the main concepts at play. When people think that these elements only belong to the third dimension, they will wander in their lives, not going in the direction they want to go. Core samples from both arctic poles show layers of solar radiation particles mixed with cataclysmic ash and ocean displacements evidence. The 754 sq. That's when I found the galactic current sheet. COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER: Citation of articles and authors in this report does not imply ownership. Free Will Universe | The End of The Game | God Wins.

That's Apocalypse 101 stuff. However, over the last 11 years,the magneticpole has been moving very fast and is currently moving a rate of 5.25 miles ever 30 days! You probably don't hear a peep about it because it's legit. GAR Contributors and editors post from over 500 sources, with new material every week. Our solar systems movement towards the center of this cloud creates energy waves of ever-increasing energies and higher frequencies. The Carrington Event was a powerful geomagnetic storm (Super Flare) on September 12, 1859, during solar cycle 10 (18551867). Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson believe that multiple asteroid impacts caused a global catastrophe 12,800 ya.

Most will cling onto their current structures for some stability during this ever-changing landscape of information we call The Great Awakening. I appreciate your work since I presently make more than $36,000 a month from one straightforward internet business! What is the Great Awakening? The US sent astronauts to the moon to look for signs of the last Galactic Flash since the evidence is hidden on Earth. We are creative thinkers and visionaries working as guides, coaches, and consultants as we transition into The Great Awakening., The Great Awakening Report | START HERE | Who We Are, HOME PAGE | Who We Are We are a community of cultural creatives and like-minded people seeking truth, awakening, and disclosure. For Fun, here are some THEORIES of what may happen: I even have made $17,180 only in 30 days straightforwardly working a few easy tasks through my PC. The conspiracy is that all of this is known by the US govt and they are covering it up to keep the masses from freaking out. Dont ignore your inner intelligence, the feeling that you are here for a greater purpose.

I thought this disaster emphasis was probably a far-out, theoretical extrapolation of some kind, based on sound scientific information. All relay a warning to humanity of dramatic changes to our planet, consciousness, and physical being. Sequence showing a physical model of magnetic reversal, where blue and yellow lines represent magnetic flux toward and away from the Earth, respectively. The Golden Era has been anticipated for millennia, and it is a new era of light for humanity. Re-learn this universe as a child would, but this time leave the programming behind. Are these related? Before that, we are beginning to see a more rapid decrease in magnetic field strength, affecting solar intensity in the atmosphere as well as species migration, development, and habitat. every 180 years apart. In the list of the goals of the foundation there's this: "Expand our finding on the Hebrew alphabet and its similarity to Quantum Computing and its programming," if that gives you any perception of the level of nonsense we're talking about here. approximately two thousand years ago. The Ascension is the graduation opportunity of a souls journey through incarnations of experiencing polarity in the 3rd dimension reality of Free Will. One thing is certain and that is there has been plenty of disinformation to dumb down, distract and mislead. Within each density, there are seven sub-densities. Ra, The Law of One. Without the surfacing of our ancestral traumas, we have no way to heal from them. Celestial alignments have a direct effect on human evolution upon Earth. **The conspiracy subreddit is a thinking ground. He seems to think that the Sun has a 12,068-year cycle, and at the peak it undergoes something he calls a "micronova." WebFeb 2, 2015 Catastrophes For Life From the Sun: Distant Past and Near Future By Vladimir Airapetian Understanding the evolution of Earth requires understanding its relationship to Well, like any two magnets that attract to one another, a stronger magnet can make another flip completely. ft. home is a 3 bed, 2.0 bath property. ** Your email address will not be published. Our sun theoretically could micronova in 2046. Bi-Monthly Newsletter: New Stuff & Sales to your Inbox! | | Corao Galctico, Cobras verslag nav de Terugkeer van Licht meditatie: Bubbles of Heaven, 21 januari 2019 | Info-blog The Event-NL, Cobra: Bubbles of Heaven | The Portal | Forever Unlimited, Bubbles Of Heaven :: The Portal | SoulSong,,,,,,,,, Bubbles of Heaven | Prime DisclosurePrime Disclosure, - , , | . It will be done slowly. We can't even predict when the 11-year sunspot cycles will start or end, yet he seems to think he can nail down a multiple-millennium cycle to 0.008% accuracy. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Weekly and monthly headline new podcast, and the awakening journey 12 weeks program. We are experiencing the most exciting time to be incarnate on Earth. The term was used within early Christianity to refer to a life oriented toward the Holy Spirit and broadened during the Late Middle Ages to include mental aspects of life. As you develop fifth-dimensional consciousness through practices such as meditation, art, music, chanting, prayer, and, by healing your traumas with forgiveness and gratitude, you begin to. With such strong beliefs, it can be difficult for someone to accept different ideas or belief structures that dont match their current knowledge or understanding of how the world works. The students will also be trained by top educational institutions, including IIT-Madras, and will be given Rs 12,000 a year when they pursue higher education. It entails a series of escalating energetic waves leading up to a singular moment known as The Event. Earths 24-hour cycle, the 365-day cycle of the seasons, the 2,100-year cycle of zodiac ages, and the 26,000-year precession of the equinoxes are all caused by the Earths spin on its axis in relation to the Sun. But this is very different than physically flipping the Earth over, so that south becomes north and vice versa. This can only be caused by a tilt of the earths axis, every 12,000 years. None of this can happen, so it's nothing to worry about. At the beginning of the agricultural revolution, between 10,000 and 12,000 years ago, farmers from the Middle East swept across Europe, gradually replacing the native hunter-gatherers. Evidence for We dont seek to awaken anyone if its not their time. Hence, our mission is to be in humble service to others, helping those working through the process of awakening and disclosing the truth. We would continue to move at 1000 mph, completely obliterating all life forms on earth, which would discredit any supposed evidence that anything has survived these events in the past. Just click the link>>>, Google pays a good associate degree working from home earning between $4,500 and $6,000 per week. The earth is having a cooling period because we are going into a solar minimum. Copyright 2022 Great Awakening Report - All Rights Reserved, Geopolitical: Deep State / Alliance News Global Economic International Monetary System, Global Weather: Geophysical Earth Changes Planetary Climate, Health Watch: FDA and Big Pharma Food Industry Alternative Health, True History: Archaeology Ancient Text Real U.S. History, Hidden Truths: New Sciences Advanced Technologies Secret Space Program, The Event: Galactic Energy Cloud Galactic Flash Ascension, Spirituality: Consciousness Manifestation Forgiveness, Path of Awakening: Meditation Practice Healing Practice Healthy Lifestyle, The Event is described as a 26,000-year grand cycle based on our solar system being part of a binary or two-star system. I just started watching this Diehold Foundation stuff today from the beginning, series 1 part 1. I fell into this trap for a bit, unfortunately most of the people claiming this stuff have very little to no scientific background whatsoever. Data spanning hundreds of thousands of years, confirming earths cyclic climate change history, and our present position in the cycle. With that being the case, you can connect the dots of everything; you can see how everything in the universe fits together, one subject at a time.

