"00:29:32.357 --> 00:29:34.023That's a disinvestment.00:29:34.023 --> 00:29:36.439"We're gonna closethese stores and move them,"00:29:36.439 --> 00:29:39.357and that happenedwith changes in manufacturing.00:29:39.357 --> 00:29:43.232You don't have steelworkersin Englewood anymore.00:29:43.232 --> 00:29:44.315You don't have people working00:29:44.315 --> 00:29:47.065at Campbell's soup factoryanymore.00:29:47.065 --> 00:29:49.439Then what happens is,your community sinks.00:29:49.439 --> 00:29:50.606It doesn't happen overnight,00:29:50.606 --> 00:29:56.439but it happens,certainly, at a pace.00:29:59.439 --> 00:30:02.898- Come all on in, kids.Come on.00:30:05.481 --> 00:30:08.648- All right, you ready?- Mm-hmm.00:30:10.982 --> 00:30:13.439- Colean and Jeremiah Scottwere not even born00:30:13.439 --> 00:30:16.439when the red lines were drawnaround their neighborhood,00:30:16.439 --> 00:30:20.107but the repercussionsare all around them.00:30:22.149 --> 00:30:22.940- This is the first one.00:30:22.940 --> 00:30:24.107- This is the first oneright here.00:30:24.107 --> 00:30:26.315- This is the first one.- That's the second one.00:30:26.315 --> 00:30:27.107- This is the second one.00:30:27.107 --> 00:30:28.982- And then you can justcount 'em as you go.00:30:28.982 --> 00:30:31.440- That's number three.00:30:32.648 --> 00:30:34.439And it's right nextto the school.00:30:34.439 --> 00:30:36.815If my daughterwas to go to school here,00:30:36.815 --> 00:30:38.107she would have to walk past00:30:38.107 --> 00:30:39.274all theseabandoned buildings00:30:39.274 --> 00:30:42.107- Just to get to school.- Just to get to the school.00:30:42.107 --> 00:30:42.648Wait a minute!00:30:42.648 --> 00:30:44.606- This one here.- Now, did you see that?00:30:44.606 --> 00:30:47.149This building right here.00:30:47.857 --> 00:30:48.481Come on, now!00:30:48.481 --> 00:30:52.439A school surroundedby abandoned buildings?00:30:54.606 --> 00:30:57.439- Yeah, come on.- Come on.00:30:58.481 --> 00:31:02.357- It's just,you don't really even00:31:02.357 --> 00:31:03.940think about it00:31:03.940 --> 00:31:07.439or really comprehend it,I guess,00:31:07.439 --> 00:31:11.399until you have to explain itto somebody else, you know?00:31:11.399 --> 00:31:13.274Then it's, like00:31:13.274 --> 00:31:16.731it's just rightin your face, you know?00:31:16.731 --> 00:31:20.439And I was upsetabout those right there.00:31:20.439 --> 00:31:22.565Look at that.00:31:22.565 --> 00:31:24.399Boarded up.00:31:24.399 --> 00:31:26.606All--the school is surrounded.00:31:26.606 --> 00:31:29.982What do you think about whenyou see abandoned property?00:31:29.982 --> 00:31:32.690It's abandoned,forgot about,00:31:32.690 --> 00:31:35.440left out, like00:31:37.857 --> 00:31:39.731[child shouts]00:31:45.439 --> 00:31:47.439- None of thisis rocket science.00:31:47.439 --> 00:31:51.690We all know what it takesto make a healthy neighborhood.00:31:51.690 --> 00:31:54.439It doesn't require youto have mansions on the street.00:31:54.439 --> 00:31:57.357It requires you to havethe grocery stores,00:31:57.357 --> 00:31:59.481the coffee shops,the restaurants,00:31:59.481 --> 00:32:01.439the beauty parlors,the barbershops.00:32:01.439 --> 00:32:04.439These are all institutionsthat help make streets safe.00:32:04.439 --> 00:32:06.606They provide places,certainly in the wintertime00:32:06.606 --> 00:32:09.940and summertime,for cooling and heating.00:32:09.940 --> 00:32:15.69000:32:15.690 --> 00:32:20.440- This map is, in a sense,an exemplar or a model00:32:20.440 --> 00:32:25.399of all of those issuescoming together in one place.00:32:25.399 --> 00:32:29.982For example, communities thathave no supermarkets in them.00:32:29.982 --> 00:32:34.606If you map out vacant lots,violent crime rates,00:32:34.606 --> 00:32:38.315diabetes, breast cancer,00:32:38.315 --> 00:32:40.439and on and on and on00:32:40.439 --> 00:32:45.439and so map after map after mapshows the distribution00:32:45.439 --> 00:32:48.107of the highestmortality and morbidity00:32:48.107 --> 00:32:50.107throughout the city.00:32:50.523 --> 00:32:54.399- Let me be really clear.Racism is not a disaster.00:32:54.399 --> 00:32:56.898It's somethingthat human beings invented00:32:56.898 --> 00:32:59.023and created and keep healthy.00:32:59.023 --> 00:33:01.857Segregation is somethinghuman beings invented,00:33:01.857 --> 00:33:05.274specific human beings,for specific purposes.00:33:05.274 --> 00:33:08.399The health inequitiesthat exist are not accidents.00:33:08.399 --> 00:33:10.648They're created by people.00:33:11.773 --> 00:33:14.606- So the slow-motion disasterin Chicago00:33:14.606 --> 00:33:17.439was the direct resultof public policies00:33:17.439 --> 00:33:21.274that effectively dividedthe city into haves00:33:21.274 --> 00:33:22.439and have-nots.00:33:22.439 --> 00:33:26.439And it was precisely theselife-and-death inequalities00:33:26.439 --> 00:33:30.399that motivated Dr. Whitmanto step