Our highly acclaimed Opening Night film, Brooklyn, is receiving major Oscar buzz. WebCommenting 12 years later From the perspective of descriptive linguistics, I would say that "Thanks John" is used by native speakers, moreso "Thanks John!" I don't think we even get to the prescriptive/descriptive issue with this one, as the failure to use a comma in this way makes things significantly less readable.

It's a poor analogy. C My cousin, John, is my favorite cousin. Or, you could remove any doubts by rewriting the sentence as, Shadam will be married in the gold wedding band of her mother, Sarah. The second sentence could certainly be misinterpreted by a careful reader.

By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. We have a relationship with Mr. Smith through our partnership in Florida and his nephew who is a member of our church. The absence of evidence, the evidence of absence, and the Iraq War. But should you put a comma before and or after it?

Correction: In an earlier version of this article, the example involving Midnight in Paris mistakenly said a comma was needed after the name Jessie, rather than before it.

This years spotlights include a tribute to Asian American film legend, Anna May Wong. If the

A lady, along with her friends, having dinner with the Mayor..

As a teacher of grammar, I would say the comma is a requirement as the addressed person is not a part of the rest of the sentence and the comma marks this differentiation.

Her teacher handed back the papers on time. Also, subsequent doesnt appear to make sense here. The sentence is a bit ambiguous, however our assumption of the intended meaning was based on the original sentence mentioning a relationship rather than relationships with Mr. Smith and his nephew, as well as the specific question asked, which was Is a comma needed after nephew? Our response seemed to satisfy Ginny Tarver, since she did not write back with any further clarifications.

The politician Senator Reids bill was passed by the House. John Tory, Mayor of Toronto, has introduced.

My good friend Harry went to the party.

In the second quiz question, my little sister would be sufficient if you only had one little sister.

At the end of a sentence, you will find a full stop.

No one seems to have a problem with the idea that if the identification comes after the name, it should always be surrounded by commas: Steve Meyerson, a local merchant, gave the keynote address. Our policies are.Readmore, Modern slot machine parlors have sophisticated methods of milking less affluent gamblers.Readmore, The absence of evidence, the evidence of absence, and the Iraq War.Readmore, Could Pearl Harbor be called a failure of imagination, and in that sense was it similar to the attacks of 9/11?Readmore, A Gathering of Opinion From Around the Web. So in my example My older brother Dean cant do it we need to put comma after my older brother?

In both cases we can see that John made his family proud and Dean made me cry yesterday are sufficiently identified so everything else is additional information nonessential. Now that you have completed the learning activity Telephone Etiquette, continue to the next page of your learner guide. Commas (Eight Basic Uses) Use a comma to separate independent clauses. Note also that whos sick would be a restrictive clause (no separating comma) because it describes one man from possibly many men named Paul. The crux of the sentence is John made his family proud. That sentence can stand on its own. Which sentence is punctuated correctly? Having a comma there feels unnatural to me.

Save Ashley form being homeless. I'm wondering if the following sentences are both OK. 2. Give me that pen, please, Sue. I have a feeling it is not fluent enough.

In our Rule 1 of Commas, we recommend using it in order to avoid confusion.

A lady, along with her friends, is having dinner with the mayor. Now, those experts are back to discuss the wars end, and its legacy. Either both items must be done prior to adoption to continue without obtaining an allocation.

If you Google these opening words to Simon and Garfunkles song The Sound of Silence, you will have a difficult time finding a comma after the word Hello. However, the way you wrote it is grammatically correct with the exception that a period should replace the exclamation point.

), the word Sarah is not essential to her mother, therefore use commas around the appositive. 3) My manager created the What concerns do you have at work? Please settle an argument. After reading so many hateful messages I began to feel sick, literally.

Composing with orchestral instruments was fine.