As each soul moves, graduates, and evolves through the densities, they will reach states of being that are increasingly closer and more resembling that of Source and infinity. Anyway, so about pole reversals this one is interesting to me. I'm gonna give that a big nope. Rule 2 does apply throughout the rest of this thread. This solar occurrence is cyclical. Full of neutrino tracks. DISCLAIMER: All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear anywhere on this site, whether stated as theories or absolute facts, are always presented by The Great Awakening Report (GAR) as unverifiedand should be personally fact checked and discerned by you, the reader.Any opinions or statements herein presented are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, or agreed to by GAR, those who work with GAR, or those who read or subscribe to GAR.Any belief or conclusion gleaned from content on this site is solely the responsibility of you the reader to substantiate.Any actions taken by those who read material on this site are solely the responsibility of the acting party.You are encouraged to think for yourself and do your own research.Nothing on this site is meant to be believed without question or personal appraisal. 12000 SW 31st St , Mustang, OK 73064 is a single-family home listed for-sale at $197,082. GAR Experience Intuitive website design allows freedom to follow what sparks your curiosity based on our 8 Primary Topic Headings in our Weekly Reports and 32 Topic Headings in our Monthly Reports. There is not doubt our Magnetic Poles are shifting and the field is weakening, that the Gleissberg cycle is there even if not that precise as he states according to data, that what's going on inside our core is not part of an "isolated" system. It would take me 2 articles to cover it all, possibly not as well. Wiessinger, In 2012 one big CME just missed us, and had it been aimed at Earth it would've been very bad, a grazing giant impact from an asteroid the size of a big moon might do it, when the President of the United States promotes a doctor. The Great Awakening Team continually researches the worlds trending and most censored information, focused on Truth, Consciousness, and Disclosure to deliver our Subscribers unparalleled reports. The Sun is getting larger and brighter. Think of Earth as that wingnut. The second is exploring new topics, researching incredible theories, processing new types of information, and expanding consciousness. Photography is key to your experience and the first step in understanding our numerous topic titles based on extensive research. WebThere is geographical evidence on Earth and the moon that micronova do occur in a cycle, approx every 12,600 years. I would like it to not take place in 25 years. Every ~12,000 years (and many ~6000 year half-cycles between) there is a major cold event on earth. What this means exactly isn't clear (which is true for most of his claims), but he says it will emit a dust cloud of some kind. I am aware that you are now making a good living online starting sb-05 with merely $29,000, and they are simple internet operational chores. The Event, a Galactic Flash, or The Shift is recorded in over 35 different spiritual and religious texts. The students will also be trained by top educational institutions, including IIT-Madras, and will be given Rs 12,000 a year when they pursue higher education. We are here to share, serve, spread the word, and personally coach people within this growing community. BTW, the poles have been moving around for decades and are accelerating. The last major megafauna extinction event happened about 11,600 years ago. I wouldn't be surprised if they delete this post TBH.. And the image of the missing part of the leaf shows up!? The earth will burn up the Bible tells us! Thanks for this brutal truth. We are the storytellers of our time, offering information and ideas that are integral to our advancement. Subscribe toThe Great Awakening Reporttoday! I've tried before with a post mentioning Doug Vogt, the coming nova, as well as the Bank Of America murals almost predicting it. Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. The crust and water will keep rotating until it doesn't (aka lots of shit happens real fast). The claims he is making are fascinating and terrifying at the same time. In my experience and research, I have found coverup after coverup when it comes to NASA or any space program. Even More Evidence of the Galactic Current Sheet. Our weather patterns have been changing for years and strange weather patterns have been increasing as time goes on; more earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes and more have been on the uptick across the board! Traditionally, spirituality referred to a religious process of re-formation that aims to recover the original shape of man, oriented at the image of God, as exemplified by the founders and sacred texts of the worlds religions. ft. home is a 3 bed, 2.0 bath property. For example, take our current dimension; we live in the third dimension with first, second, and third-density life (with higher densities visiting and getting channeled or called). Google Layoffs: In January year, the parent company of Google, Alphabet Inc, announced that it will be laying off 12,000 employees worldwide, which accounts for six per cent of Alphabet's global workforce., Companies News, Times Now View more property details, sales history and Zestimate data on Zillow. Changes in earths Frequency will effect the human body, but will it effect it in a negative or positive way? I have been studying this for quite a while. It is ever-mounting evidence backed by many peer-review studies. Brasilero amused by problems in North America and Europe. MLS # 1056109 Let your curiosity and intuition guide you to your sources of information and next topic of study. Thank you to everyone who supported Haymarket Center this year through attending events, donating, sharing our posts on social media, and everything else you all do! >>> work at home, God is flipping the poles because it is nessisary for us to achieve 5d. This is a forum for free thinking, not hate speech. The 200 year 12,000 year Climate Cycle Convergence + Solar Maximum. I mean, a grazing giant impact from an asteroid the size of a big moon might do it, but again the pole reversal would be the least of our worries, since an event like that would melt the Earth's crust all the way down to its base. We are here to teach, to spread the word, to serve and to help. Eschatology is the study of last things or the end times, but implicit with a new beginning: the future Millennium and the Eternal State, and both involved conscious people and a new earth. 12000 SW 31st St , Mustang, OK 73064 is a single-family home listed for-sale at $197,082. An epic moment for humans on Earth and NO ONE even knows! There is a lot of evidence to support their claim, including the new discovery of impact craters in Greenland. Every 12,000 years approx., the galactic current sheet, a wave of energy from the center of the galaxy, enters the solar system and causes what is called a magnetic excursion event. You feel drawn to this information for a reason. Stalin I don't think Ben Davidson is a Solar Scientist though. WebPlasma, Solar Outbursts, and the End of the Last Ice Age. ft. condo is a 1 bed, 1.0 bath unit. Souls then choose to re-enter the 3D game again or move on to higher dimensions of experience. There was no single factor that led humans to begin farming roughly 12,000 years ago. Great Awakening Maps, Free Downloads, and Map Creator Interviews. Our goal is to help our Subscribers create their own experience, develop a clear understanding of the Great Awakening Journey, and discover their Mission and Path of Awakening. Any individual can try this best job and get more money online going this article.. Late in the year. The Event is the transformational ceremony that brings us into our new reality, our new Earth. These early positive ET groups reached out to governments who rejected their help due to the condition of disarming and destroying all nuclear weapons. No one should be hurt there is a video on youtube. Not enough heavy elements inside that when iron gets formed it doesn't fully cascade. The Lemurians referred to the Central Sun as the source of all life, knowledge, power, and God (Source). Our focus is real news as researchers, reporters, and truth seekers. Our focus is real news as researchers, reporters, and truth seekers. MLS # VAFX2120014 But you have to know what you are looking for, and subscribe to get alerts delivered on studies you are looking for. The imagery we select across our site is key to our experience. Unfortunately, many of these practitioners are being silenced and having their licenses revoked for telling the truth and practicing natural methods. ** About 10,000 to 12,000 years ago, around the end of the last ice age, an extinction event took place that wiped out many large mammal species around the world, including the wild cheetahs of North America and Europe.

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