down from his post00:33:30.399 --> 00:33:33.190as the city'schief epidemiologist00:33:33.190 --> 00:33:36.982to lead the SinaiUrban Health Institute.00:33:39.648 --> 00:33:41.857- We've done study after studyand published it00:33:41.857 --> 00:33:43.857in all of our mostprestigious journals00:33:43.857 --> 00:33:48.149showing not only that blackpeople and other poor people00:33:48.149 --> 00:33:50.315have much worse healthbut, in fact,00:33:50.315 --> 00:33:52.399that the differencesin measures of health00:33:52.399 --> 00:33:55.690are growing worseeverywhere we look in Chicago.00:33:55.690 --> 00:33:58.439That's happening becausethe rich are getting richer,00:33:58.439 --> 00:33:59.399the poor are getting poorer,00:33:59.399 --> 00:34:01.399and the poor are not onlygetting poorer,00:34:01.399 --> 00:34:04.190but they're getting sickeras well.00:34:04.190 --> 00:34:05.815Life expectancy in the Loop,00:34:05.815 --> 00:34:09.274where we're sitting now,is 81 years.00:34:09.274 --> 00:34:12.439And for black communitiesthroughout Chicago,00:34:12.439 --> 00:34:13.523it was 65 years.00:34:13.523 --> 00:34:17.39916 years' differencein life expectancy,00:34:17.399 --> 00:34:20.274and you could walk fromone community to the other.00:34:20.274 --> 00:34:22.857One of the strongest correlatesof bad health00:34:22.857 --> 00:34:23.898for black peoplethat's been shown00:34:23.898 --> 00:34:27.777over and over in the literatureis segregation.00:34:27.790 --> 00:34:30.582We are one of the mostsegregated cities00:34:30.582 --> 00:34:32.039in the United States.00:34:32.039 --> 00:34:36.081If black people in Chicagohad the same death rates00:34:36.081 --> 00:34:40.457as white people,3,200 fewer black people,00:34:40.457 --> 00:34:43.039in just one year,would have died.00:34:43.039 --> 00:34:47.832Now, just think aboutour response to 9/11.00:34:47.832 --> 00:34:48.540Literally billions,00:34:48.540 --> 00:34:51.081even trillionsof dollars spent,00:34:51.081 --> 00:34:55.498and yet here's 3,000 deathsin just one year.00:34:55.498 --> 00:34:58.457Ten years,that's 32,000 deaths,00:34:58.457 --> 00:35:01.290just from racism,in the city of Chicago.00:35:01.290 --> 00:35:04.999[jet engines roaring]00:35:14.123 --> 00:35:15.457- Watching the annual air show00:35:15.457 --> 00:35:18.039along Chicago'smajestic skyline00:35:18.039 --> 00:35:20.206celebratingthe military daredevils00:35:20.206 --> 00:35:22.457who are poised to protect us,00:35:22.457 --> 00:35:25.749I couldn't help but thinkabout the disparity00:35:25.749 --> 00:35:28.331Dr. A searing yet quirky investigation into the naturall disasters were willing to see and prep Cooked: Survival by Zip Code tells the story of this tragic heatwave, the most traumatic in U.S. history, in which 739 citizens died over the course of just a single
Tim Libretti, People's World'Cooked locks in the details, vividlyMake[s] for enraging viewingRe-examining that summer will always, always be worth the time and trouble. Michael Phillips, Chicago Tribune'[Helfand] makes a persuasive argument that it's time to broaden the definition of disaster--to include the vast and ongoing economic and community inequities.' Web30s. Helfand, Judith (film producer)
Cooked: Survival by Zip Code is a story about a severe example of environmental injustice. Cine-File'A much-needed slap in the face to the American peopleIt's time that those of us with privilege do something to help those who don't.' Richard Roeper, Chicago Sun Times'Remembering not just the consequences of past socially created disasters, but also the causes, is a central challenge facing governments and individuals alike. country concerts 2022 upstate new york; gdol account number w2; are jim costa and robert costa brothers 739 citizens of Chicago died in a heat wave in a single week, most of them Nik Heynen, Professor of Geography, Co-Director, Cornelia Walker Bailey Program on Land and Agriculture, University of Georgia'Insightful[The filmmaker] doesn't pull her punchesshe addresses the situation head-on, explaining the real reasons why so many people died during this little-recognized disaster, chief among them segregation and poverty.'
It's a stark realization, to be sure.'
CHICAGO (WLS) -- "Cooked: Survival by Zip Code" is a new documentary that examines the July 1995 Chicago heatwave, which killed 739 people. Cooked tells a powerful story about the ways racial capitalism and a persistent lack of foresight collide to devastate communities, destroy families and ruin livesThe film forces us to think about the ways centuries of white supremacy and poor urban planning continue to require ethical and lasting changes to how we define disasters, and just as importantly, how we prepare for them.' Related LibGuide: Cooked: Survival By Zip Code by Laura Burt-Nicholas. Its a It's a fervid call to redefine notions of 'disaster' and invest in security and dignity among the vulnerable before disaster strikes.'