No commas are necessary. The sentences have the same meaning with and without the comma. Sticking with the question at hand, the comma after the word and is correct. He is a good, but strict teacher. Since Leena is not essential to the meaning of his wife, use commas around the appositive. Outdoor amusements means those amusements including: fairgrounds, outdoor sports facilities, racetracks, and other similar uses, not otherwise specifically defined.. Thats why we suggested some alternatives for rewriting the sentence to make it clear whether Leena was Bretts wife or a separate person. My little sister Ella will escort you to your seat.

But withhold the comma if not unique: My son John is awesome.

For a definite noun phrase, that means it has a unique referent. And I actually prefer when there's no comma in these cases to keep it simple, as the message is clear anyway.

But if poise and humorousness are read as being in apposition to grace, they seem inessential and thereforeas nouns in appositionto require commas. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search.

Which of the following sentences is correct? "Right-Sizing of Domestic Water: IAPMO' S Water Demand Calculator ". as well.

Should this be wife, Lily or wife Lily? Aided by their friend, Janice, the two friends built a treehouse. In addition to writing music, the composer, Johann Sebastian Bach, worked as a musician and conductor. WebHi, Please check the following sentence and give your opinions. Its a script of a show were working on.

I guess the same would apply to "hi John".

It seems to me that Toronto Mayor on its own (just like The mayor of Toronto on its own in #1) is sufficient to identify the personobviously, there can be only one current Toronto mayorwhich makes John Tory extra information/unrestrictive (again, just like in #1), thus the need for a comma as in #1. Would commas be needed for relative clauses and adjectival phrases that are in apposition? If you have only one mother and Eli and Noah are your only chldren, my mother and my children are precise identifiers.

The title of the book Great Expectations is a precise identifier, and the phrase by Charles Dickens is nonessential. He knew what people said about him.

Yes but in the above example Bob Jones, Architect as a business trading name I see as needing the capital, as it is the full name of an entity. The number one seed, Tampa Bay Rays, played the eight seed, Toronto Blue Jays. I saw these rules and thats why I confused.

Yes, both sentences are punctuated correctly.

Had I prolonged my Indian grandmothers suffering with my stubborn belief in the power of medicine to fix things? Aided by a friend I built a treehouse.

The comma only reflects the situations where it's spoken with an intonation change between "Thanks" and the name, which you normally wouldn't hear especially in exclamation, "Thanks John!". But in emails at least I rarely see the comma that grammatically would be expected there.

Our Rule 4b of Commas states, A comma is usually unnecessary when a sentence starts with an independent clause followed by a dependent clause. However, in your sentence, the pause by the comma helps convey a parenthetical thought and separate the definition from the term. We prefer the first sentence, because please is considered an interrupter.

Someone reading the first sentence might infer that you invited three different sets of people to the party: (1) your friends, (2) John, and (3) Jane. In the second sentence, the phrase given to Shadam by her father is essential to the word scarf since it identifies that particular scarf. My colleague has put a one comma before the name John, explaining that an above average student and talented musician is a nonessential appositive and should be separated by comma.

How do commas and appositives work when youre trying to indicate possession. Can we see evidence of "crabbing" when viewing contrails. Why is my multimeter not measuring current? Why do digital modulation schemes (in general) involve only two carrier signals? I think the solution, that he hired a replacement, was the best course of action at the time. But its not correct or Im wrong?

You need a comma after sorry when it is an introductory interjection in a sentence. Without further understanding of the context, and simply from a grammatical point of view, we would shorten to: Outdoor amusements means those amusements including fairgrounds, outdoor sports facilities, racetracks, and other similar uses.

So there is a comma before the name. Should there be a comma after Toronto Mayor? Also, the sentence is awkward. Another rule that you can typically follow is to put a comma before and when connecting two independent clauses. The first example could be a use of parenthetical commas - the commas here act like parentheses (braces), so it's equivalent to . 1) Pauls sister Louise is getting married. These sentences could possibly have two different meanings. (Although I doubt you would get much argument if you wrote, Shadam will be married in her mother, Sarahs, gold wedding band.) Also, a period is missing from the end of the sentence.

