Country and Region values will be returned in their short code values by default. Thanks for keeping DEV Community safe. RO19333154. The PHP code connects the database and retrieves the country result in an array format. Required fields are marked *. By providing this value you will tell component what country to put at the top of the dropdown list for easy selection. I am a student If you dont want to make it a dropdown, you can embed the picker inline right package, such as next to indicate future releases, or stable to indicate Looking for something you didn't see or have a sales question?Ask us about it, we're here to help. you need to go app/Config/Database.php and open database.php file in text editor. If you want to know how to findusers locations, then the linked article will help you with an example. Let me know what you think about this tutorial in the comments below. How to Define Singleton Route in Laravel 9? Updated: One was to use ZipCodeAPI but they charge for more than 10 requests per hour, and I am not in a position to pay for their service.

Going under the assumption that you have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, I am assuming you have installed npm or yarn, the latest version of node, React, netlify-cli, have a GitHub and Netlify account, and have registered to use USPS WebTools. It great that this vue-country-region-select package itself automatically hanlde dependent region data. How to Declare and Use Global Variable in Vue JS? Data is updated on dependent dropdown according to parent dropdown selection. , If you enjoyed this post or if this post helped you in anyway, please consider giving a small donation to #VetsWhoCode. With that said, please don't copy and paste the code from this tutorial. Fetch API to GET items from the serverless function, Use Netlify Dev to create a serverless function I will explain how to make them as dependent dropdowns. You can alternatively store the data in a store somewhere. $1,525. Instead of user selection, some dropdowns depend on location, timezone and more. DEV Community 2016 - 2023. Each dropdown fields change event invokes jQuery method to get the dependent data. Within that change event handler, data has to be loaded to the child DropDownList based on the selected value of the parent DropDownList. Now days, all are using vue js with laravel 6, laravel 7, laravel 8, laravel 9 and laravel 10 version, so might be sometime we need to create function like dependent All we have to add is some conditionals and we'll be off to the races. It loads data from the database depends on the selected parent entity. Use v-for='data in countries' to add