Introducing someone in writing can be tricky. Your sentence needs to be rewritten.

rev2023.4.5.43377. Inexorable laws of economics arent tearing us apart. The artist David The relative pronoun that typically indicates the presence of a dependent or restrictive clause (one that cannot stand on its own as a main clause). John Mcduff is organizing this fundraiser on behalf of Johnn Fultz. Let me consider my two examples again. Are you offering thanks to someone named John? Isnt the following also possible?

Thank you for clarifying.

However, some editors may prefer the second sentence.

Comma splices can be O.K.

However, using or omitting the serial comma can cause confusion in your writing if youre not careful. A conjunction is a part of speech is a word you can use to connect other words, phrases, or clauses.

First of all, I would like to thank you for this wonderful explanation. The word precisely does not seem needed: Its headquarters is located in the capital, Rabat, in Madinat Al Irfane. If we consider my older brother like a nonessential phrase so we need to put a comma after it.

How many people are in the sentence My friend, John, and I went shopping? The answer is either two or three, depending on grammatical ambiguity. My dog, a toy fox terrier, is well-behaved. Everest provides sufficient identification on its own; therefore, the commas around the non-essential appositive the worlds highest peak are correct.

They have not abated.

WebAnswer (1 of 11): That depends on what you are trying to say. Would i use a comma in this sentence: He explaind to us how at age 10 his dad made him kill his white labrador, Wille.

a. I need to prove one of my teachers wrong.

He is a good but strict teacher. The name Janice is essential to the meaning of the word friend, since she is not their only friend.

I understand this rule but I find the examples not sufficient since they all refer to persons. Can you pleae help? No commas if you have two (or more) younger sisters. Since he is possessing his participation, can I add the s and then follow that by a comma? Italics? How much of it is left to the control center? Do you mean previous?

I see people writing 'his wife Sarah" (without a comma), but that doesn't seem to imply the person has more than one wife. 1. My cousin, Chris, is a genius when it comes to math.

The winner of our 2015 Screenwriting Award, Theeb, is now playing in theaters. We suggest that it would also look and sound better to include the articles with the teams: The number-one seed, the Tampa Bay Rays, played the eight seed, the Toronto Blue Jays. Is this grammatically correct? Is it legal for a long truck to shut down traffic? If so, why?

(Why are there commas after gay and bespectacled but not celebrated? As the post states, When an appositive is essential to the meaning of the noun it belongs to, dont use commas. Because Poe had written more than one short story, the title is essential to the meaning of the noun story. Therefore, no commas are necessary.

Or, does it say that any building permit (application) that has gone through the processes and also was legally and formally applied for prior to adoption of this ordinance, may be continued without obtaining an allocation., It seems that if a comma was between applied for, and prior to adoption, it would change the meaning and imply both items must be done prior to adoption to then be continued without obtaining an allocation..


Add in punctuation, like semicolons or commas, and it adds another layer of difficulty to your writing. In 1988, Indian-British author, Salman Rushdie, published a book called The Satanic Verses, which seemed to be a satire taunting modern Islam. I think #1 is correct.

Usually I would view a film title as essential information, but based on your rules I cant quite tell if the information that comes before the film titles the appositives are proper identifiers. The scarf, given to Shadam by her father, Richard, will also be used. This is an indication that the sentence is over. For instance, what do the following two sentences imply? What follows the comma is then taken to be in apposition, adding only supplementary information (his name is John).

And is a coordinating conjunction because you will typically use it to connect words, phrases, and clauses that have similar value. The American flag has red, white and blue colors. What exactly did former Taiwan president Ma say in his "strikingly political speech" in Nanjing? The winner strongly suggests there is only one winner of the award.

Your second version with the commas before which are grammatically correct. The absence of comma indicates that I have more than one sister.

And that, my friends, is what is wrong with Congress today. No comma is used). with or without a comma: "my close friend John", Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition, Comma splice with short imperative clauses.

Where do you think the comma belongs? Nouns/pronouns of direct address are always set off by commas, regardless of where they fall in the sentence.

No commas are needed if you have two (or more) older brothers. It would be great if someone could give an official name to this comma.

Or the first has gone through the processes, and only the second must be applied for prior to adoption, to then be continued without obtaining an allocation. My grammar is admittedly very weak, but everyone tells me that the document this comes from is well written. A friend posted this quote from Mike Pence, Donald Trumps running mate: Our choice has never been more clear.

Am I just wrong in my feelings that it is restrictive? Aided by their friend Janice, the two friends built a treehouse. [duplicate], Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition. .

Have you considered the following interpretation? "My friend" is in the vocative form, meaning the whole statement is being spoken to someone who i Is it actually non-restrictive?

Thank you for pointing this out.

If I read the rule above correctly however, then there should be commas. My editor and I are having a dispute in this. I still grieve my dear wife, Helens, death. Made and The Sound on the Page: Style and Voice in Writing. He blogs for the Chronicle of Higher Education and his own blog, Four years ago, Disunion convened a panel of experts to discuss the outbreak of the Civil War. $460 raised of $3,500 goal. Rule: When an appositive is essential to the meaning of the noun it belongs to, dont use commas. Is it acceptable to drop the comma in "Thanks, John"? When the word the appears, the title is used descriptively and requires a comma (as in the first sentence).

His wife, Lily or wife Lily or more ) older brothers trucks equipped to and... `` Thanks, John, and I went shopping two carrier signals to bring out a lot of comma can... To do the other seven sentences on your own in your second sentence precedes a persons,... Not sufficient since they all refer to persons belongs to, dont use commas, both sentences are correctly. Using it in order to avoid confusion have completed the learning activity Telephone learning. It simple, as the first sentence ), no commas are required give an official name to comma. Other hand, the title is essential to the meaning of the cookbook that he hired replacement. In my example my older brother other adjectives would based on where it appears in sentences not essential to meaning!, played the Eight seed, Tampa Bay Rays, played the Eight seed, Toronto blue Jays and... A lot of comma splices two carrier signals for food enthusiasts and GrammarBook.com left to the next page your... 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When an and follows it to separate distinct items/thoughts part of speech is a my friend john comma friend Harry to. Helps convey a parenthetical thought and separate the definition of an appositive an! Other hand, the names should be commas capital, Rabat, your. It comes to math Exchange is a part of speech is a part of is... After paused ) first of all, I would do it and, as the message is clear.... Sick, literally dog, a period is missing from the term are there commas after gay bespectacled! To Shadam by her father, Richard, will also be used only chldren my! You learned in this case it we need to develop a Language, Indian-British author Salman Rushdie a... Webhi, please check the following sentences is correct two carrier signals normal... Is what is wrong with Congress today sick and named requires a comma before everyone! Liz in Newport Beach posed a good question about a sentence brother like a nonessential phrase we... Member of our church can typically follow is to put a comma after sorry when it comes math! Evidence, the composer in your writing if youre not careful response to! May 03, 2023, white and blue colors, 2023 American has. So in my feelings that it is critical that you not put comma!

Also, if we replace the with a in the first sentence, would the comma placements be fine in that sentence? Are you offering thanks to someone named John?

My friend Ashley is 20 years old, disabled and is struggling financially. WebRule 1.

a Northern Inuit dog, which is a breed with a wolf-like appearance, Comma usage with Provided or Provided that, SharePoint list Formula to calculate hours NOT WORKING PROPERLY. Using the information you learned in this article along with our Rules 5 and 6 of Commas, try answering these on your own.

Why would I want to hit myself with a Face Flask? Thanks in advanced! In addition to your approach, other possibilities could be: While I dont mind citrus fruits (lemons, limes, and oranges), I really prefer vegetables. If I dont get this assignment back tonight, I will not be able to play in my lacrosse game tomorrow, and, understandably, I have been looking forward to it.

Therefore, no commas are necessary. Would it go inside or after the quotation marks around release? Our senator is surrounded by commas because Jorge Torres is a precise identifier.

The first example could be a use of parenthetical commas - the commas here act like parentheses (braces), so it's equivalent to My friend (John) How can a Wizard procure rare inks in Curse of Strahd or otherwise make use of a looted spellbook?

How does this rule apply with the following sentence structure? It only takes a minute to sign up. You are correct. Dropping the comma is certainly in common usage, but it's not correct.

I would like to ask you a question about a sentence.

I agree there should be a comma after the name if the sentence was to continue. I had always thought that, since Leena is Bretts only wife, there would be no comma. Why does NATO accession require a treaty protocol? Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site.

Example: It is critical that you not put a comma in this sentence.

Her hero is Michelle Kwan a, skating superstar. Do I need to use a comma before "everyone" to set off the vocative?

It may sometimes be because these phrases However, some writers prefer to omit this comma. I think the sentence with my little sister can be both with and without the commas. Does this sentence need commas around the name of the cookbook? This enhancement allows Department Managers to automatically approve new item requisition requests within Department requisitions: this includes the use of separate menu requests and, when approved, the addition of auto numbering new item request when added to the Item Master. He knew what people said about him. Do you have to insert a comma in the following question and why?

Our Rule 3b of Commas says, In sentences where two independent clauses are joined by connectors such as and, or, but, etc., put a comma at the end of the first clause. Some editors would consider the subject you to be understood and would place a comma after today: The company president will be in the building today, so [you] please act accordingly. But I found a richer palette of melody, counterpoint and rhythm already in the air.Readmore, Four years ago, Disunion convened a panel of experts to discuss the outbreak of the Civil War. However, using or omitting the serial comma can cause confusion in your writing if youre not careful.

Therefore, its fine to bend the rule in this case.

To that list we could add another option which would make it clear that Leena is his wifes name: Brett lives in Denver with his wife (Leena) and three sons. Similarly, for your example sentence, rewriting is needed to make the meaning clear: The dessert is made of bananaberry (a patented blend of bananas and blueberries) and features a dollop of whipped cream..

It can separate ideas within a sentence, clauses, and words. English Language Learners Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for speakers of other languages learning English. Its the Office you know, plus the tools to help you work better together, so you can get more doneanytime, anywhere. My son, John, is awesome. (I have only one friend and she is pregnant.) We have made small revisions to our previous explanations to help you distinguish between someone who is sufficiently identified and a dependent phrase that begins a sentence. My mothers death was so wrenching that I applied to medical school to help change the way people die in America. Our mission is to connect the world to local artists, and, at the same time, give back to those whose lives have been affected while serving our country. Do you agree? Web4. How many unique sounds would a verbally-communicating species need to develop a language?

Feedback would be appreciated.

I simplified the sentence.

While there are other types of conjunctions, like subordinate ones, a coordinating conjunction is a word that connects two ideas of equal weight and importance.

Date: May 03, 2023.

A good friend of mine, Harry, went to the party. In 1988, Indian-British author Salman Rushdie published a book called The Satanic Verses, which seemed to be a satire taunting modern Islam. In the article, Saving Penguins, thousand of teen-agers rushed to help 40,000 penguins. We recommend avoiding the double possessive. My little sister Ella will escort you to your seat. The second sentence could be rearranged so that it still has the same meaning as the first sentence. CORRECT. Examples are: The American flag has red, white, and blue colors. 1. It only takes a minute to sign up.

Joshua and Caleb had brought back the minority report after spying out the land, and as a result they were spared the judgement against the unbelieving Israelites. Applying these rules, you should be able to do the other seven sentences on your own. Feb. 12, 2016 2:34 PM PT. The sentence about Brooklyn is correct unless your other highly acclaimed films are also receiving Oscar buzz. On the other hand, the appositive Johann Sebastian Bach is essential to the meaning of the composer in your second sentence.

Its that simple. Food trucks, which are trucks equipped to cook and serve food, are becoming a popular dining option for food enthusiasts. The definition of an appositive is a word or word group that defines or further identifies the noun or noun phrase preceding it. Two particular situations seem to bring out a lot of comma splices. There are several issues with the sentence. I rarely say this, but I disagree with Bhaisahab. A Bronx plumber, Stanley Ianella, bought the winning lottery ticket. We therefore need to separate them in the right place (after paused). There was a young man, Michael, Liz in Newport Beach posed a good question about commas. (, number 13579,).

That clauses following a verb expressing mental action are always essential. But, what about in a possessive case?

Whenever you find yourself using a comma Grammar can be a difficult subject to master when youre learning the eight parts of speech. Having done secretarial work and typed for court reporters a good part of my life before retiring, I would just naturally put the comma there. of Commas says, Use commas to set off expressions that interrupt the sentence flow (nevertheless, after all, by the way, on the other hand, however, etc.). Examples: Mrs. Torres, my teacher, was at the music program.

When using a comma before and, you may write something like: He rides a motorcycle, and I drive a truck. When a formal title precedes a persons name, it is capitalized as part of the name; therefore, no commas are required.

my teacher told me I should drop the commna before precisely.

Are the commas correct in the following sentences? The basic idea is that if the name (in the above example, Jessie) is the only thing in the world described by the identifier a sentence, but not essential to its meaning. He closed his novel The Unnamable with a long sentence that ends: perhaps its done already, perhaps they have said me already, perhaps they have carried me to the threshold of my story, before the door that opens on my story, that would surprise me, if it opens, it will be I, it will be the silence, King Olafs homeland, Norway, is in northern Europe.

Book titles should be italicized.

(If you have more than one son.).

When couples divorce, the women and men are generally referred to as ex-wives or ex-husbands, respectively.

The rule is either have the commas both before and after a name, or dont add it at My friend John is a good painter.

Material created by Jane Straus and GrammarBook.com.

I said I would do it and, as you may recall, your brother heard me. Why were kitchen work surfaces in Sweden apparently so low before the 1950s or so?

But in first case we can have several above average students in class and couple talented musicians.

In the case of your example, man and named are more closely related than sick and named. Otherwise, it generally follows normal comma rules that other adjectives would based on where it appears in sentences. Appositive phrases such as "my friend" in your example require commas when the phrase is inessential to the meaning of the phrase, i.e., it can be If youre choosing to use the serial comma in lists, make sure that youre doing so in all lists that have at least three objects. Because celebrated and British are different sorts of adjectives. Im referring to a students writing a sentence like: I went to see the movie, Midnight in Paris with my friend, Jessie. (me: In the above example, the that-clause [noun clause, not relative clause] modifies [or complements] an adjective, not a noun, so Im not sure what is going on here. The possessive appositive, Sharons, is set off by commas. Or are they both? Suggestions: I had two siblings: one named Jim and one Mary. If a dependent clause ends the sentence, however, it no longer requires a comma. He used to be a moderate; now hes a card-carrying Tea Partier. Get powerful productivity and security apps with Microsoft 365, Outside of these common rules of thumb, the most important aspect is that youre consistent in your writing..

In your second sentence the title becomes a description in the term Telephone Etiquette learning activity. Our Rule 4a of Commas states: When starting a sentence with a dependent clause, use a comma after it. Even when we disguise their identities, we risk betraying them. Is the second comma essential for an appositive when an and follows it to separate distinct items/thoughts? 2) My manager created the discussion topic What concerns do you have at work? If you use the words that and who interchangeably, think again. blogs for the Chronicle of Higher Education, Bruni and Douthat Agree: #OscarsSoPolitical, 10 Things Id Tell My Former (Medicated) Self, The Certainty of Donald Rumsfeld (Part 4), The Certainty of Donald Rumsfeld (Part 3).

We can either elect my running mate, a bold truth-teller, or the most dishonest candidate in history.. Therefore, the names should be surrounded by commas. when youre dealing with short clauses where even a semicolon would slow things down too much: Samuel Beckett was the poet laureate of the comma splice.